
Rise Up

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On the Outside, I Looked Good

Hairspray is on ABC Family right now! I’m sad to admit that I didn’t see the 2007 version when it first came out because all of my roommates were obsessed with it and so it made me not want to see it… weird logic, I know. Anyway, when I did finally see it, it was the BTOML! I bought the soundtrack immediately and have loved it ever since!

Click on the photo to watch my favorite song in the musical.


On My Mind

Last week when work was ending, I told T.J. how I wished I would have worked harder at my job. It was over and I just felt like I didn’t try my hardest or put in as much effort that I could have put in during those three years. It was such a rotten feeling.

Then it made me think, if that’s just how I felt about working at my job during a small period of three years, think about the Second Coming. I do not want to feel that way about my life when it comes to the end. I don’t want to know I could have done better or tried harder.

I saw this awesome Mormon Message that kind of tied into this idea and how to live life to the fullest. The last line, President Uchtdorf says,

“Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the World.”

I encourage you to take the challenge with me to focus on the things in life that are most important. By doing so, we will live in accordance to the gospel, live a full, happy life, and have no need to regret in the last days.

Enjoy the video!


{Last} Party in the LAO: Can I get a scholastic holla?

Two years ago, in addition to just getting my wisdom teeth taken out, I had an interview at the Harold B. Lee Library on campus in the Administrative Offices (LAO). With my cheeks still puffy, I met with the man who became my boss for the next three years. His name was Roger.

I guess the wisdom-teeth bruises didn’t scare Roger too much because he gave me the job offer to be a graphic designer and I accepted. Shortly after I started,  I realized that Roger, among many others, would be some of my favorite coworkers (and bosses) I had ever had.

A little bit about some of the people at the LAO who influenced me:

Roger, my design boss. The most understanding boss you’ll ever come across.

Wendy, the office boss. Always has an awesome/crazy story to tell us about her young women.

Danica, the blonde-then brunette-then blonde secretary. The only person who catches all of my obscure Arrested Development and Office quotes.

Eliesa, the stylish secretary. Has the hair of movie-star and might eat just as many goldfish as me.

Jeanette, the hilarious secretary. Cannot hold back her laughter even in critical moments–so naturally, I try to push her limits.

Cassandra, the secretary who’s not really a secretary. The sweetest freshman you’ll ever meet.

Christopher, my fellow graphic-designer. Always helped me with the projects I didn’t want to do–even if he didn’t want to do them either.


There were many more secretaries, graphic designers, and administrators who all helped to make these past three years some of the best. And all the times we had together will be memories I’ll keep forever: The day the alarms went off and we thought it was a terrorist attack, the day I cut my finger and had to go to the Health Center, the fall conferences I was allowed to attend, the many MANY gchats we had when we were sitting next to each other, all the crazy projects we had to do, the day Rebecca Black’s Friday video came out, the day the HBLL released the Newspice video, all the food we got to eat (oh, so much food), the time we got to watch Jimmer in the conference room, the time we got to taste-test Yogurtland for “work purposes.”

Believe me, I wouldn’t be leaving this place if there was anyway for me to stay. But unfortunately, rules are rules. And BYU is kicking me out after graduation. I loved my job and am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work for the library. Now, I’ve gotta wrap this up because I’m a hormonal pregnant woman who is about to burst into tears right here at work.

So, here’s to the HBLL and more importantly, the LAO. You taught me how to be a scholar. I’ll miss you guys.


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Will someone buy me a piano?

Isn’t this video incredible? Although there’s no way I could ever play this, it does make me miss playing the piano.

We’ll just put this one on repeat for the day…

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Be of good cheer.

Today I met with some people today to move the medicaid process along and it turns out we do not qualify this month because we are so dang wealthy. Oh wait a minute, we are still really poor and are just barely over the limit this summer because we have more hours. Fortunately (?), next month we will qualify, but it just means that the process is going to be dragged out even longer.

Upon hearing this news, I had a mild meltdown in my car, but then some words came to my mind.

The future is as bright as your faith.

President Monson said that two years ago, and someone mentioned it at church this past Sunday. Pretty cool when we get those little promptings right?

Things will work out, they always do. Not always in the ways we plan, so we just need to have faith.

The following Mormon Message is more for me than for you. But maybe you need to hear it too.


{Chicken of the Sea} Patty Sandwiches

(Don’t you love Jerry’s “Chicken of the Sea” bit?)

At church yesterday, I kept smelling tuna. To most people, that smell probably doesn’t sound delightful unless you’re about to eat a tuna fish sandwich, and even then it’s not the best. But man, it was like I was smelling kettle corn or chocolate. I couldn’t stop thinking about it through the rest of the meetings, so I decided we would have tuna sandwiches after church.

Usually, I boil and chop a couple of eggs, mix it with a can of tuna, some relish, mayo, and shredded cheese, then grill it on bread for a couple of minutes, but I wanted to switch it up this time. So, I found a recipe online, accidentally added too much milk so I had to modify the ingredients a bit. The end result was delicious and satisfied my tuna craving.


  • 2 cans of tuna
  • 1/2-3/4 cup milk (start with 1/2 and add more if it’s too thick)
  •  3 eggs
  • salt, pepper, onion powder to taste
  • handful of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 3 pieces of bread (chop in food processor)


Mix all ingredients. Scoop out 8 patties with spoon or ice-cream scooper. Place on greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes at 350 degrees, turn over and bake five more minutes. Place baked patties on toasted hamburger buns. Top with veggies and relish.


To dream… the impossible dream…

My dream a few weeks ago my dream was to get my normal nose back. Not the actual nose, I mean, nothing has physically happened to the appearance of my nose. But, everything had been smelling horribly and differently, as you may recall.

Well, that impossible dream almost has come true. There are still a few smells that make me sick or just smell too strong to handle, but for the most part, I can handle a lot of smells without gagging! Hazzah!

Best of all, I finally got to wear my Burberry Brit perfume for the first time in three months. It was wonderful finally getting to use my fragrances! I’ve even had to eliminate odor in soaps because they were too strong, so this is a big deal!

The only downside is that things are tasting differently to me. So, I’m not sure which one I’d rather have–a bad sense of smelling or a bad sense of tasting? What do you think?

We were at the movies the other day, we bought a small bag of Kettle Corn (my favorite, usually) and I leaned over to T.J. after tasting a bite and asked him if the popcorn had an hardboiled egg aftertaste, sure it wasn’t just me.

It was just me.

To go along with the post title, enjoy this song.

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Summer School

If anyone knows of a place to find an extra thousand dollars just sitting around to pay for my summer tuition, due in a week, that would be grand. Until then, you can find me in my bed having a panic attack and dreaming of being a billionaire or even a hundredaire.