15 Months


This month has flown by. Eva turned 15 months on March 8 and I’ve tried to take pictures of her a handful of times but this one above was the only one that worked out. This kid just likes to move. Today at church, all she wanted to do was run. Run and run and run some more.

Eva does really well entertaining herself with random things. We are currently in Kentucky visiting my parents and she has loved trying all their new toys and going from room to room playing with something different. My mom this morning was getting ready for church and couldn’t find her shoe because Eva was trying them on and then hid it when she was done. We were late to leave because we had to search the house (it was under the bed). She’s a mischievous one and knows when she’s doing something she shouldn’t be doing. Her latest stunt is to climb up on anything and give this big cheesy grin and when you go over to get her down she runs away. I’ve tried scolding her and putting her in time outs on my lap, but I finally found a solution that sticks. One day she tried to climb on the fire place a dozen times. (This was AFTER she had already hurt her nose on the fireplace-you’d think she’d learn!) After a handful of time outs on my lap and her running right back to the fireplace, I put her in her crib for about twenty minutes. Guys. SHE HASN’T GONE BACK TO THE FIREPLACE SINCE! Everything could change tomorrow, because she’s a crazy kid. But it’s been a couple days of success, and that counts for something, right?

This month Eva has started being a little more cuddly and learning how to relax in my lap. She has fallen asleep in my arms several times this month, and throughout the day will give me little pats on the back, rest her head on my shoulder, cling around my legs, and give me open mouth (sometimes biting) kisses. I fall in love with my Diva Eva every more every single day.

This month we have 100% transitioned to one nap a day. I was pretty sad about it, but it’s actually more convenient when we have busy days. She finally has a good routine again and sleeping well every night. We had a couple weeks in there for a while where she’d get up once or twice through the night and I was feeling like a zombie. It’s much harder to let your baby cry it out when they’re crying out “MAMAAAA” and “DADDAAAAAA.” I’m getting to be quite a softie! But T.J. helped and everyone gets to sleep regularly now, horray!

Once we get back to Utah this week, I’m going into Operation: Switch Eva off of Bottles. She is way too dependent on them, I’ve realized, and asks for it like most babies ask for a binky. Wish me luck. And send me your tips please!

Eva is still pretty quiet, but she has started to say a couple of words. My sister thought it would be hilarious to teach Eva to point and say, “Ghost!” in an effort to scare me in the future. I didn’t think Eva would catch on. But sure enough, Eva now (if prompted) will point and say, “Goooh!” Let’s hope she doesn’t randomly say it in the future when it’s the middle of the night. She calls everyone “Dada,” is always requesting a “cah-cah” (which is a cookie or a cracker-pretty much any treat) and is starting to learn her animal sounds, thanks to my mom and all of her children’s songs she sings. Eva is finally starting to respond to me, usually by saying no or shaking her head. It’s so cool to be able to start communicating to her!

I’ve said it every month, and I’m saying it again. This age is the best. She is a doll and I love my little Eva Kay with my whole heart!


Dancing, singing, running, being outside, riding in the wagon, playing with her babies, feeding her babies, hiding things, wiping everything off of her high chair tray, getting tickled, riding on my back, tickling, knocking over towers, brushing her teeth, playing in the bath tub, drinking her “baba,” looking at other kids, going to the park.


Diaper changes, leaving the park, being held when she wants to run, sitting in her little stroller (she likes the jogging one much better), wearing bows and clips (she rips them out!).

Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week

Red Eyes and Droopy Eyelids

Guys, I am going to vent for a second.

This is the worst teething round we’ve ever been in. Evabug woke up last night at 1 and didn’t fall back to sleep until 5:30. We gave her Motrin before bed but I guess it wore off and the pain really set in. T.J. and I realized it’s the longest she’s ever been awake in the night, even when she was a newborn. So, I guess that’s good that we’ve only had to have a night like last-one time.

We tried so many things to help her calm down and to fall back to sleep. We of course gave her more medicine, had her chew on a cold and wet wash cloth, drink some water out of a straw (just because she thinks that’s fun), watched Blues Clues, rocked her, gave her baby orajel, bounced her, gave her a teething cookie (which actually did help calm her down), and cry in her crib at one point- hoping she’d fall back to sleep. But she didn’t and I couldn’t bear her being in pain and crying there by herself. So, T.J. and I just switched back and forth a couple times and by 5:30 she finally fell back to sleep. It was a loooong night and now we are having a crazy, off-day.

Eva is napping now though, and I’m praying it’s a VERY long nap to make up for last night.

Perhaps I will now take a nap…



Teething Problems

I can’t count exactly how many teeth Eva is getting right now, but it’s a lot.
Swollen gums. Bright red cheeks. Bite marks. Tears.
Lots of love. Extra treats.

Photo Feb 24, 9 42 05 PM

Work It







14 Months


This post is about two weeks overdue, but I haven’t been in the mood to write much recently. Plus, every time I try to take a picture of Eva, it’s blurry because she’s always running around the house. That girl is fast.

