A Glimpse

The family cradle in our bedroom with a hand crocheted blanket I got from my mother-in-law.

Some of the books we’ve got lying around that I’ve been reading (thanks to all the reminders of my mother).

The darling elephant board my sister-in-law made us.

The changing table and wall art (thank you Pinterest for the idea).

Our beautiful crib, a gift from T.J.’s parents.

A little bunting I made to decorate the crib.

Another beautiful blanket made by a close family friend back home-Nancy Doran.

A stack of baby clothes that will be traveling to the hospital with us.

The adorable baby swing/bouncer.

We are just missing one thing… the baby!

Your opinion?

So a couple of people have told me that I should watch some birth videos before I have this babe. Back in high school, I closed my eyes for the Miracle of Birth. Back then, I was so disturbed by the idea of all of this, I told my mom that I was never going to the “lady doctor” and if they forced me, I would want to be put to sleep before the doctor came in and wake up after he left. I finally got over that, and after having so many doctor’s appointments when you’re prego, it’s is not a big deal at all. BUT it still leaves me at the fact that I haven’t seen a birth before. I keep looking them up and almost watching them online but then chicken out.

What do you think? Do you think I should go deliver this baby knowing what is ahead of me and watch the videos? Or should I go in there blind? I’m thinking blind… ignorance is bliss, right?

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Cozy on up by the fireplace

  1. I realize I do a lot of these bulleted blog posts. Hopefully they’re not annoying but sometimes I have a lot of random things to say and this seems like the best way to do it.
  2. I did my nails last night for the first time in forever. Including my toe nails. Guys, do you have any idea how hard that is? To bend that way? It’s quite an accomplishment. Now I have adorable sparkly red nails for the holidays!
  3. Yesterday I went to the doctor and he relieved some of my anxiety. You see, I was kind of down about choosing a doctor who had his own practice because that means he’s busier. But he told me that he delivers, on average, 1.5 babies a day. And he’s always monitoring his patients in labor, online, even when he’s not there at the hospital. Phewwww. He’s a funny man, that Dr. Judd. He said the one baby a day is the easy part, it’s the half baby that gets hard. 🙂 Oh and update, baby is in the right position with a perfect heartbeat.
  4. When I picked up our car from the mechanics the other day, I had to wait for like 20 minutes. It wasn’t a big deal, I just checked my mail and facebook. But then mechanic gave me a $15 gift card for iTunes for the trouble. Don’t mind if I do! What great customer service, don’t ya think? Plus, they cleaned our car inside and out before giving it to us! So, if you ever need to get your car fixed after an accident, go to Cascade Collision on State Street in Provo.
  5. With that $15 gift card, I bought Michael Bublé’s new Christmas album. It is so good. So so so good. And so much better than Justin Bieber’s, which is a huge deal that I’m saying that considering how much I love JB. The only reason you can compare them is because they both came out recently. Anyway, I highly recommend that you buy it immediately. And start listening to it immediately.
  6. My new nickname should be Martha Stewart because I’ve been doing a craft every day over here at the Derrick household! I will show you everything shortly!
  7. I have had the BEST week with scripture study. I’m telling you, downloading the audio version of the Book of Mormon and then following along was such a good idea. Please do it too so we can talk about how much fun it is! The guy reading has an intense voice and gets really into it! And at the rate we’re going, we will be finished mid-December. Once I turn it on, I don’t want to stop because it’s like watching a movie or something.
  8. Thanksgiving is in TWO WEEKS!?!?! Where the heck did time go? I swear I was just laying in a tube on the wave pool at Seven Peaks! And you better believe I’m going shopping on Black Friday for baby stuff! It will be perfect because I’ll be 6 days from my due date and so no one will mess with me! Or… it will put me in labor! Even better. Anyone in the area want to go with me at dusk?

Bessie Gay Derrick?

Last night I went through my parents’ genealogy to look for possible middle names. Here are the best. Maybe you can help me decide which one to use:

    • Vida
    • Luella
    • Honor
    • Bessie
    • Olive
    • Gay
Well well well. Besides the fact that I slightly like Olive because it reminds me of the TV show Pushing Daisies. Kind of slim pickings, don’t you think? I need to go through T.J.’s family tree and start branching out to the grandparents’ siblings because I’m not sure our child will appreciate being named “Gay.”
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“I like to torture them.”

