
Must Watch Commercials


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“Turkey day is the most fun day!” -Martha Stewart

  1. I can’t sleep very much anymore. I sleep for like four or five hours then wake up. That of course makes me extremely tired and so then after a couple of hours, I’m ready for another round of sleep. It’s awful and each cycle is filled with vivid dreams of the baby. Yesterday I dreamt that the baby finally started to breast-feed, she fell out of her cradle (that was awful), and then was old enough within a couple of days to play in the bathtub with those bath marker things. Bizarre stuff.
  2. Everyday I hope there will be snow. I think it’s because we have our tree up now and I feel like, if there’s snow out there, it doesn’t make me as crazy for putting the tree up before Thanksgiving. So, this 50 degree weather is really out of place.
  3. T.J. and I are contemplating so hard about getting an Xbox with Kinect for Christmas. It will be really inexpensive at Walmart on Black Friday. We never buy big things like that though, heck I won’t even buy jeans that are more than $30. BUT I LOVE THE KINECT! It is so much fun, a great workout, and could be our gift to each other for Christmas. On the other hand, it still is a lot of money. And we have a baby on the way that will cost a lot. Tell me what to do!
  4. My cold is almost gone! It only took three weeks.
  5. My doctor said no progress still down there with the baby stuff. So, I said, “Well, at least it won’t come on Thanksgiving.” And then he replied, “You can say that on Friday.” Being a ticking time bomb is kind of crazy.
  6. I get to make my pies today for Thanksgiving! Can’t wait! Which reminds me, how do YOU say “pecan”?
  7. The news is on in the background and it’s showing all the holiday traffic and snowy roads through the country. It’s making me kind of happy that we are staying here and not dealing with it. But I sure am missing my family!
  8. Did I buy eggnog at the store yesterday? You better believe it. (Don’t worry Mom, it’s lowfat).
  9. Yesterday I got a check in the mail from Winder Farms. I only worked there for a couple of weeks back in March and I already got paid for that time. So, it was completely out of the blue and so random. Seriously, it was so awesome that I started crying immediately. hahaha, oh I’m ridiculous.
  10. Random story: Last week I tried to wake T.J. up for work at 7 but he was up until 5 am working on projects for school. So, he told me to text his boss for him to tell her she’d be late. I asked what I should say and he replied, “Fun house mirrors.” I said, “T.J. that doesn’t make sense.” He said, “They always make sense.”
  11. Martha Stewart is on the Today show. Some of the reporters went to her house for a Thanksgiving dinner and to see her farm. How many people do you think help Martha? Does she even help anymore? She just said she is grateful for her grandchild… she has kids? Do you think she always was amazing at crafts? Why is she wearing leggings on the show? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
  12. I can’t wait to see The Muppets! I laughed so hard when I first saw this clip…

Who is Justice Beaver?

My friend just posted this quote on his Facebook wall. I completely forgot about it. Enjoy.

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“Newborns are Slippery.”

Last Saturday, my friends threw me a baby shower and it was just lovely, plus it was great to catch up with old friends. We got a lot of gifts, including a diaper jeanie, playmat, clothes, and books. All we need now is the baby!

Check out this spread… don’t I have the greatest friends?

Thanks to Hannah, Erin, and Amanda for all that they did! The baby and I appreciate it!

Oh, and to go along with the title of this post… make sure you watch this clip from The Office: Baby Shower episode.



A Few Words on the Subject

About a week ago, I found out about the Justin Bieber-Baby Daddy Scandal. When my friend told me, I turned down JB’s Christmas album so I could get some more details.

I’ve been reading up about it and am PRAYING, okay not really praying, but WISHING on 11/11/11 at 11:11 that it is not his baby. (It’s not his baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh.) But seriously. If it is his, he will be losing one of his biggest fans. Not me, obviously, I’ll love his music no matter what. But I’m sure another big fan will stop loving him.

Saturday night, I was in one of those “blah” moods because I had slept all afternoon and evening (stupid cold) and T.J. said he would watch whatever I wanted to watch…

So, I put in Never Say Never-Justin Bieber’s movie/documentary. (Lucky T.J.) Believe it or not, T.J. was really impressed by the end. I didn’t make him watch all of the songs, we would just fast-forward to the commentary. It made him realize that, even if he’s not a fan of his music style, that he really is talented and that he just came from a humble background. The movie really makes me believe that Justin is not the type of person to get a girl pregnant. (Crossing my fingers.)

