My dad had another convention (Shot Show) he was working at in Vegas in January, so I went down to help him for a few days. The show was pretty crazy, I’ve never seen or been around that many guns in my life, but it was really fun getting to spend quality time with my dad. Unfortunately, I had to cut my trip a little short because Finn had gotten sick and couldn’t go to his sitter. Of course, it had to be when I was out of town! Till next time, Vegas!

The Jazz season is over now and we really had a good time getting to go to so many games! We were really lucky that TJ’s work offered him so many free tickets, it made our date nights this past Winter so much fun. Can’t wait for the next season, although we don’t have cable anymore so I’m not sure how we’ll watch the games at home anymore. In one of the photos, you’ll see TJ standing in front of the mural he made that’s in the arena. He’s so talented!


Finn was very concerned that the cow at Chick-Fil-A was going to get him.

Another Jazz Game… more Ruby Snap cookies.

More HIGH Fitness classes

I didn’t fight the fight that day for Eva’s outfit at church.

We went out with friends after the Adult Session of Conference. Such a fun evening, and the conference was great. The best lesson I got out of it was… We are doing better than we think we are doing!

Eva pointed to the wreaths and said, “Donuts!”

These cuties sat down for a rest at IKEA.

Eva had a workshop one Saturday for her acting/singing class. 

I chopped my hair again!

A big boy in a little bucket.

Girls Night Out… these are my Bachelor (TV show) friends! Can’t wait for next season!

The PRETTIEST view up in the canyon. Yeah, Utah is pretty awful.

Finn loves wearing our shoes. I loved this little number he threw together.

Finn was scared when watching a show one night and kept covering his face like this.

I made a lot of freezer meals in September, it’s been so nice!

HIGH Fitness fun with friends.

Nearly every day, we’d wake up, ride bikes, have lunch outside, go to school, come home from school, then play outside until bedtime. It was the best. I feel like I got nothing done, but it was amazing getting to enjoy the weather outside with friends, see the kids just take off riding their bikes (they got so good!), and not watch any TV in September.

The kids loved/hated this creepy clown vinyl on our neighbor’s window and went to check it out about 20 times a day, every day.

I hosted a clothing swap with a few college friends in September and this is what was LEFT after all of us took tons. I have practically a brand new wardrobe! Thanks, Danica!

Eva wore this outfit tons. She was going to be a witch for Halloween until a few days before Halloween, at which point she changed her mind thirty times.

I took some family friends who were in town to This is the Place park and then Temple Square. I loved learning the history of this beautiful state!

More HIGH classes!

Lots of HIGH Fitness classes.

Crazy hair, dirty feet, popsicle stains… summer nights in a nutshell.

Kindergarten Open House

I was pretty worried I wouldn’t be able to get Finn out of that seat. We love having the museum so close!


Having Daddy at the pool is the bomb dot com.

Getting a little boogie board action

Adobe Outdoor Movie Night

Twinsies with Gramps

Eva got a bunk bed!

Handsome boy at church

My pretty girl in her Sunday best

Hit up Natalie’s class… she was awesome!

New haircut for a big boy!

We may have looked like a circus with three adults and six kids, five of which are two or under, but we all got to tour the new MTC buildings-where the missionaries for our church are trained before they head out all over the world. The Spirit I felt there even with my noisy kids was unbelievable. I was reminded of the simple truths our gospel is built on… there is a God, He knows us, He loves us, and He’s aware of our efforts. He’s rooting for us… and as a mother to young children, that is something I need to always remember.
After the tour, we went to BYU’s campus and stopped by the office where we three worked and became bffs years ago!

It’s been ten years since I started BYU and it’s always so much fun showing one of my favorite places to these kiddos of mine!

Okay this first one is actually end of June, but he is just so cute with his buzz haircut, I had to include it.

I went to see Wonder Woman with these wonder women! Such a fun GNO!

Two of my friends from Jersey were in town so we got to meet up at a birthday party!

Fun days at the mall! You can’t really tell from this picture but Eva got that shirt at the mall from her grandparents and the sequins can change direction to spell out “hi” or “bye.” She is obsessed… and maybe so am I!

I cannot believe July is over. It was nonstop fun though. End of June we went to Bear Lake for five days. Two days later was 4th of July. Two days later we went to Kentucky for ten days. Five days later we went to St. George for three days. That day, my parents came to town for five days. So, yes. Kind of a crazy, but awesome July! Here’s to August! I’m ready to spend our days at the pool and splash pads and do some serious back to school shopping for my KINDERGARTENER!!!

My friend Hannah was in town a few weeks ago and she needed a few things from the BYU bookstore, so we all headed down there and walked around campus reminiscing. It was the first time Finn has walked around campus, and I loved thinking about him and Eva one day going to the same college their parents went to. Go cougars!

We had our 7 year anniversary on May 22nd. We didn’t do much on that day to celebrate since we had just gone to Arizona, but we did go on a date that weekend to the Gateway for dinner. TJ sure is a catch!

Occasionally we have days where the weather is just too perfect or we have something really fun planned smack dab in the middle of Finn’s nap time so we decide to skip it and just push through! 95% of the time it’s worth it. We don’t do it often, but on the days we do, we make memories. One Monday TJ was out of town and I took the kids to a new park and walking trail. Then I had promised to take Eva to pick out a new toy for completing her positivity/no fuss chart which led us to the mall play place. And then instead of heading home and having Finn take a late nap, I just kept driving west instead of getting on i-15 N and took the kids to the lake. The bugs were horrendous but it was sooooo gorgeous down there!

When I first had Eva and became a mom, I was incredibly strict with routines/schedules. That first summer TJ was gone and so I really stuck to it because it was the only way I had some sanity in my life. And as much as I believe structure and routines are SO good and extremely necessary for kids, I also a huge believer in getting out of your comfort zones, occasionally throwing out those routines, and just living in the moment when the moment calls! So find that balance! You won’t regret it!