
Funny Girl


Hello Song

I try to do music time with Eva every day where we sing and dance to music. My mom has given me a lot of CDs since she’s an elementary school music teacher, and sometimes we just turn on Pandora toddler radio. Side note: When you start listening to these toddler songs everyday, they get stuck in your head! I’m always singing phrases like, “Walking along on our tippy-tip toes… nobody knows where a tippy-toer goes.”

Anyway, I thought I’d share this idea of music time with you because, if you’re like Eva and I, some days are very long as we have until 7 pm until TJ gets home! So, adding a bit of structure to our days really helps.

We love the Music Together series most of all. Now that I have my own toddler, I realize how much kids like these songs and how important it is to expose them to music. Plus, the Music Together songs teach kids how to sing well and stay on rhythm.


Video Update of Eva

Saving the best for last:

20 Months


Eva turned 20 months on August 8. Time is flying by and Eva will be 2 before we know it! Not much has changed since last month. But I wanted to document this month just like all the others. She is my little drama queen who’s turning into a jokester. We are always laughing around her because Eva is starting to realize she is a funny little girl.

Eva’s vocabulary grows every day. My favorite thing she says is button. Except she calls them “butts.” So, we get in an elevator and she’ll say over and over, “Butt butt butt butt!”


Likes: BABIES and Baby Dolls, play dough, reading, Mickey, going on walks, slides, pushing her stroller around, gold fish and fruit snacks, balls, trains (choo choos), cottage cheese, playing ghost, bath time, rubbing my back, sleeping in.


Dislikes: sitting on the potty… guess we’ll try again next month, going out to eat, sharing her mom, the sun visor on her stroller.


We love you Eva Kay! You are such a sweetie and will always be our darling baby girl!

Nineteen Months
Eighteen Months
Seventeen Months
Sixteen Months
Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week

19 Months


Another month has gone by and Eva is another month older. This month has been a fun one. We have learned a couple things about Eva this month:

  1. Her favorite word is no.
  2. Eva is a girly-girl.
  3. She will eat almost anything if we tell her it is a cookie.
  4. Eva is quite a character.
  5. Mischievous could her middle name.

Going along with number one: Eva’s vocabulary has grown so much this month (but she still says the word “no” more often than anything else). Everyday she says new words! It is so fun to hear what she has to say. I think my favorite word that she says is “baby doll.” Whenever she sees a baby (even a toddler bigger than her) she calls them a baby doll. Isn’t that adorable?

Number 2. This month Eva has also started to pick out her clothes every day. And not just one outfit. She does it about three times a day and at times, wants to wear more than one outfit at a time. Usually the outfits consist of a frilly skirt, and a pink top. As soon as the outfit goes on, so must the shoes. “Shewwwws Shewwwwwwwsssss.” Also, Eva came up to me with her hands outs saying, “Nay-eels nay-eels nay-eels.” I realized she wanted to have her nails painted. So cute.

Lastly, number 3. Eva still is a difficult eater. But if I tell her it’s a cookie, she is much more likely to try it! So, all day long she says, “Cookie!” I promise I don’t give her cookies very often!

For number 4 and 5, I just have some videos to prove it.

Eighteen Months
Seventeen Months
Sixteen Months
Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week


Newport Green

I think I’ve told you all about this place before, but here are some more pictures from this week at the Newport Green-the beach and park near our apartment. My only wish is that the water at the splash pad (not shown) wasn’t freezing.







18 Months


Eva turned 18 months on June 8th. Can you believe it? It just keeps getting better and better. She is such a joy to be around and is quite the character.

At our church, once a toddler is one and a half, they can go to nursery for the last two hours of church. We have been counting down the months for this day because three hours of church with a baby is pretty difficult. So, finally she is able to go to nursery and has done great. She pretty much just plays with the baby dolls the entire time and writes on the chalk board (from what I’ve heard). The first week she was in there, she left with an ice cream cone. So, it’s safe to say she has it pretty good.

