
My Ol’ Kentucky Home

I’ve been in a blogging funk lately for a lot of reasons, I think. Mostly, I’ve got a lot on my plate now that I’m a (temporary) single mom. When I finally get a free moment, blogging is no longer at the top of my list.

But I have so much to write about. As you know, after my New York trip, I headed to Kentucky for about a month and a half. It was one of the best visits I’ve ever had. Words really can’t express how much I needed that trip.

First of all, it really helped the summer go by fast without T.J. but I still had such a great and enjoyable time. My mom and I spent a lot of time together. We went downtown Cincinnati, worked out at the gym together, took walks with Eva, swam at the pool, watched lots of episodes of the Mentalist together, shopped, and went to the World Choir Games. She is so great with Eva and I loved that she got to spend so much time with her new granddaughter.

I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my dad. There’s something about a daddy/daughter relationship that just is so tender. It’s like he still looks at me like I’m his little girl who used to climb upon his knee. And I’m perfectly okay with that. Anyway, I had the opportunity to help him a handful of times on video shoots. As stressful as they usually were, it was still amazing to be there with him and see how passionate he is about videography. Not many kids get to work side by side with their dad. I was lucky enough to experience that and bond with him in that new way! After our video shoots we would typically get some City BBQ and discuss our business ideas.

The whole trip was just filled with little memories that really made the trip quite a time to remember. From sitting next to my mom at church to talking on the back patio at lunch, making tons of bean salad and avocado salad, watching Mr. Bean together, and watching baby Eva grow everyday… I just loved being at home with my family again! I love them with all my heart and can’t wait to visit next!

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Butterfly Show


Father’s Day

I am really behind in my blogging, but I just wanted to write a little blog post to recognize and thank the fathers in my life.

I am blessed to have a kind and loving dad who always takes the time to be with me and talk with me. In addition to my own father–I have a loving father-in-law who treats me just like his own daughter. I have been blessed with caring Bishops who have always taken an interest in me and taken the time to get to know me. I married a caring husband who loves and supports our little Eva, and even from a distance, shows his love. And most of all, I have a Heavenly Father who blesses me abundantly. He is there for me at all times and loves me infinitely.  I am grateful for all the dads in my life and hope I can always show them my gratitude.

The father of our home leads our family
With wisdom’s light in all that’s right;
My father’s good to me.

The father of our ward tends with loving care
Each member’s needs with kindly deeds;
Our bishop’s always there.

And now we’ll sing great praise and rev’rently recall
The Holy One who gave his Son,
The Father of us all.

Fathers are so special with a very special love.
They watch us and protect us.
They guide us and direct us
Back to our home above.


The Journey Continues…

After New York, I headed to Cincinnati to visit my family for three weeks. The timing was perfect because my parents were watching my two nieces through last Tuesday, then my sister and her husband returned and visited until Friday. They live in DC so I don’t get to see them too often.

One day I asked Claire if she wanted to see pictures of her uncle T.J. and she said,

“No, I already know what he looks like!”

Well, how silly of me!

Amelia would squirm and hate to sit still in your lap. BUT I figured out how to cheat the system. All you have to say is,

“Let’s play hunting for treasure!”

She was a sucker for back rubs!

I love those girls and miss them already! Here are a few pictures from the first days I was home:

It’s so green in Kentucky • Pool time-My mom with her grandkids • Diva Eva and her Papa
Claire, the movie star • BBQ for dinner with Nehis • Eva fell asleep at church without any tears
Cousin bath time • Claire and Eva • Claire holding Eva’s bottle-such a good little helper




A Trip to the Zoo

Last Wednesday, Eva and I went to the zoo with my in-laws. It was a perfect day. The weather was beautiful, it wasn’t too crowded and Eva did wonderfully in her stroller the entire time.

Usually my favorite animal to see is the elephant, and they were as cute as ever (especially the little baby). But I’m not the only one who loves elephants… it was pretty busy near their area. So this trip to the zoo, my favorite animal was the giraffe. I couldn’t get over how different each of their skins were.

Eva loved the orange monkeys, I don’t really know what they’re called. But they made her smile, it was pretty cute. I was holding her inside this building with a lot of different animals, one of which was a rooster. We stopped to watch the roosters because they were being so noisy. Eva just stared at them, when all of a sudden Eva let out a HUGE scream and held me really tight. I had to hold back my laughter… alligators she liked, monkeys she liked, tigers she liked. But the rooster… scared her to death!

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The Actual Trip

Now about the trip!

Saturday morning, T.J.’s parents, Eva and I headed up to Boise in a nice rented van. I was nervous about how Eva would do in the car, but overall she did really well and slept a lot of the way. This meant extra time for me to watch The Office and listen to New Direction. Bliss.

Once we arrived in Boise, we visited with everyone for a bit (T.J.’s brother and his family came up as well) then we went to the World Market. I went to this store back in DC a couple months back and fell in love, so I was so excited to walk through again.

We ended the night with a little Jack in the Box and tried to convince ourselves we could get all three babies and dog asleep at a reasonable time in their apartment so we adults could hang out and play games.

Well, as I’ve said a hundred times… a baby changes everything. And THREE babies trying to fall asleep at the same time in a small area is, well, what I imagine what one of Dante’s levels of hell is like. One would fall asleep, then another would wake up, waking up another… a continual cycle. We eventually gave up and headed back to the hotel.