To close, Justin… Please take a paternity test ASAP as possible. And to the baby mama, if it is Justin’s baby… Didn’t you ever listen to Justin’s song, “Kiss and Tell.”


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“I like to torture them.”

  1. Our crib arrived today! Thanks to my in-laws for the amazing gift and for setting it up! I will show pics once the nursery is complete.
  2. I’m in a very crafty mood. Now if I just felt good enough to do something… Stupid cold!
  3. Julie and Julia was just on. Do you love that movie as much as me? It’s one of my all-time favorites.
  4. I ate a spinach salad for dinner. Maybe that doesn’t seem like anything to share, but I kind of feel like I should get a round of applause for it… Yes… Thank you!
  5. I set up the baby swing tonight! It’s adorable… plus, I paid for it through gift cards, so that’s even more awesome.
  6. Have you ever tried to listen to the Book of Mormon while you follow along? One word, four syllables: incredible. I highly recommend it. Download it here.
  7. I badly need a haircut. I’ve worn my hair up with a headband so much lately… that’s when you know it’s really time.
  8. We get our car back tomorrow. Did I tell you someone hit us in a parking lot on campus? Well, the car’s been in the shop since last Monday and so we’ve had a rental. It’s a Hyundai Tuscon. I’m seriously in love with it, except for the fact it guzzles gas! But, I will be sad to turn it back in tomorrow.
  9. I think we have decided on a baby name. But you will just have to wait and find out when she comes…
  10. In correspondence with the title, we watched Ghostbusters this weekend and I thought I’d share one of my favorite parts with you.


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Lids down, I count sheep, I count heartbeats.

I was a big Barenaked Ladies (the band) fan growing up. Probably because my brother loved them and so I had to like everything he liked. But they were a really good band and last night, I was reminded of it.

Pregnancy + Sore Throat = Insomnia

I started singing “Who Needs Sleep” in my head then decided to get out of bed (hey, that rhymed!). Already this morning (it’s not even 7:30 yet), I have taken a shower, read in my birthing book, eaten a bowl of oatmeal, drank a cup of hot cider, worked a little for my dad, read the posts on my Google Reader, and now I’m finishing a blog post. Pretty impressive.

And although I was kind of bitter that I couldn’t sleep at all, it’s (1) preparing me for a couple of weeks and (2) I get to watch the snow fall right now!


Book of Mormon Challenge

We are trying to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year and are a litttttle bit behind. So, what did I just do? Oh, I just downloaded the audio version for us to listen to and follow along with today!

Book of Mormon party at the Derricks!

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Wise Men Followed a Star, the Way I Followed my Heart

How have I not blogged about this yet? Justin Bieber has released TWO songs from his Christmas album and I love them both. Christmas music AND Justin Bieber? How could it get better? I’ll tell you… his whole album is being released in less than a week and it is going to be great.

Plus, our little Justin is growing up and his voice is changing! He doesn’t sound so much like a 14 year old anymore (although I was fine with that).

Now, watch the Mistletoe music video over and over again until you love it as much as me.


Beautiful Heartbreak

A little more than a year ago, my Dad dropped me off at the Cincinnati airport for the last time as a single woman. I could barely look at him in the eye because it was like I was saying goodbye to my daddy for the last time as a little girl–thinking everything was about to change. He jokingly, but holding back tears, said to me, “You can stay here, you know?” We grinned, I gave him another hug, and said goodbye.

It was weird leaving my home that day knowing that the next time I’d be married. I was worried about how things would be in the future. I was content where I was. But things worked out and getting married was the best decision I’ve ever made.

So, here I was on Tuesday afternoon. I took a walk down the beautiful street I grew up in, standing between my parents. The thought came to my mind how next time I’d walk down that road I’d be a mother. Next time I visit Kentucky, I’ll have a baby. Everything will change.

Sometimes changes seem so scary to me. It’s not that I don’t want those changes to occur, I just get nervous thinking how they’ll affect the rest of my life.

But change is good. Looking back, change is good.


You probably have seen this video, as it’s making its way through Facebook and the blogosphere right now. It’s not my usual music style, but the video is so touching and the lyrics are very motivational. Enjoy.