  1. Our crib arrived today! Thanks to my in-laws for the amazing gift and for setting it up! I will show pics once the nursery is complete.
  2. I’m in a very crafty mood. Now if I just felt good enough to do something… Stupid cold!
  3. Julie and Julia was just on. Do you love that movie as much as me? It’s one of my all-time favorites.
  4. I ate a spinach salad for dinner. Maybe that doesn’t seem like anything to share, but I kind of feel like I should get a round of applause for it… Yes… Thank you!
  5. I set up the baby swing tonight! It’s adorable… plus, I paid for it through gift cards, so that’s even more awesome.
  6. Have you ever tried to listen to the Book of Mormon while you follow along? One word, four syllables: incredible. I highly recommend it. Download it here.
  7. I badly need a haircut. I’ve worn my hair up with a headband so much lately… that’s when you know it’s really time.
  8. We get our car back tomorrow. Did I tell you someone hit us in a parking lot on campus? Well, the car’s been in the shop since last Monday and so we’ve had a rental. It’s a Hyundai Tuscon. I’m seriously in love with it, except for the fact it guzzles gas! But, I will be sad to turn it back in tomorrow.
  9. I think we have decided on a baby name. But you will just have to wait and find out when she comes…
  10. In correspondence with the title, we watched Ghostbusters this weekend and I thought I’d share one of my favorite parts with you.


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Lids down, I count sheep, I count heartbeats.

I was a big Barenaked Ladies (the band) fan growing up. Probably because my brother loved them and so I had to like everything he liked. But they were a really good band and last night, I was reminded of it.

Pregnancy + Sore Throat = Insomnia

I started singing “Who Needs Sleep” in my head then decided to get out of bed (hey, that rhymed!). Already this morning (it’s not even 7:30 yet), I have taken a shower, read in my birthing book, eaten a bowl of oatmeal, drank a cup of hot cider, worked a little for my dad, read the posts on my Google Reader, and now I’m finishing a blog post. Pretty impressive.

And although I was kind of bitter that I couldn’t sleep at all, it’s (1) preparing me for a couple of weeks and (2) I get to watch the snow fall right now!

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Weekend Happenings

36 Weeks

Friday night, T.J. promised he’d take me out to eat so we chose Red Robin. I love that place because of their fries (obvs.) and you can substitute a turkey burger for the regular burger AND they have this awesome pretzel bun right now that you can also substitute for a regular bun. Usually when we eat there, we don’t have to wait too long for our food but this weekend was different. It seemed like we were waiting there for ever and our perky little waitress loved stopping by every two minutes to ask if we were doing okay. Enough’s enough, lady. After getting our food, I told T.J. we shouldn’t tip too much because the wait was so bad and that girl really got on my nerves. But then all of a sudden she came over (again), and told us she asked her manager if she could give the pregnant girl a discount for having to wait so long for her food.

Oh, hello… sounds great to me. Turns out it pays to be pregnant. And sorry for almost not giving you a decent tip, dear waitress.

So, our meal was only $10! Score!

Saturday we woke up and headed up to T.J.’s family’s place for mine and Lindsay’s (my sister-in-law) baby shower. Kelly and Lacey made wonderful hostesses and the food was delicious. There was this pumpkin soup that tasted divine. Seriously, I ate so much of it and will hopefully get a recipe to make much much more. All of T.J.’s aunts and cousins came… there were probably twenty of us and boy, did we get showered with gifts. It was amazing. Our baby is going to be the best dressed baby in the area, I swear. I can’t wait to play dress-up with her!

And then on Saturday night, T.J.’s parents treated us to dinner at iHop and we decided it must have been every single employee’s first day working. There were so many awkward encounters, comments from waiters that didn’t make sense, and not to mention, a HUGE wait. Like, I’m talking about everyone in the restaurant looking around waiting to see if anyone was going to eat that night. How long does it take to crack open some eggs, ya know? But in the end, guess what happened… flash back to Friday night… we got a discount! Drinks were covered and 20% was taken off of our bill. Fabs.

Today I woke up around six without being able to swallow and my ears were hurting a lot. I thought I had gracefully gotten over my cold from this week but apparently it took another swing at me today. Please tell me some secret remedies you have to getting over a cold without medicine. I would love to hear it. Pleaseandthankyou.

