

Sometimes I go through my wedding photos and think, “Can’t I just relive that day over again?!”

It was the best day. Ever. For you and for me. Okay, probably just for me. But nonetheless, I would give anything to replay that day in my life.

I remember when T.J. and I were waiting in the foyer waiting to come out of the temple after we had been sealed, the temple worker told us it was hailing. All I could do was laugh. I really couldn’t have cared less! Nothing could ruin that day or make it anything less than perfect. (It also helped that by the time we took our pictures outside, the hailing had ceased.)

Would you judge me if I dressed up in my wedding dress again and walked around temple square?


Hello, Reality

Yesterday was the career fair on campus. Because I have been constantly worrying about what lies ahead of me when I graduate, I decided this was a great opportunity to look for some internships or job possibilities. Even if it wouldn’t lead to any definite plans, it could give me a little direction.

I dressed up in a little red jumper with leggings and flats, I thought I looked professional enough until I saw the mass amounts of guys in suits from the Marriott school. Now, I’m aware that they needed to wear those suits because they would be making some very important contacts at the event, but boy, did I feel like a little kid who lost her way.

The only thing worse than feeling intimidated is acting intimidated. So, I decided to act like the career fair wasn’t giving me a panic attack, hold my head high, and suck it up.

I actually did meet a few great contacts. I’m not sure if they will evolve into anything, but it gave me a little hope that there are jobs available in my general field. With my degree in Advertising, I can go the business route to marketing or I can go the creative route to graphic design. I mean ultimately I would love to work specifically within Advertising, but if other possibilities come my way, I won’t turn them down.

Adobe was there. This was probably the best and most exciting contact I made. The man I met with is a marketing analyst  who works a lot with SEO for their clients. Uhm, hello? I would love to do that! I gave him my online resume URL and felt a little better about myself!

I also met with an advertising and marketing agency in Orem. They’re pretty small, but when I told them I am very interested in social media marketing, they seemed very excited. I gave them my URL, as well.

Most of these people were seeking people who could start in the winter, which I won’t be graduated by then. But I am still excited that I went to the fair to see that there will be opportunities when I graduate.

“My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”
-President Monson


Rude Remarks.

Yesterday, I went to the doctor. (FYI I’m okay. And no, I’m not pregnant and that’s not why I went there). When the nurse brought me into the waiting room, she put the little thing on my finger to measure something, I think my pulse, I have no idea.

While that was on my finger, she took my temperature from my ear. Once she was done with that, I assumed the finger device was finished too. I don’t know why, I just was antsy, and took it off without thinking.

When I realized I took it off too early, I let her know. But instead of saying something like, “Oh, it’s okay, we can just do it again.” She actually said the following, in a very sharp and harsh tone:

What were you thinking?!

I tried to tell her why, but it just came out as jumble because I really wasn’t sure why I did it. So I just apologized over and over.

I literally had to hold back the tears.

I know it doesn’t sound very bad, but the way she snapped at me made me feel terrible.

Oh, and then I had to wait in there for 35 minutes without cell phone service or a magazine. So if you need to know how much prescriptions cost for students, I can help you out. It was my only reading material in there.

I declare bankruptcy!

Remember when Michael Scott “declared” bankruptcy when he was having credit card problems? Loved it.

Remember how I checked my credit card statement today and noticed a fraudulent charge from an unknown, awful, scamming, online company? Hated it.

I looked up the phone number associated with the charge online to see who they were with, and it turns out they have been scamming people for years by just charging small amounts each month to credit cards until they notice. I decided to call them and get some more information, but they asked for my personal info and since I know these people are awful, I laughed wickedly in their faces, hung up and called my credit card company.

They were able to help me out and said they would contact the company, figure everything out, throw them in jail for robbing a poor student, make sure they spend their life in misery, etc. I’ve never had any experience with this, but I’m guessing I did the right thing. Any more suggestions?

P.S. the company is called [RUDE] Shopping Essentials. They usually charge $19.95, so make sure you check your credit card each statement!



It’s time for a moment of truth. A post about my feeeeeelings. A few words about self-esteem. My self-esteem.

Sometimes, okay… more often than not I have cruddy self-esteem. I have no idea why this is a problem now. I never have had self image problems. I mean what woman doesn’t always wish she was 15 pounds lighter, but other than that, I’ve been very content my whole life. But this year, I’ve noticed I get down on myself a lot. Half of it is because I gained back all the weight I loss for the wedding. Part of it is because… uhh…. I don’t know actually. I just have a hard time seeing the best in myself when I look in the mirror or think about who I am.

It sounds crazy now when I write it down. I know I am extremely blessed and live a wonderful life. It’s not that. But I literally have to say out loud when I look in the mirror, “You look alright,” or, “You can do this today!” just to boost myself up.

Is this getting too personal? Probs. Will my mom call me today and ask me if I’m depressed and I’m eating healthy? No doubt about it.

Anyway, this morning when our alarm went off, T.J. rolled over and told me he loved me. Then while driving to work and when seeing that I was kind of down on myself again, T.J. started singing a song (he loves making up songs, which shows me I really was supposed to marry him because my family sings all the time too). It went a little like this:

“I love meeeee, I’m happy as can be!”

He looked at me with his eyes wide open and eyebrows high, expecting me to sing along in a little round.

