
Funny Eva Sayings: Round 4

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Are you sick of all these funny sayings posts? I’m sorry if you are, maybe you should stop reading my blog! Haha! I can’t get enough. Eva says soooo many cute/funny things everyday. I try to write as many down as possible. Here are the latest, some all the way back to November:

  • Hannah was visiting and told Eva she has a 17 year old brother. Eva instantly asked, “Oh, his name Cheeks?” Uhhh… where did that come from? Hahaha!
  • Eva was obsessed with singing I am a Child of God, which actually only consisted of “I’m a child God, lead me guide me, blahblahblah, lead me somedayyyy” and would sing it constantly. One day she asked me, “Mom, can I sing that church song at the park?” Of course!
  • T.J. asked Eva what the best part of her day was, which was a fun, eventful day in the city. She said, “Seeing the Santa Chair!” I thought it was so funny that we did so much in the city, but the highlight of her day was just walking past the chair Santa would sit in.
  • Sometimes I make threats, bad parenting I know.., back off! But there has been a threat for a while that she has to let me put her hair back and out of her eyes or else her Nana will make me cut her hair! (My mom always is telling me to cut it haha) and so that kind of got mixed up in the holiday season when I was about to threaten Eva to do something, and Eva cut in and asked, “Or Else Santa will cut my hair like a boy?!?!” Hahaha ohh poor girl. She was so worried.
  • Eva went on the potty one day and exclaimed after she did her business, “SANTA WILL BE SO HAPPY!”
  • Looking at a video of an anaconda snake, Eva said, “Oooooh cute! He’s my best buddy ever!” I hate snakes so this thoroughly disgusted me.
  • After taking some medicine, Eva said, “Ewwww tastes like snakes!”
  • Eva calls the Muppets, “The Muffins.”
  • I was wearing a black and white leopard print sweater and Eva told me, “Mom, you look like a cow!”
  • “I can’t find my gloves. It’s just impossible!”
  • “Shoo birds… they’re dangerous, Mom!”
  • I suggested to Eva that Santa could maybe bring her a doll house. “No, mom, I want a hat.”
  • One FHE, Eva told me and T.J., “Don’t say that! Don’t talk about Jesus!” 
  • After sitting on the big toilet, shaking her head, “I was SO brave!”
  • “Mom, let’s do play dough. Ohhhhh… that a great idea!”
  • I don’t remember what I was doing, I should have written down the context, but Eva scolded me, “NO NO NO! NEVER DO THAT!”
  • The vacuum was too loud for Eva one day and she said, “It makes me sick. It’s too loud. Charlie (Eva’s make believe dog) doesn’t like it!”
  • “Mom, I have to tell you something. I have boobies just like you.” Eva said it so seriously.
  • “OOOh, Mom, you smell so sweet. So clean.”
  • “I’ve got a bunchy!” (her word for wedgie)
  • We were watching The Santa Claus movie and Eva pointed to the boy in the movie and said, “That’s Baby Jesus.” Oh gosh, I’m really failing in the religious department, but how can you not laugh at that? Hahahaha
  • After having a FHE all about the nativity and telling her over and over again about what the true meaning of Christmas was, Eva’s reply to me asking what Christmas is all about was, “CANDY CANES!”
  • While looking for her toy and having no luck, she fell on the ground and said, “This is hopeless!” Like mother like daughter, so much drama!
  • In Primary, they asked her what her favorite food was. She said, “Orange juice.” We RARELY ever drink orange juice, so that was a funny/random answer to me!
  • If Eva wants to do something for a long amount of time, she says, “One minute… LOTS MINUTES!”

Funny Eva Sayings: Round One

Funny Eva Sayings: Round Two

Funny Eva Sayings: Round Three

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Yes, it really was a FUN year. But reflecting back, I don’t think I actually achieved any goals and I kind of hate that. It makes me think I was just unproductive. I mean, we obviously did a LOT but this year I’m going to make sure we have fun but still keep focused, on all aspects of life!

So, here were my goals from last year:

  1. Lose 20 pounds (NOPE, sure wish I did and I did probably go down ten pounds by March but I gained it all back)
  2. Quit nagging and speak in a nice tone (still working on this) 
  3. Organize my Apartment (I did organize it throughout the year, but it’s a mess again)
  4. Stick to our budget (nope nope nope… oops! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE YEAR!)
  5. Give more affection (still working on this)

Here are my goals for 2015 that I’ll share with you, in addition to the ones I’m still working on above:

  1. Study D&C and church history by myself everyday, study New Testament as a couple in preparation to teach our lesson on Sundays, study Book of Mormon with Eva (we got the Book of Mormon stories book on our iPad and it’s been wonderful! I highly recommend getting it), and study Old Testament for family home evening.
  2. Be early to church each week. Last year, I made this as a goal and we weren’t late once! It did help that church was at 2 and I am the pianist so I need to be there early to play prelude, but the first week of 2015 I was late because the time is much earlier. Hopefully we will get in a good routine and not be late again!
  3. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. I am someone who skips meals easily (mostly breakfast and lunch) but then at night I’m pretty much starving so I snack way too much. So, this year I want to eat a more balanced diet! I also am trying to constantly drink water and take vitamins every day. Hoping for clearer skin and more energy!
  4. Act on promptings and move forward in faith.
  5. Be patient and speak kindly. I kind of have developed this Jersey attitude, which is not always a good thing. So, at home, at work, out and around the city, I want to be patient with others and speak kindly to them even when it may be difficult.