“Is this real life?”

You remember in that YouTube video David After the Dentist where he asks his dad if this is real life? Last night when I was laying in bed with those cramps, I worried myself to the point of where I thought, “Could I really be going into labor? Is this really happening? Is this real life??”

After waiting for so long, it’s crazy to think that in less than a week I’m considered full term and in less than four weeks, it will be my due date. So, wait a second? There really IS a baby in there? Not just some weird alien moving around that will get out magically? I’m really going to have to deliver this baby? Usually when we say we’re going to “deliver” something, it’s in the context of…

“Hey, can I deliver some cookies to you?”

This may be my first baby, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be as pleasant as that.

Back to me laying in bed last night. My mind would not stop thinking about how we have nothing really ready for this baby. I mean, I guess we do. But when it’s two in the morning and you are thinking irrationally, you think you have nothing. So what am I doing today?

Getting my affairs in order.

I registered at my hospital, am finishing up some of my birthing books, am trying to get the baby room a little more together, and starting to pack a hospital bag.

Next time I have a little labor scare, I’m not going to have a panic attack!

Oh, and P.S. I woke up fine, I’m guessing the cramps were just pains from stretching. NBD.

Staring at the Clock

This evening I started getting pretty bad pains in my lower abdomen and lower back, they feel like cramps. At certain points through the night they’ve reallllly hurt and have moved all around the stomach, right now it’s really hurting underneath my belly button. I want it to be 8:00 am so I can call my doctor and have him tell me everything is fine.

Until then, I will be counting sheep while T.J. sleeps soundly through the night.

Advice from a Prego

I just got back from the doctor and will be going every week from now on. But the best news is, I’m done with all the doctor payments… now onto paying for the hospital bills. Anyway, while I was sitting in the waiting room, I decided I would write a post with some advice for all of my pregnant friends out there who are a little behind me.

  1. Wear your regular clothes as long as you can (especially your skinny jeans… oh how I miss my skinny jeans with the zippers!). I know it sounds fun and exciting to get some cute maternity clothes. But hold off because you will get sick of wearing those limited items every day.
  2. Going along with that, buy a pair of maternity jeans early in the pregnancy just to have on store because there will come a day where you realize you’re starting to show, you will have a dramatic breakdown, and those jeans will be the best things that have come your way.
  3. Really ask around about doctors. Find a doctor that is right for you and is on the same page for the birthing plan. I really love my doctor and am so glad I found him BUT I should have thought about going to a practice where there is a team of doctors. My doctor has his own practice and so if he can’t make it to the delivery, it’ll be a sad day.
  4. Going along with that, don’t feel pressured by other people to go natural/to have an epidural… figure out what is right for you after you consider all of your options. I’m kind of a wuss and not really into all that hypnobirthing stuff, so I’m getting an epidural like Amy Poehler in Baby Mama.
  5. If you feel like you are getting a little chubs in the cheeks, pull your hair up to elongate your face instead of wearing it down where it adds extra width. I read this a week ago on my prego app and feel like it has made a huge difference!
  6. If your feet are bothering you but you don’t want to stop wearing your cute flats or oxfords, but some of those Scholl’s gel inserts. They’re like $4 at WalMart and will make your dreams come true.
  7. Check out Kid to Kid in American Fork. They’ve got other locations but the one in AF is by far the best. I have bought so many clothes there that are super cute and were all ridiculous cheap. Don’t forget about TJ Maxx either. One you hit up those two stores, you’ll never want to buy anything from anywhere else because the prices are so good.
  8. Target sells nursing bras for way cheap. I’ll let you know in a couple weeks if it was a good deal or if you should buy from somewhere nicer.
  9. Rub your belly and chest as much as possible with cocoa butter or petroleum jelly. I haven’t had any stretch marks and I’m sure all the moisturizing helped.
  10. Take advantage of shaving your legs and painting your toenails because one day your body just won’t bend those ways and it will feel more like a chore.

And since I showed one Baby Mama clip, I’ve got to show another (this one might be a little TMI for a blog, but oh well). I read about this in one of my birth books the other night… and once again, I’m right there with Amy and Tina on this one.