So, not too much has changed since last month. Eva continues to be more and more independent every day. She wants to walk everywhere, instead of being held. We used to carry her out to the car, but she insists on walking there by herself. At least she will hold our hand. That part is adorable. She will grab my hand at home and pull me somewhere to show me something. I could do that all day long. It’s so exciting to see her understanding more. Although she cannot communicate with many words, you can tell her brain is comprehending things and she’s trying to let us know what she’s thinking. Today she said, “I did it!” and, “Ta-dah!” when opening up the Easter eggs. I pretty much freaked out over the, “I did it!” I’m not sure if she knew what she was saying, but I’ll take it! Her little high voice is so sweet. A couple other words or phrases that she says are: All done, Mama, Dada, Papa, Uh-Oh, and, Dunno (I don’t know). But mostly, she just points at things or shakes her head.

Eva loves picking up books, pointing at pictures on the pages, and “reading.” Other favorite activities include feeding Minnie Mouse her bottle, brushing her hair and pulling out any bow or clip, dancing and twirling, trying to eat the bubbles in her bath, building towers with her blocks and then destroying them, coloring, and “cooking” with me. I don’t think we have laughed more together ever before. In fact, we were at Costco and I kept tickling her leg while she was sitting in the cart. She was laughing so loud that a woman turned and said, “Wow, that’s quite a baby laugh!” It was hilarious.

Right now Eva has eight teeth. Five on the front top, two on the front bottom, and one top molar that popped it’s way through this week. Two more are about to come through, as well. So, we have had a bunch of 3 am parties this past week.

We finally weened her off of formula completely and switched her to whole milk. It’s so great on the budget and, on most days, helps her to eat more regular food. Another change is that Eva is pretty much taking just one nap day. If she wakes up early enough and has her first nap before 11, then we can squeeze a second one in later, but typically she wakes up at 8:30 and then takes a 2-3 hour nap around noon. Part of me really misses having both naps, especially because I try to get most of my work done during her naps, but it is nice that she can be happy and awake longer when we are out or have plans.

There have been some days lately where Eva has been a total doll. We have the best time together and after I put her to bed, I start to miss her and think, “Maybe I should go in and look at her… maybe I could even rock her some more!” Then I come to my senses and realize that’s ridiculous, she wouldn’t be too pleased to be woken up. On the other hand, there also have been days where she has had FULL BLOWN, melt down, body on the ground, kicking and screaming, tantrums. Those are usually few and far between (and I really do think it’s because the teething was hurting her), but on those days, I beg T.J. to come home and have a turn with our child who is living up to her “Diva Eva” nickname. She’s a drama queen just like her mama.

That’s about all I have to report for now. Here are a some pictures from a week ago:

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A Weekend to Remember

This post has way too much text. Just skip down to the cute pictures of Eva in the hospital gown!

Last Friday, Eva and I both woke up with colds. I wasn’t too concerned because it’s kind of a common occurrence in this never ending winter. But as the day went on, Eva’s breathing got heavier and she began to wheeze. After she went to bed that night, we found out that Eva had played earlier in the week with her buddy who, unknowingly at the time, had RSV. So, as soon as the BYU’s health clinic opened on Saturday morning, I took her to see the doctor.

We weren’t there for more than fifteen minutes when they told me to take her to the ER and that she would probably have to stay for at least 24 hours. I immediately started crying. The doctor assured me everything would be fine. She just needed to be monitored and have a couple of breathing treatments. But just the thought of taking my baby girl to the ER really upset me.

Honestly, when she was just with us, her breathing didn’t seem horrible. It just sounded like congestion. But when the nurses or doctors were around, she would get stressed out, cry, and the wheezing increased terribly. I think that was the hardest part the whole time. I felt that she’d be more comfortable at home, but I do understand it was for the best to have her at the hospital just in case it got worse and her throat closed up.

So, it turned out her RSV test came back positive and she also had a croup cough (it sounded like a dog bark… so terrible). After spending a couple of hours in the ER and giving her steroids with a breathing treatment, some doctors and breathing specialists would say she’d be able to go home soon, and then some would say she should be admitted. It was so hard to get our hopes up and then crushed over and over again. It happened at least a handful of times throughout the whole stay. They ended up admitting her and we found ourselves in a room on the pediatrics floor.

Once we got up there, I realized how blessed we really were. I had to keep reminding myself that RSV was not a big deal compared to what most of those kids were in for and that we’d be out of the hospital soon. That floor was so heartbreaking… I cannot imagine having to have your child in the hospital for days, weeks, or even months. We were just there for 24 hours and it felt like an eternity.

The doctor told us the best treatment was just to have Eva relax as much as possible. So, we watched a lot of TV, tried to have Eva nap, and just watched the time slowly go by. At 10 PM they were going to decide if we had to stay the night. To our dismay, they wanted to keep her overnight to continue monitoring her.

Eva woke up every single hour that night from her cough. (Flashback to the newborn days… how did I ever survive those first couple months?!) It didn’t help that she saw us each time she woke up, so she wanted to get out of the crib.

Anyway, the morning finally came and Eva seemed a bit more chipper but her breathing wasn’t much better. Her oxygen levels were perfect though and so I was praying they’d let us go home and just have us continue to monitor her. Thankfully the doctor on rotation agreed that there wasn’t much point to having her stay in the hospital, so after another round of steroids, we got to go home by 2 pm. Hal.le.lu.jah.

