My friend threw such a cute Gilmore Girls viewing party! Even the invites were adorable. It was fun to watch the first episode together, even though I probably commented way too much… sorry, guys! Sometimes I just can’t control my commentary! Thanks for hosting, Kelsie! And just in case you missed my thoughts on the new episodes, you can find them here! 09:00:552016-12-04 20:57:24I'm 99% certain I'm a Gilmore Girl!
I grew up watching Gilmore Girls. Rory graduated from college the year I graduated from high school, which was pretty emotional for me at the time. She was getting ready to move into a new world just like I was. I loved the fast moving pace of the show, the quick dialogue and the whit of Lorelei. I loved the special bond of Rory and Lorelei, how they seemed to be best friends. I loved Emily and Richard. They obviously had their issues with Lorelei at times, but there was always something so special about them as grandparents, especially Richard.
There were things that, of course, I didn’t love about the original series. I feel like I need to share this with you as well so you know that I don’t hold the show on a crazy high pedestal. Although I didn’t mind the character Christopher, I didn’t love that they had them get married in the 7th season. I didn’t love that it took so many years for L&L to get together but then they threw it away over stupid stuff. I hated how Rory lost her virginity (and who she lost it to). I hated how the show sometimes made us love Logan and how sometimes they made us hate him. Sometimes the writing was poor, the show was a little crazy and loud. But overall, I love it. It’s up there with The Office for me. Whenever I need a show on in the background (and TJ’s not around-he can’t stand how much they talk in the show), I turn it on. I’ve literally watched it countless times and feel like I know the show inside and out.
So, all that being said. I clearly was ECSTATIC about the return of the series. I knew its couldn’t live up to the original series, but I couldn’t wait to get immersed back into that world again. I have SO many thoughts about it all, so for my fellow fans, please comment so we can discuss!
I love how they handled Richard’s death. I knew this part would be so hard because unlike most shows when people pass away, the character who played Richard (edward Herrmann) actually died several years ago. I’ve always been a big fan of his since he was in the Longfellow Motab Christmas special. But I love that they were able to show parts of his funeral in a flashback and tribute him in some of the greatest ways, especially having Rory write her book in his office. I loved that they were able to bring some humor to the situation with the HUGE painting Emily had of him, and then loved when Lorelei saw the regular sized painting at the end.
Flashbacks to the original series. When Rory walked through her grandparents’ home and you saw them having old conversations and saw her Grandpa sitting at his desk… I lost it. So tender. So sweet.
The seasons. I thought this was pretty cool for the most part, especially since the original series always referenced the seasons and decorated for them quite heavily. I was a little confused at parts because it seemed like not much time really had passed in the story, yet we were in the next season.
Too much filler. I was annoyed that we were halfway through and not much had happened. They really should have cut out so much crap (I literally fast forwarded through the whole stupid Stars Hollow play), and then spend more time on stuff that mattered. More wedding, more Jess, more Emily. I don’t know, some filler stuff, just shorter scenes of that, you know?
All the old characters. I loved Paris. She was awesome. Seeing Lane was also fun and the rest of the gang. We didn’t need to see Mr. Kim though, that was a plot hole in the original series that didn’t need to be fixed. I loved seeing the old college gang of Logan’s. That scene dragged on a bit but I did enjoy it. Kirk was hilarious. OOOber was amazing. Ms. Patty, Babette, Taylor, I just loved them all so much. I do wish we could have seen Liz and TJ though. Oh, and I could have done without April. The answer is NEVER APRIL. She was terrible in the original series and just as bad in the new episodes.
Team Dean/Jess/Logan. I’m glad they only had Rory run into Dean, that they didn’t have a relationship. Because let’s face it. He was always the literal worst. I wish Jess was in it way more, that they DID have a relationship, but ending it with us knowing he still loves her was not bad. I’ll just get my Jess fix over at This Is Us to make up for it. Now, as for Logan… I really did like him in the original series (except for when he was a D-bag occasionally). So I was okay with him being in this so much, but the way he was in it, not okay. Both Rory and him were in relationships. It was so wrong and slutty. I really hated it. And they weren’t even happy. It’s because wickedness was never happiness, guys. And yes, I did just quote the scriptures when talking about Gilmore Girls.
