
My Ol’ Kentucky Home

I’ve been in a blogging funk lately for a lot of reasons, I think. Mostly, I’ve got a lot on my plate now that I’m a (temporary) single mom. When I finally get a free moment, blogging is no longer at the top of my list.

But I have so much to write about. As you know, after my New York trip, I headed to Kentucky for about a month and a half. It was one of the best visits I’ve ever had. Words really can’t express how much I needed that trip.

First of all, it really helped the summer go by fast without T.J. but I still had such a great and enjoyable time. My mom and I spent a lot of time together. We went downtown Cincinnati, worked out at the gym together, took walks with Eva, swam at the pool, watched lots of episodes of the Mentalist together, shopped, and went to the World Choir Games. She is so great with Eva and I loved that she got to spend so much time with her new granddaughter.

I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my dad. There’s something about a daddy/daughter relationship that just is so tender. It’s like he still looks at me like I’m his little girl who used to climb upon his knee. And I’m perfectly okay with that. Anyway, I had the opportunity to help him a handful of times on video shoots. As stressful as they usually were, it was still amazing to be there with him and see how passionate he is about videography. Not many kids get to work side by side with their dad. I was lucky enough to experience that and bond with him in that new way! After our video shoots we would typically get some City BBQ and discuss our business ideas.

The whole trip was just filled with little memories that really made the trip quite a time to remember. From sitting next to my mom at church to talking on the back patio at lunch, making tons of bean salad and avocado salad, watching Mr. Bean together, and watching baby Eva grow everyday… I just loved being at home with my family again! I love them with all my heart and can’t wait to visit next!

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