Since it’s just been me, T.J., and Eva together nonstop for a month, Eva is getting more and more clingy to me. I noticed she has a bit of separation anxiety right now when I’m away. Sometimes if I leave the room, she’ll even freak out. Eva has never been this way, so it’s kind of concerning. Have any of your kids gone through this? What are some tips on beating it? Some days she wants me to hold her nonstop (which I can’t and won’t do…) but the whining gets old.

Eva’s vocabulary is growing every day. I can’t always understand her, she has her own language and will ramble on and on. But there are a lot of words she has picked up recently. Some new and popular words are: All gone, mommy, up, down, go, apple, cracker, cookie, blue (boo-for Blue’s Clues), please (meese), bath, hugs, night night, bye bye, choo choo (whenever there’s a train/subway/boat), honk honk, shoes, teeth, and car.

Some of Eva’s favorite things to do right now are playing mirror (she’ll make faces and expect you to mimic them), giving high fives and fist bumps (rock), dancing, walking on her tiptoes, running everywhere, slapping my belly, watching Blue’s Clues, and reading books.

Well, that’s about all I have to report for now. Hope you enjoy the pictures.




Seventeen Months
Sixteen Months
Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week

16 and 17 Months


April was busy so I kept putting off doing a post for Eva’s 16th month. Well, I waited too long and now she’s 17 months old. So, this is a combo post.

Eva makes me laugh so much every day. She is starting to try and make me laugh too, which is even cuter. Yesterday she was whining in the car and I said, “Eva, you’re starting to drive me nuts!” And then she said, “Thank you!” I’m sure she didn’t know what I said, but her response was so funny.

Eva is talking more and more. You can’t understand most of it, but it’s still darling. Evabug’s newest phrase is: Nigh nigh (night night)! She says it the sweetest voice. At night when she’s sleepy, she gets a blanket, spreads it out on the ground, and says nigh nigh over and over while rolling around on the blanket.

Other words/sounds she says on a regular basis are: Daddy (everything is daddy, including her Dad), nana (banana), hop hop (when she plays with the bunny), woof woof (when she sees or hears a dog), thank you, peeeeese (Please), up, that, hot, baba (bottle), baboo (ball), bubbles, papa (grandpa), no, hi, mama (rarely), Ssssssss (when she plays with the toy snake), tickle tickle, yeah, I did it, cah (clock), tada, and ow.

It is fun to watch Eva and her cousin Cohen interact and play together. Eva is not always nice, but she is learning. Yesterday Cohen would hide behind the corner and come back into site and Eva just thought it was hilarious. Their own version of peek-a-boo/hide-n-seek. They also tried hugging the other day. Eva loves trying to put clips in his hair or necklaces on his head but he isn’t a huge fan.

Everyday is quite a struggle to get Eva to eat. One day she will love applesauce, the next day she will hate it. So, we have tons of different, half-eaten food in our pantry/fridge. And she still loves her bottle. But I put weening on hold for now since we are in transition and it’s kind of like her binky. Next month, Mom, I promise I will get her off of it!

Eva loves playing outside. Bubbles, playing in dirt, riding her car, pulling dandelions… she could play outside for hours. She also is becoming quite the daredevil/stunts-man. We keep finding her climbing in/on things. She also loves running fast-we thought we lost her in the shoe store today because she ran away from us so quickly.

I love this age. Eva is such a joy to be around and is always making me smile. We are so grateful for our healthy and happy baby girl and love seeing her learn new things everyday.



Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week

Eva’s First Haircut!

I had been debating on whether or not to cut Eva’s hair for quite some time. The back was looking like a mullet so my mother-in-law who has all the hair cutting scissors went to work! We put Eva in her high chair, turned on Mickey, and gave her lots of treats. I think she looks adorable with it cut but she looks much more grown up!

Picture 4

Picture 3



Eva Videos