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Weekly Thought List

  • It’s been a while since I’ve done this but it’s time to start back up again.
  • When we got home last night, it was a little cooler and it felt AMAZING! I hate to wish away the summer, but being in the heat when you’re pregnant is certainly no fun.
  • We drove about 1200 miles in two days and I realized that, out of all the cities we drove through, I would only want to live in four of those. McKinney, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Provo. Alright… maybe I could live in some of those ski tows in the mountains that were gorgeous (and probably cost a fortune to live in). But that’s it.
  • Root Beer is better than Diet Coke. Plus no caffeine which is a plus.
  • I had a dream last night that I went into labor at 38 weeks (9 weeks away!!!) and the baby turned out to be a boy. I was so annoyed at my ultrasound technician and kept asking her why she told us it was a girl… I was going to have to bring my baby boy home in a dress! Weird.
  • My new favorite breed of dog is a Golden-Doodle. T.J. thinks it’s the ugliest thing he’s ever seen, but I think they’re adorable! They’re fluffy, the name is funny (a huge factor), they are big dogs, great with kids, the one below will shake your hand and put his head on your leg. #1 reason: they don’t shed! Sign me up for one, please.  (The one below is named Charlie, which was the same name of my dog growing up, so that also may be another reason I’m in love with him! Look at his cute eyes and fluffy fur!)

  • I haven’t had any sciatic nerve pain since Wednesday. I’ve been watching my posture, which I think has helped. Oh, please tell me it was just a phase…
  • I forgot that my belly is still growing. I was kind of under an impression that when it got big a couple weeks ago, it would stay at that level of hugeness. But no, it still has forever to go and that makes me absolutely miserable thinking about. Get this baby out of me!!! I feel like a whale!
  • I finished the second Hunger Games book and am half way through The Help. Maybe I cheated a bit and listened to The Help as an audiobook, but it still counts as “reading a book” right? The second Hunger Games book was incredible and so intense! I hear the third one’s ending is a bit of a let down, but I’m still excited to finish the series. And then The Help is SO good, but so sad at times. It’s crazy that it was just fifty years ago when all of it was happening. Bizarre.

In the words of Princess Tiana… I’m almost there!

Guess who is now in her third trimester!?! Turns out the second trimester was a breeze and went ridiculously fast… there were aches and pains throughout the way, but nothing horrible, besides the weight gain. That is one subject I do not ever want to think about.

So, if you’re interested, the baby is now “almost 2 pounds and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She’s sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby’s brain is very active now.”

Pretty cool, huh?

On another note, everyone asks us if we have a name yet. We don’t. And I’m not just saying that so it’ll be a surprise. I mean come on, I obviously can’t keep anything like that a secret. But my favorite names are still Evelyn, Leighton, Audrey, and, my newest fav, Lydia. Pretend you like them, k?

What are the chances?

So, this story is super embarrassing. My mom is going to tell me that bathroom-humor is never appropriate to share, especially public on my blog. But I still have to share it, and because I’m pregnant, I’m hoping you won’t think less of me.

Here it goes. I was at Hobby Lobby today  and I accidentally… uhhh… let one. (That’s the best way I can describe it without losing all of my dignity.) I didn’t mean to, I promise! But when you’re pregnant, sometimes you just lose control and horrible things happen! This was one of those times. And unfortunately, a girl heard it and totally looked at me with a look like, “Are you kidding me?!”

My eyes just got really big, my face got flushed, and I turned down the first aisle available. I prayed that I wouldn’t run into her again in the store. But I did. We met eyes in the fabric section and it was like she was telling me, “I can’t believe you really did that!” And I was trying to tell her through my puppy eyes, while rubbing my belly, “I know, I’m ashamed… but my pregnancy is an excuse, right?”

So embarrassing. But it doesn’t end there.

Well, tonight I went to the Creamery with my friend and, lo and behold, guess who was in line RIGHT in front of me… THAT SAME GIRL!!! How does that even happen? I couldn’t face her, I just hid my face and hoped that she wasn’t telling all of her friends about the gross pregnant girl behind her.

Just you wait until you’re pregnant, Hobby Lobby girl… you’ll see how it is and then FINALLY you will understand!

How am I supposed to reach those toes?

It’s about time to cut and paint my toenails (that’s such a gross word, I’m sorry for having to use it). But I can’t reach them or bend that way anymore. I don’t like people touching my toes, not even my husband. So… now how am I supposed to do this?

Lots of Kicks on Week 26

As you probably could tell from my previous post, I got a little frustrated this weekend with the balloon under my shirt. But I have wonderful friends and family who really helped me get over it and realize I only have 14 weeks left! (On the downside, the next 14 weeks I will be growing like crazy.) But fortunately my attitude has changed a bit and I’m okay at the moment. Also, the new jeans I bought last night (pictured below AND on clearance) helped a lot.

Oh, and don’t mind the repetitive shirt that you saw in the last baby bump photo… I promise I wear other clothes!

Just in case you’re interested, I thought I’d share four things I’ve learned about myself lately:

  1. I can no longer bend over. Some angles are still possible, but for the most part I have to try to maneuver awkwardly or get down on my knees.
  2. The baby controls my sleep schedule. It reminds me of how my mom would say, “I’m up… everyone’s up!”
  3. They weren’t kidding when they say your feet will grow when you’re pregnant! I can’t fit into one pair of my shoes anymore and the other ones are getting pretty snug. It’s not just that they’re swollen, they’re actually longer!
  4. I know how this thing is supposed to come out of me… but I  can’t believe I will actually have to do that. In essence, the thought of labor scares me to death. So as much as I want this bump to move on its way, I’m also just fine with where it is.