Emily’s storyline. I loved it. I loved this part probably the most. To see her character grow so much after Richard’s death was amazing. I laughed so hard when she read that book about tidying up because my friend Danica just read that book and I got lots of stuff she was getting rid of. I thought it was interesting she gave counseling a try since she said once in the original series how their type of people don’t do that, but maybe she realized how much she really needed guidance and change in her life. I was nervous at times they were trying to make her have alzheimer’s so I’m really glad they didn’t take the story in that direction. Everything about how they wrapped up her story was just perfect. And ps-she looked AMAZING.
Lorelei’s storyline. I thought her acting was pretty good. She looked great and was pretty much the exact same Lorelei I used to know and love. Oh man, when she said she didn’t want to keep walking with Rory because she had already gotten her steps in… such a funny line and relevant to our time. Totally been there before! I was disappointed at first that she and Luke hadn’t gotten married, but then realized that meant we could possibly see them get married in the show. I thought it was perfect that she decided to run off for a little bit when she was going through all that stuff with Luke and Rory because that totally was how she was in the original. Remember when she ran away when dealing with Max? I’m also glad she actually didn’t go hiking because that, however, wouldn’t have been like her. It was so much better for her to go look for coffee and have that moment when looking at the view. Then to call her mom right at that moment. Fantastic. I kind of was wishing her greatest memory with her dad had something to do with the dollhouse of hers, but that’s okay. This was good too. She was able to patch things up with her mom, Rory, marry Luke, expand the Dragonfly. Good job writers with this part.
Rory’s storyline. I already mentioned this a bit back when talking about Logan. But yeah, I really hated her storyline. Fortunately, it was redeemed a bit in the 4th episode. She finally got a grip of her life a bit, but still not much. I hate how she pretends to be such a great girl but actually is really terrible, sleeping around, cheating on her boyfriend, treating her bf terribly. She’s just selfish and worldly. But I was happy that she saved the newspaper in Stars Hallow and wrote the book called Gilmore Girls. I started pretending that the original series was actually what Rory wrote, which was fun.
Now let’s talk about those last couple words. Those dreaded words. First off, no, I don’t think there will be more episodes. I wish there would be more, but I think if they were going to do it, they would have already started working on it. Honestly, I was loving the 4th episode so much. It finally was redeeming these new episodes, because I wasn’t in love with 2 or 3, and so finally… it was all coming together like I hoped it would. Rory started getting her shiz together, she ended it with Logan, Lorelei figured out what she should do about the Dragonfly, getting to see Sookie, marrying Luke, Emily’s life concluding perfectly. But then, after we are all so happy for getting to see that dreamy wedding of L&L’s, Rory has to ruin it like usual with her sub-par acting and telling us she’s pregnant. Really, writers? REALLY? She didn’t learn from sleeping with Dean when he was married? You spent the whole original series all about how Lorelei, a single mom, wanted to give Rory this new, strong, perfect life just for her to THROW IT ALL AWAY BY SLEEPING AROUND (WHILE CHEATING) AND BECOMING A SINGLE MOM HERSELF? Look, I’m all about having babies. I love babies. But she’s not even in a stable relationship. I’m SO sick of hollywood trying to demolish family values, telling us traditional families don’t matter. They do. Ugh. That’s a little bit of a tangent, but I’m just annoyed how they had her come full circle, because that’s not Rory. And it’s also a little bit of a slap in the face from the writers. Like, look… no matter how hard you try… you can’t change your circumstance. You’re going to end up just like the rest of your family no matter what. Dumb. So dumb. They just wanted to have us end on a cliffhanger so people would talk about it. I rewatched the 4th episode, and when she was asking her dad all those questions about how her mom raised her on her own, if it was the right thing to do, etc, I originally thought she was asking because she was doing research for her book. But now I’ve realized she was asking because she was trying to figure out what she should do in her own life. Anyway, I’m annoyed. I think it’s Logan’s. I think Rory (if the show were to continue) would raise the child by herself (or get an abortion, because I could see the writers doing something terrible like that), just like her mom because that’s kind of how the writers (I’m pretty sure it’s just one writer actually, right?) like Rory being-just like her mom and very strong-willed even if it’s to curse herself.
