If you are at work today and need a pick-me-up, this might do the trick.
Quotes from The Office- “New Boss”
Dwight Schrute: Oh here’s one, a string quartet playing classical music.
Michael Scott: You know that’s good, but that’s not classy. I need something classy, like the opening of a car dealership.
Jim Halpert: That’s it. Or Mr. Peanut.
Michael Scott: Yes!
Dwight Schrute: Mr. Peanut is not classy.
Michael Scott: He is.
Dwight Schrute: He is a regular peanut. He just happens to have a cane, a monocle and a top hat.
Michael Scott: That’s what makes him classy.
Pam Beesly: I can tell Michael’s mood by which comedy routine he chooses to do. The more infantile the more upset he is. And he just skipped the Ace Ventura talking butt thing. He never skips it. This is bad.
Michael Scott: [on phone] Michael Scott calling for David… well just tell him to call me ASAP as possible.
Charles Miner: Who is this?
Michael Scott: I was never given a name.