Finn loves wearing our shoes. I loved this little number he threw together.
Finn was scared when watching a show one night and kept covering his face like this.
I made a lot of freezer meals in September, it’s been so nice!
HIGH Fitness fun with friends.
Nearly every day, we’d wake up, ride bikes, have lunch outside, go to school, come home from school, then play outside until bedtime. It was the best. I feel like I got nothing done, but it was amazing getting to enjoy the weather outside with friends, see the kids just take off riding their bikes (they got so good!), and not watch any TV in September.
The kids loved/hated this creepy clown vinyl on our neighbor’s window and went to check it out about 20 times a day, every day.
I hosted a clothing swap with a few college friends in September and this is what was LEFT after all of us took tons. I have practically a brand new wardrobe! Thanks, Danica!
Eva wore this outfit tons. She was going to be a witch for Halloween until a few days before Halloween, at which point she changed her mind thirty times.
I took some family friends who were in town to This is the Place park and then Temple Square. I loved learning the history of this beautiful state!
More HIGH classes!