Those are my crazy thoughts. I haven’t even read through this guys, I’ve got to get wrap this up and head out for a bit but I’m too eager, I just want to share and discuss, so please ignore all my grammar mistakes! Comment comment comment, please! But not on Facebook, I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone!
The finale of Bachelor was last week. Usually, I watch the Bachelor the night afterwards on Hulu with TJ, but my friend Sarah told me and a couple other girls about a viewing party hosted by The House that Lars Built with games, giveaways, and food. I almost said no but then realized I’m always complaining to TJ about feeling like I live a monotonous life, so I convinced myself into it! I’m so glad I did because I had an amazing time catching up with some old friends who I don’t get to see too often. We watched the Bachelor, played trivia (and won, duh!), drank fancy mocktails, got awesome SWAG, and snacked on delicious cupcakes. It was a perfect evening out! 09:00:052016-03-24 09:01:51Do you take this rose?
Remember that one time where I actually won tickets to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon? It was the same day as finding out we were having a boy. I’m not sure which was more exciting, finding out the gender of my baby or getting the tickets… haha… jk… definitely the baby…?
Well, the day finally arrived for the show and my friend Hannah came in town. I actually said to her when I got the tickets that if she could get herself to NYC the ticket was hers. Twenty minutes later she had booked a flight. I think we are a bit obsessed with our pal Jimmy. But rightfully so!
The show was kind of an all day commitment because we had to pick up the tickets, wait in some lines, wait in the studio and watch the show being filmed but I loved every minute of it! It was so exciting to be in the studio (ON THE SECOND ROW, may I add?), watch the Roots, see Charlize, Tom, Death Cab, and of course, JIMMY! It was a fantastic day.
You can watch the clip below to see us! Start around 5:50 and we are right behind the girl who dances with Jimmy. I was shaking, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much, and my heart almost exploded as he walked towards us to pick a dancing partner! AH! It feels like a dream now haha! And don’t worry, TJ loves him just as much as me! 22:25:192015-05-20 22:25:15The Tonight Show
Tonight is the final episode of Parenthood and I’m very sad about it. Some people may think I’m ridiculous to be so sad about a TV show ending. But I don’t care. If there’s a show to watch and to be sad it’s over, this is the one. It was real. It was emotional. It was real life. I wish I could write a big memorial post about all of my favorite episodes, but I frankly don’t have the time. But this Buzzfeed article really nails it. So, if you were a fan like I was, click on the link and remember some of the best moments from the show!
Oh my gosh. So good. Get your tissues ready, guys! 11:21:222015-01-29 11:21:22The Finale of Parenthood
We are almost done with January. I don’t know how we did it, and honestly I don’t know how it went so quickly. But HALLELUJAH! We just have one short month of winter left then we can start seeing signs of Spring in March! I’m so grateful!
I’m taking Eva into the city today to see the Sesame Street exhibit at Lincoln Center. I have got to do something more than walk around the mall, so since it’s over 40 degrees today, we’re bundling up and getting out!
We have our interview tomorrow with the preschool we’re hoping Eva gets into next year. They watch Eva play with kids and see how she interacts with others. Oh gosh, please pray for us! Eva is a pleasant kid, I promise! But with new people, she’s a little standoffish (as are most 3 year olds) so I really am nervous because you never know what a three year old is going to say or do! Sometimes Eva tells people she has boobies, soooo… that could be a weird thing to say at an interview. And remember the time in the elevator when Eva said VERY LOUD that her dad hurt her bottom? Haha oh gosh. Totally taken out of context! She had a diaper rash, but the people in the elevator didn’t know that! PRAY!
