Yes, it really was a FUN year. But reflecting back, I don’t think I actually achieved any goals and I kind of hate that. It makes me think I was just unproductive. I mean, we obviously did a LOT but this year I’m going to make sure we have fun but still keep focused, on all aspects of life!

So, here were my goals from last year:

  1. Lose 20 pounds (NOPE, sure wish I did and I did probably go down ten pounds by March but I gained it all back)
  2. Quit nagging and speak in a nice tone (still working on this) 
  3. Organize my Apartment (I did organize it throughout the year, but it’s a mess again)
  4. Stick to our budget (nope nope nope… oops! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE YEAR!)
  5. Give more affection (still working on this)

Here are my goals for 2015 that I’ll share with you, in addition to the ones I’m still working on above:

  1. Study D&C and church history by myself everyday, study New Testament as a couple in preparation to teach our lesson on Sundays, study Book of Mormon with Eva (we got the Book of Mormon stories book on our iPad and it’s been wonderful! I highly recommend getting it), and study Old Testament for family home evening.
  2. Be early to church each week. Last year, I made this as a goal and we weren’t late once! It did help that church was at 2 and I am the pianist so I need to be there early to play prelude, but the first week of 2015 I was late because the time is much earlier. Hopefully we will get in a good routine and not be late again!
  3. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. I am someone who skips meals easily (mostly breakfast and lunch) but then at night I’m pretty much starving so I snack way too much. So, this year I want to eat a more balanced diet! I also am trying to constantly drink water and take vitamins every day. Hoping for clearer skin and more energy!
  4. Act on promptings and move forward in faith.
  5. Be patient and speak kindly. I kind of have developed this Jersey attitude, which is not always a good thing. So, at home, at work, out and around the city, I want to be patient with others and speak kindly to them even when it may be difficult.

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Alright, 2015, I’m ready for you. Let’s make this a productive year full of real happiness! XOXO-Katie

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