
Look at me like a human boy!

Can I just say that I love Martin Short? I love him in Clifford. I also love that Cory Matthews from Boy Meets World (Ben Savage) is in this movie.


So Many Emotions


Hopeless, Head Over Heals

Music Video of the Week. It won’t embed, unfortunately, but I still want you to watch it. So, head on over to YouTube for some Jonas Brothers lovin’.


It was shorter in Egyptian.

We got The Night at the Museum set for T.J.’s dad’s Birthday. We watched the second one the other night, and I cannot stop watching this clip. It brings me to tears (from laughing) each time.


Prying eyes annoy me

“Perhaps you’re interested in how a man undresses. You know, it’s a funny thing about that. Quite a study in psychology. No two men do it alike. You know, I once knew a man who kept his hat on until he was completely undressed. Yeah, now he made a picture. Years later, his secret came out. He wore a toupee. Yeah. You know, I have a method all my own. If you notice, the coat came first, then the tie, then the shirt. Now, uh, according to Hoyle, after that, the, uh, pants should be next. There’s where I’m different… I go for the shoes next. First the right, then the left. After that it’s, uh, every man for himself.”


Best of Arrested Development



Best. Show. Ever.


It wasn't a coincidence.

We studied Elder Bednar in my Living Prophets course yesterday. He is known for getting to the point and teaching the basics. My favorite talk of his was about tender mercies in our lives given to us daily by the Lord. I encourage you to watch this short message and think of how the Lord has blessed your life. It is easy to push those aside, think of the negative, or just write these tender mercies off as coincidences. But through our “faithfulness, obedience, and humility,” tender mercies appear in our lives “and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings.”

You can find his whole talk here. To learn more, visit The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.



Take the time to watch this video. It’s an incredible story of a Rwandan Tutsi who hid in a small bathroom for months after her family was murdered. About to give up and filled with hatred and revenge, she decided to forgive the man responsible for her family’s death.


I've gotta beep out what I really wanna shout.

Do you flip out when you hear the intro to this song, too? I just have to stop everything I’m doing, sing along, and dance whenever it starts. Oh, gosh, I can’t wait for Never Say Never-midnight showing-next week!