T really encourages me and helps me get out my ruts. When I look in the mirror and say, “This is as good as it’s going to get” (Thanks, Princess Diaries), he interrupts and tells me I look great. He helps me realize I am a good person. He reminds me that we all feel this way at one time or another and that we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves. T.J. is a true optimist. That is one of the reasons I fell for him. He always is positive and looking for the best.

Well, that’s really all I’ve got to say. But actually writing this post has helped me, it was almost therapeutic.

The point is, sometimes I get down on myself. T.J. really helps to lift me up.

What would I do without him?

I can't take it anymore!

I need to find a new soap because everyday my whole body itches like crazy. I’m pretty sure it’s because my skin gets so dry out here in this no-humidity desert. But ,y legs, my back, my stomach, every little inch of me is suffering!

Oh, and don’t tell me to use lotion… because I do, and it is completely worthless. Sure it feels fine for about five minutes. But then it’s back to itches. Today I was so desperate that I rubbed Vaseline petroleum jelly all over my body. I thought that would do the trick. But it just made me sticky and hot.

Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I’m allergic to the soap. I switched to bar soap once I got married because it’s cheaper. Maybe it’s time to gather up the pennies in the house and save up for some quality body wash.

I don’t know. I just need a solution. Is anyone else having this same problem?

What if the itches are really from bed bugs?!?

DIY Creations

Well, folks, I made new curtains from some kitchen linens I got at Ikea. They were about one or two dollars for three of them. So I had the idea to stitch them together.

To hang them, I attached some hemp to the top. I also wrapped hemp around the curtain bar so it would match.

I found an assortment of planter pots at the thrift store for about a quarter each. I spray painted them different colors and then used chalk board paint so I could write on the pots. Turns out I’m not much of an artist and had a hard time painting, but maybe the messy work gives it a personal touch or flair? Next weekend I’m going to start planting!

I also got these jars for about a quarter each at the thrift store, which I was thrilled about. I want to decorate them somehow, but I’m not sure what I should do. Any ideas?


DIY Weekend

It’s time to put up new curtains in our condo. Considering T.J. and I have no money and are really trying to save as much as possible, I decided I would make my own! So I’ve looked around a bunch of blogs, and of course, Martha Stewart’s site and have come up with a few ideas.

For our kitchen:

I think this is an adorable idea! This blogger took old vintage hankies/tablecloths etc. and sewed them together, hanging it with twine. Could it be any cuter? Oh, not to mention her adorable plants above and jars below.

I love these curtains. They’re formal so they’d have to go in our living room, but have an adorable flair to them because of the cute pattern.

Okay, I know this doesn’t fit with the others. But I found this cute idea and had to share. Along with the following photograph:

Don’t you love how the hooks are made out of antique silverware?? Wow, I love this!

So with my new ideas, tomorrow I’m having a DIY day. Starting at the DI for old frames, fabric, and silverware, hopefully I’ll find some good stuff!

Establish a Tutorial

Wow, what a great two weeks it has already been for my religion classes. I am taking the first half of the Doctrine and Covenants with Professor Perkins. I love his teaching style because he really wants us to grow lifetime habits of studying and searching the scriptures through this course.

Here is what we studied last week:

“Through the study of the scriptures, you can establish a tutorial with the Godhead, mediated by the Holy Ghost.” To establish such a tutorial, we must first read our scriptures with the Spirit and then understand and learn through the Spirit. Next, we must pray and seek for revelation. Receive the teachings into your life and apply it to all you do. And lastly, by receiving this personal knowledge, we should use that as a channel for more knowledge and power.

3 Nephi 26:9-10 says that the scriptures are a trial of faith. How are they a trial of faith? Well, first of all it takes great faith to accept them as true scripture. Also, reading it takes faith. Believing and applying are other actions that require a trial of faith. But the greater things will be granted unto us once we accept it. We will receive personal revelation, an eternal perspective, a greater personal relationship with Christ, an understanding of the blessings found in the temple, and a testimony of the Plan of Salvation.

President Benson said to feast upon the words of Christ – more abundantly – it will give us an increase in power and Spirit.

“When individual members and families immerse themselves in the scriptures regularly and consistently, testimonies will increase, commitment will be strengthened, families will be fortified, and personal revelation will flow” (Benson, April 1985).

What an amazing promise. It pretty much says that if we have any problems, the scriptures will be able to help us directly. Think about it. If you are struggling with your testimony or lack a testimony all together, the scriptures will strengthen your knowledge tremendously and restore your testimony. Or say you struggle with actually committing to what you believe. You have the testimony but you just can’t seem to get yourself to go to church or to give up a bad habit. The scriptures will strengthen your ability to commit. If your family is falling a part, lacks unity or structure. Go to the scriptures. If you have any problem in your life and are wondering what to do, by immersing yourself in the scriptures and studying diligently, the Spirit will guide your life and personal revelation will flow.

Spiritual knowledge doesn’t come just by asking, it takes faith, persistence, exertion, struggle, and will be a continual lifetime search. The Spirit will guide your life and help you through trials, I have a testimony in that. I see it in my life everyday. But we must do our part as well. We must study the scriptures through the Spirit and apply what we learn to our daily lives. Our eyes can be opened but only by, through, and of our Heavenly Father.

Christmas List

I know this is very far in advance, but I decided I only want two things for Christmas. If I can’t have both, I’ll gladly just take the first.