Eva slept all night long, which was a blessing. I wasn’t sure how she’d do in a portacrib in the same room as us, but she slept soundly.

Sunday morning we went to church. That’s always an adventure with Eva, but I finally got her to sleep in the nursing room.

Later that afternoon, we went downtown to this beautiful park with lots of ducks and geese. Eva LOVED them! Anytime they’d make noise, she’d laugh. Gosh, she’s a doll! I’m sorry that I’m so obsessed with her!

Monday, we ate at the Cheesecake Factory, I ate my daily allowance of calories by just eating one slice of cheesecake (worth it), and we headed back to Utah with Lacey, Cohen, and Beau the dog in the van with us.

It was a short trip, but so fun! The three babies together were such a blast to watch!

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Thoughtful Friends and Family

Guys, T.J. has already been gone for a month. We are 1/4 through the internship! Obviously there were times that were hard, but it wasn’t horrible because I had so many friends and family help out all month long.

Thanks to my in-laws. They have watched Eva countless times so I could get out and have some time to myself, and had me over whenever I’ve needed some company.

Thanks to my visiting teachers. On my anniversary, they brought be chocolates and a dozen roses. Seriously, they’re the best.

Thanks to my roommate, Hannah. She has helped me with Eva, kept me company, brought me home surprises, and even let me sleep in her bed when we had the natural disaster.

Thanks to the “widow’s club” aka Erin and Chelsea who’s husbands are also gone. They have helped with me Eva, and kept me busy with dinners and walks.

Thanks to everyone else who have thought of me by sending texts, calls, and messages.

I’m really overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of my friends and family. I don’t want this blog post to sound like that Seriously, So Blessed blog… but I think it’s too late. This month has flown by and actually been a pretty good one, thanks to all of you!



Dear Mom

Something has happened to me this year. When becoming a mother, I realized how much you gave up for your children. How much love you gave us, how much time and energy you spent on us, and how many prayers you said in our behalf.

I really can’t express the words that I am feeling right now in my heart. I just want you to know how grateful I am for you. Motherhood is the hardest job there is, the most rewarding, but the hardest. I am grateful that you were willing to put everything on the table, put our needs before yours, and foremost be a mother for your four children.

I remember the day Kelly died, I also found out were called to be the new seminary teacher. So, in addition to losing my grandfather, I now was going to have my mom teach me in seminary every morning at 6 am before school. Needless to say, that day wasn’t the greatest. But the year and a half that followed contained some of the best memories I have had with you. In fact, it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings of my life.

As time passed and most of the kids in the class stopped coming to church, it was just you and me each day with an occasional guest… Dad. I remember one morning you still made me welcome us three out to seminary. It was ridiculous at the time, but that memory will always be so funny in my mind.

I can’t really remember specific lessons anymore, but I do remember the feelings I felt in those seminary classes. It was the feeling of the Spirit. As we gathered as a family to study the scriptures in our home, loved encompassed the room.

Your role as a mother did not stop with your children, Mom, and I hope you know that. I have never met any one who has taken such strong interests in certain individuals and reached out to them. You have touched so many people’s lives, the young and the old. All the letters you wrote and cookies you made (even if you threw coconut, cranberries, nuts, and raisins into them), they made so many people through the years feel loved and appreciated. You have gone to kids’ dance recitals, musicals, award nights. You have cooked for funerals, baby showers, and widows. I may not have always loved going to the nursing home each Sunday after church, but your example taught me to serve others even when it’s not always convenient or comfortable.

Most of all, you have taught me to always lean on the Lord for support. I have told you this before, but I can’t even count how many times I have accidentally walked in on you while you were on your knees praying. What an amazing sight that is. I am so blessed to have a mother who always went to our Heavenly Father for guidance and help. Because of that, I had a mother who always did her best to choose the right and to lovingly help her family.

I only hope that I can be half the mother you have been to your children and those around you.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Katie Lee

And you thought Eva had big cheeks…

My mom rocking the perm.

We were really attractive kids in the 1990s.  

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Instagram Eyes

I really need to start pulling out my camera more often because my iPhone pics aren’t as high quality. But, here are snapshots of my life lately, according to Instagram. Sorry there are so many!

Saying goodbye to T.J.

Eva is trying lots of new foods. Bananas are not her favorite.

Hannah had these beautiful flowers and delicious candy for me after I dropped T.J. off at the airport.

First snow cone of the season!

We saw The Pirates! before T.J. left. One of my favorites! It was so funny!

Just “hanging” out.

Almost every night we walk to the elementary school a couple blocks away and swing.

Why buy toys when spoons work just as well? We went through about five of those because she kept dropping them on the ground!

Saw these cute little boys feeding a horse on my Sunday walk. They were so excited they would just laugh uncontrollably.

I went to T.J.’s grandma’s house last night for a Family Home Evening. More than thirty people showed up… it was so fun! We heard about her and her granddaughter’s Mediterranean Cruise, which sounded amazing!

I’m trying to eat a little healthier… so instead of eating goldfish last night as my snack (as usual), I ate asparagus and mushrooms with balsamic vinegar. Mom, you’d be proud.

T.J. started work today at Johnson & Johnson! What a cutie!