Shoutout to my bff Hannah Judd who’s b-day is tomorrow! You’re getting realllllly old!
Last but not least, PARENTHOOD. Oh, guys. I’m going to be a hot mess next week when it ends forever. It has been such a great show and even though I’m so sad it’s ending, I’m happy they’re ending it at a good point instead of dragging it out for years. It’s definitely going down as my all-time favorite right next to The Office. Watch the preview for the finale and try not to cry. I dare you. 12:44:452015-01-23 12:44:45Friday Five
This week is going so fast. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday… awesome!
It’s supposed to be 50 degrees and sunny on Saturday! I’ve got to think of something fun for us to do in the city so we can take advantage of the warmth! Maybe we’ll go to a splashpad… haha just kidding. After months of crazy weather, 50 really does feel like summer.
Have you guys been watching Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show this week? We love Jimmy SO much and are so excited for this new change, even though it’s pretty much the same as his old show… still neat. Seeing his show live here in NYC is on my bucket list before we move. Last night Jerry Seinfeld was on and it was HILARIOUS. You’ve got to watch it below!
After 7 straight days of Eva not napping, today she FINALLY took a nap. She’s been asleep for almost two hours… sweet bliss! Let’s hope this breaks the no-nap cycle! Eva is not ready to transition to no-nap/quiet time. She is high strung (wonder where she got that? 🙂 ) and needs the nap still to get through the day or else she has a major breakdown at night.
Another Eva note… for the past two days she has eaten SO much. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s awesome. It’s not like she’s eating more than a toddler should, but considering it’s a constant battle to get that girl to eat a normal meal or more than a couple bites of anything, this is a big deal! I’ve been praising her nonstop since she’s gotten this big appetite and doesn’t fight me at meal time. Who knows what’s going on but I hope it stays! I was actually worried she would throw up because she’s not used to eating so much at meals, but she hasn’t had problems yet!
Sometimes I watch those olympians and just think how it’s crazy what the human body is capable of. Isn’t it amazing? They have so much dedication and motivation – it’s inspiring. I teared up when Meryl Davis and Charlie White won the gold medal in ice dancing because they’re so incredible! Ahh… I’ve just loved the olympics this year! 15:05:212014-02-19 15:06:20Hump Day Update
My bestie Danica over here wrote a post about her favorite Netflix shows. Well, I thought I would join in the chatter and share with my all time shows that are on Netflix (excluding the obvious Parks and Rec, The Office, Arrested Development, and Downton Abbey).
Law & Order: SVU. T.J. really hates this show, he thinks it’s just like everything else out there, as far as crime shows go. He’s pretty much right. But I really like the detectives and love seeing scenes of NYC. But I have to make sure I skip the episodes that would scare me because I’m already scared of being attacked and don’t need scenes from SVU to flood my mind while I walk the streets of NY and NJ.
New Girl. Season 2 just came on Netflix so T.J. and I are rewatching those right now. Too funny.
Friday Night Lights. This show will go down in history for one of my all-time favorite TV shows ever. It was such a good, heart-felt, family show! I just don’t know why it took us so long to watch it. Now that we finished the series, we are seriously missing Coach and the rest of the gang. Season 4 and 5 weren’t the best because we missed the original students, but we still loved it all!
Mr. Bean. I will always love Mr. Bean.
The Killing. T.J. and I watched this series together too! AMC really knows how to tell a story. Season 3 just aired this summer btw.
Pretty Little Liars. I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I’m just glad I watched it fast on Netflix instead of drawing it out for years.
Parenthood. I watched this series a year or two ago and fell in love with the Bravermans. I can’t wait for the season premiere on NBC this Thursday!
Okay, this isn’t on Netflix but it’s on Amazon Prime. If you like Downton, you should watch From Larkrise to Candleford. It’s just sweet drama.