I am not fat, I am pregnant. 

I am not fat, I am pregnant… I am not fat, I am pregnant… IamnotfatIampregnant…

Nope. Didn’t work this time.

Oh, no… Here come the tears.

Maybe looking in the mirror will help.

Even worse. What was I thinking?

Try to hold back the tears so T.J. doesn’t think I’m crazy.

Yeah, right.

Start the meltdown.


Yes, I know the pregnant body is “beautiful” but I this morning when I was trying to find something to wear, I didn’t FEEL beautiful considering I practically have a soccer ball strapped to my stomach. And the worst part is… I’m only 25 weeks! If I feel this huge and awkward now, what is going to be like as I get farther down the road?!?


Is it December yet?


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  • Last night I had a dream that my belly button finally flipped all the way out. But, instead of a regular outie-it was a flower. Wouldn’t that be a nice surprise? A flower belly button?
  • Where the heck did summer go?!? It is mid-August right now!
  • Hannah Judd comes back to the U.S. in less than two weeks. That’s about the best news ever.
  • Is anyone else getting sick of the movies playing at the Dollar Theater? I keep hoping new ones will replace the old ones but no luck. I will not see Rio even if it’s in that theater for a year. So, get it out of there already!
  • I had a charley horse in my leg the other night while I was sleeping (I’m telling you, this exhibit construction is killing me). It was so weird. I had a flashback to middle school.
  • My friend Megan from high school has this awesome job/internship in NYC right now as a designer for Tracy Reese. I’m pretty sure I’ve never been so jealous of anyone in my life.
  • I’m almost in my third trimester and lately the most common thought I’ve had about pregnancy is, “How is this thing supposed to get out?!”

What do baby hiccups feel like?

Sometimes I feel like the baby has hiccups (sometimes, as in, 80% of my day), but I can’t tell the difference between those and kicks. Those who’ve had kids, can you help me out on this one? What’s it supposed to feel like?


Old Woman, Old Woman

When I was in 6th grade school choir, we sang this weirdo song about a boy who asks this old woman to do things for her. It would go something like this:

“Old woman, old woman, will you do my laundry?”

Then the old woman (the girls part) would reply in song, singing how she was deaf and that he’d have to speak up.

So, as the song continued, the boy would get softer and softer asking questions to see if she was really deaf. Then the boy decided to play a trick on her.

“Old woman, old woman, will you please marry me?”

Then the old woman, screams yes…

It was so weird. So weird. And now, when anyone says “old woman” I immediately think of that strange song.


Anyway, that story relates to this blog post because my body is currently in an “old woman” state. I’m helping with the construction of the new exhibit in the library right now and so at work, I’ve been doing things my body is not used to. Yesterday, I had to sit on the ground for two hours and cut nails out of wood. Not only did this bruise and blister my hands from using the tools so long, my bottom region is SO sore. Oh man. It keeps cramping up and then I literally can’t move or get up. T.J. thinks it’s hilarious when I’m paralyzed on the bed and yell for help. But I don’t find it as humorous.

We have this pillow massager for your neck and I may or may not have used it to massage that area. No way of knowing. But all I know is that a pregnant woman cannot be responsible for her actions. She’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.



Merrily at 23

Well, here I am. Tomorrow marks week 23, which means in the next month my baby will be doubling in weight and my belly will really start poking out.

I don’t always feel like I look pregnant. I have some outfits that hide the bump pretty well and make people think, oh maybe she just put on a couple of pounds. (Which reminds me, I’m too scared to get on the scale now…). But today when I was getting dressed, I looked at my belly in the mirror and my jaw dropped. It had that “pregnant” look. Not just the size, but the shape and the color. It just shouted “PREGNANT BELLY!” Kinda exciting, and the best part was it had the look without the stretch-marks! You better believe I lotionize (with vaseline) that baby bump day and night!

We’ll just make this a full blown prego post. Last night we had waffles. We had a buy one, get one free iHop coupon so we jumped on that. Anyway (mom, stop reading this paragraph, I am ashamed)… usually I can barely eat half of a waffle. Oh, don’t worry. I ate the entire waffle, all of my hash-browns, and both pieces of my bacon (which, in my defense, were really small). The best/worst part was that after I finished, I didn’t even feel full. I could have eaten more. The pregnant body is ridiculous. Dwight was right when he said, “It’s amazing. A three-ounce fetus is calling the shots. That’s so bad a**.” And my baby is over a pound now…

I think the only other pregnancy story I have is another one about my emotions. I was listening to songs from Glee while in the shower, my iPod was on shuffle, and so a Christmas song came up. Since I was in the shower, I couldn’t just go and turn it off. So, I enjoyed it while I shampooed my hair. Then the song started making me think about the Christmas season and reminding me of all the festivities. That’s when it hit me. Next time I listen to my Glee Christmas Album, we’ll have our baby! I starting crying in the shower like a crazy woman. (Don’t you kind of feel pathetic when you cry in the shower? Maybe that’s just me.) But it got me so excited! Christmas is going to be amazing. It will be weird that I won’t be in Kentucky, but I am so excited to start our own family traditions as a family of three!

Well, that’s it folks. Oh, one more thing. I do want to say THANKYOUTHANKYOU to my sister Mary Beth. Last week she sent me a HUGE package of maternity clothes to borrow and baby clothes/gear to keep. It was the best surprise and the maternity clothes were a blessing. I have such a wonderful family!