Since Sunday, Eva has finally started acting like herself. Today she didn’t want to cuddle with me at all and that’s when I knew she was feeling better… ha! Her breathing still sounds like a zombie (which is ironic since The Walking Dead started back last weekend), but at her checkup today, the doctor said her levels were perfect and her lungs sounded clear. So, we are finally on the home stretch!

Eva will be contagious for a while longer though. So, we will be staying at home until we’re over this nasty bug. But I do want to say thank you to the three girls who brought us dinner on Monday and Tuesday. It was so thoughtful and really helped to relieve some stress. Also, thanks to everyone who checked in on us and stopped by the hospital to bring us food! I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love and prayers we have felt these past couple days! Thanks guys!

Photo Feb 09, 5 14 22 PM

Photo Feb 09, 5 29 01 PM

Photo Feb 09, 9 51 58 PM

Photo Feb 09, 9 52 54 PM

Photo Feb 09, 11 32 35 AM

Photo Feb 10, 9 45 50 AM


5 Activities (For One Year Olds)

$(KGrHqYOKkQE9g9wry1,BP8I-ChDYQ~~_35Yesterday was a big day for our family. We got library cards at the Provo Library. I’m pretty embarrassed that I’ve been here so long and just now got one. In my defense, I haven’t had a Utah ID the entire time. And I’ve used the BYU library a lot. Even after graduation. But I decided we should definitely take advantage of the great kids section because it’s a fun (and free) place to go when we are bored. And… we should read more.

One book I checked out is called Play & Learn, by Dr. Roni Cohen Leiderman and Dr. Wendy Masi. It has 1001 activities for your kid. And although a lot of them are simple things, it’s just nice to have new and fresh ideas. Today I was overly grateful I found the book because we were snowed in and the day seems like it would never end.

If you’re feeling the same way, here are five activities you and your toddler might want to try. (Eva loved all of them!):

  1. Draw Together. We pulled out the crayons today and had fun drawing on the paper for a whole fifteen minutes before Eva tried to start eating the crayons. That’s a success in my book.
  2. Teach Rhythm and Music. The book said that babies can “perceive rhythms and anticipate what comes next in a pattern, even if they can’t always replicate that pattern.” I fully believe this and believe that the earlier you start singing and teaching your children music, the more musically inclined they will be when they are older. My music teaching mom would want me to remind you to always sing in a high register so your children develop their higher voices. We turned on music today and Eva sang along! Well, she babbled to her own tune, but that’s better than nothing!
  3. Give Blanket Rides. Put your baby on the blanket and pull them around. Then, grab some stuffed animals and have your little one give their animals a ride. Eva thought it was so fun pulling her bears around.
  4. Bounce On a Knee. The book had this cute poem to bounce your baby to… increase the bouncing tempo for faster and faster riders:
    • This is the way the farmer rides–walk, walk, walk.
    • This is the way the children ride–trot, trot, trot.
    • This is the way the lady rides–a-canter, a-canter.
    • This is the way the knight rides–a-gallop, a-gallop.
    • And WHOA! (Dip your baby between your knees
  5. Cook together. Okay, Eva really can’t help me cook yet. But, I did give her some plastic mixing bowls and big spoons and she went to town stirring up her pretend food. I was able to make dinner without interuption while she was perfectly occupied.

I really suggest checking out the book. It has ideas for ages newborn to 6 year olds. Also, I’d love it if you had any ideas to share with me… I don’t know how much longer I can take being stuck inside with Eva all day! Please leave a comment, email me, or blog about it! 


All Grown Up


I read this touching blog post yesterday by the writer of E Tells Tales. It really tugged on my momma-strings. If you don’t have time to click through and read her post, she is aching for more time with her toddler because it’s just going so fast. Then she shared all those little milestones in the first year-memories she wishes she could relive again.

I’m feeling the same way. Gosh, I think I’ve felt that way since the day I became a mom. Each day, each week, each month. It all goes so fast. Eva was just rolling over for the first time in front of our family at FHE. I feel like it was just yesterday she started scooting at my parents’ house. Her first smile, her first belly laugh, her first pouty face… I want to relive those times with Eva. She’s growing up too fast.

So, that’s that. I don’t want these days to slip by me.

I want Eva to be my baby girl forever.



The Milk Situation

Last week, a friend gave me a suggestion of how to switch Eva over to cow’s milk. Everything we had tried hadn’t worked yet, so I was skeptical. But guys, we’re almost all the way switched now!

The suggestion was to use milk instead of water with the formula. Then, slowly decrease the amount of formula. My sister also told me to warm the milk and I think that has made a huge difference. We are down to one scoop for each bottle, instead of three. I’ll probably continue to give her one scoop until she’s a solid eater.

Anyway, thanks for all your advice guys! It’s already saving us money! Horray!

And now, here’s a funny milk graphic for you to look at…


A Trip to the Car Wash

Photo Jan 14, 2 40 48 PM

Photo Jan 14, 7 04 43 PM