The Guardian. The star in this show is the same star in The Mentalist, which is why I watched it years ago… I love Simon Baker! This was a good one though, a little dated, but still good.
The Walking Dead. I’ve talked about this show enough, I’m sure. But oh man… this show… the BEST!
I swear I didn’t watch all these shows at one time! You’re going to think I’m crazy with all these TV shows. Oh well.
What’s on my list next? Call the Midwife and Derek! What are you favorites on Netflix? 16:54:502013-09-24 16:54:50Netflix Anonymous via Black with a Chance of Cheetah
It’s about that time of year. Yep, you guessed it. TV time. Our favorite shows are coming back in just a couple of weeks and I can’t wait. Although I’m still mourning the loss of my favorite Office group, the fall lineup will still be pretty great!
The Mindy Project. I think I’m most excited about this one because second season for TV shows are usually the best! They’re finally figuring out where the show needs to go and getting into character. I cannot wait!
New Girl. Since we’re on the topic of comedies from Fox, I’m sure we are all excited to see where this season goes now that Jess and Nick are dating. I love them.
Parks & Rec. Guys, this season is going to be intense. Ann and Chris are going to leave mid-season, my guess they’ll have their baby and that’s their exit. And I suspect Leslie and Ben might start to grow their family. Or at least think about it. I just love that show so much-I can’t even pick a favorite character because they’re all so funny.
Downton Abbey. What? I thought this didn’t start until December? Oh, maybe for you. But I’m not going to wait. I’m going to find the links online so I can start watching it as soon as the folks in the UK. They better redeem themselves from the finale of last season. I’m still heart-broken.
Parenthood. IT’S COMING BACK! We were all so nervous it wouldn’t get signed on for another season, but it did! I can’t wait to see those Bravermans again. This is one of my most favorite shows ever. Real life drama, cute story lines, and heart-wrenching plots. Give it a chance!
Saving the best for last, The Walking Dead. I’m really unsure on how this next season is going to compare to the past seasons. There’s going to be a huge adjustment for everyone now that they have joined groups and are all living together in the jail. I really loved the tight-knit group they had, so I’m interested in where it’s going to go. But I trust AMC. They tell the best stories. Horrible, dark stories. But still… incredible.
Oh, and since I brought up The Walking Dead, let’s all just take a minute to watch TJ’s project he made earlier this year. I’m still obsessed with it: 12:56:142013-08-26 12:56:14Fall TV Favs + Walking Dead Promo
One day you’re going to come visit me. Hopefully it’s this fall, so we can strut our stuff around the streets of NYC and pretend your Serena and I’m Blair from Gossip Girl. We can wear colorful wool coats and knee high boots. But Gossip Girl is not what I want to talk about today. When you come visit, we are going to get a rental car and see the sites of Scranton, the Electric City. And it’s going to be awesome. Sure, I know The Office was filmed entirely in LA, but that won’t stop us from being crazy hot messes as we drive into town past the “Welcome to Scranton” sign.
I’ve already mapped it all out.
First we will hit up the Steamtown mall, and talk about relationship problems at the food court, then we will head over to the Lackawanna Coal Mine and maybe play some laser tag.
We’ll get lunch at Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe, NOT to be confused with Pizza by Alfredo. We’ll do the Scarn at Poor Richard’s, and maybe go for a dip in Lake Scranton. But we’ll make sure our GPS knows how to get us there first.
For dinner we’ll go to Cugino’s, and make sure we get a picture in front of the Pennsylvania Paper & Supply Company. On our drive home, perhaps we’ll stay overnight at the Stalk Inn or Schrute Farms if we get lucky.
As we get back to the city, we’ll pay Corporate a visit and split a pizza from the best pizza place in town… Sbarro’s near Times Square.
So now all you have to do is buy your plane ticket! I’m hoping this will give you that extra nudge you need.
Sincerely-Your Sista (remember how I called you sister that one time? weird) and fellow Office fan, 11:14:502013-08-19 11:19:28A Scranton Tour