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Alright, 2015, I’m ready for you. Let’s make this a productive year full of real happiness! XOXO-Katie


Looking Back at 2014

2014 was a fun year

We traveled a lot: DC three times (1,2, 3), Kentucky three times (1, 2, 3), Utah once, and California once.


Fell in love with NYC: Meet the Mormons premiere, picnicked on the river downtown a bunch, saw Broadway in the Park, attended LIVE with Michael and Kelly, checked out the kid’s exhibit at NYC Library, donut tastings, tried out lots of parks with Eva, rode the SI ferry,  checked out the Central Park zoo and Prospect Park zoo, saw the blossoms at Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Macy’s Flower Show, Central Park Playground, shopped in SoHo, and wandered around the Natural History Museum a couple of times.


Had a couple visitors: Mom, Mark my Father-in-law, Hannah, Blair, my cousin Becca


Went to the beach three times (1, 23)


Celebrated all the holidays with a bang: Valentine’s Day on a date at Chelsea Market, Halloween trick or treating on the UWS, Christmas, TJ’s Birthday at Shake Shack, Easter, my birthday on Times Square, 4th of July


Hung out with this adorable kid (and his mom) every day


Saw a couple shows and concerts (Piano GuysLes Mis, Phantom, Once)


Met B.J. Novak and freaked out a little (okay, a lot!)


Well, 2014… you were pretty good, I could have been better (more on this in my next post about resolutions), but you were awfully good to us!


Eva’s Birthday Party

Eva turned 3 on the 8th and we threw a little birthday party for her at our apartment. Our place is very teeny, so it was a bit cramped but I’ve decided I’m not going to let a small apartment get in the way of throwing parties and having people over anymore. It was modest, but we had a great time and I made it through the whole thing without crying about Eva growing up!



Chasing Eva

Chasing Eva with the 70D Autofocus from Christopher Swainhart on Vimeo.

I was going through old videos and photos and came across this cute one my dad did more than a year ago to test out his new camera. She’s such a cutie, walking around Cincinnati like she owns the place.


Eva is 3!

I have put off writing this blog post for a couple days now because I am still in denial that my little girl is growing up. But it’s also very exciting. A new age, a new stage! New experiences, new emotions, new memories… it’s going to be a good year. I’ve heard three is harder than two, but I say bring it on!

Age two wasn’t “terrible.” There were terrible moments but overall, it was the best yet. There were tantrums, but there was lots of hugs and cuddling. There was major attitude, but there was laughter every day. That girl. She knows how to have fun, and boy, is her laugh contagious.

Eva, Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl! We love you and are so proud of you!

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2 1/2 Years
25 Months
2 Years
Twenty-three Months
Twenty-two Months
Twenty-one Months
Twenty Months
Nineteen Months
Eighteen Months
Seventeen Months
Sixteen Months
Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week


Give Thanks

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My good friend Camille and her family are moving away! Camille was one of my first friends out here in Jersey City and I taught her son at church for a year. She also has a daughter Eva’s age who Eva loves playing with in nursery each week. We will surely miss them but are excited for their next phase of life!

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Time Lapse Videos

Three years ago, my parents, T.J., and I went to Monument Valley and to the Grand Canyon together where my dad shot these two beautiful time lapse videos. I randomly came across them again on YouTube and wanted to share them again! Enjoy!

Get me through this week!

One more week until we have our vacation with T.J.’s family! I can’t stop thinking about it and sure wish it was tomorrow! I even dreamt that Eva said, “Just one more sleep until the airplane!” Probably because she is constantly asking me how many “more sleeps” there are until we go on our trip.

We are having the grossest weather over here today, and the rest of the week is going to be cold. So, I have made an idea list of things to distract me and make this week speed by, even if we are stuck inside!

  1. Get Christmas cards from Staples and address them
  2. Make my Christmas craft for a craft exchange I’m going to next month
  3. Go to the library
  4. Take Eva to the “Store Park”
  5. Farewell Dinner for Camille
  6. The Hunger Games!
  7. Watch the first two HG again to prepare for the premiere
  8. Organize my closet
  9. Get the rest of my Christmas decorations out
  10. Practice the new piano music for the Christmas program
  11. Prepare my Sunday School lesson so I don’t have to do it over our trip
  12. Blog
  13. Make some freezer meals
  14. Get my gifts for the Secret Santa thing at church
  15. Exercise
  16. Take Eva to a museum in the city
  17. Make Thanksgiving crafts with Eva
  18. Go to the Relief Society activity on Wednesday
  19. Visit the school I’m hoping Eva can go to next year
  20. Watch this video over and over of my friend because it’s so adorable!