
Baby Shower

On May 16th, two good friends in my ward threw a baby shower/goodbye party for me. I am still kind of floored at their kindness… one of them just moved into the area a couple months ago, so to think she’d throw such a beautiful shower for me was so sweet!

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Park Days

More fun days out at the park, and even a [windy] day at the beach!

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Temple Night

TJ and I hadn’t been to the Manhattan Temple together before and we finally got to go a few weeks back! I am so grateful for my marriage to TJ, that he understands the importance of going to the temple, and for our church that provides a place for us to get away from the noisy world (especially in NYC) and draw closer to our Savior for a couple of hours.

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Curious about these LDS temples that keep popping up around the world? Watch these videos.

Blessings of going to the temple:

Why we build temples:

20 Weeks

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Halfway?? I’m actually 21 weeks now, but it’s all pretty much the same. I’m to the point now where I really don’t physically notice I’m pregnant at all, which is great. No more nausea, not really any tiredness, not many aches or pains unless I’ve walked all day then I’m a little sore at night… but hey, overall I’m feeling great and doing well.

I feel baby boy move ALL THE TIME. It’s kind of driving me nuts. But it is also fun to have a constant reminded that he’s there and slowly becoming a part of this family. We talk about him often with Eva and she keeps asking more and more questions about him and the pregnancy. I need to buy a book on how to answer these questions because I want to be open and honest with her but don’t want to give her too many details since she’s only three.

We were talking about the bump and I asked her how she thought the baby got there. She said, “Uhhhh Grandma put it there probably.”

And yesterday she asked how the baby is going to come out… then answered her own question by asking, “Does it come out your belly? That’s going to break you mom!” I thought for a second and said something like uhhhh, it comes out kind of near my bottom (ah! sorry!) and she looked at me for a second and said, “EWWWW, no! It doesn’t come out your BOTTOM!” Then she laughed hysterically. Oh gosh.

We have a couple names we have in mind. The biggest and loudest contender is WATERMELON. You can guess who put that one into the running. They’re not secret, so if you ask, I’ll tell you the names but I don’t want to put them on the blog for the world to see, mostly because I know my mom hates most of them haha! But after he is named y’all better embrace it.

I’ve had more crazy pregnancy emotions and dreams. Commercials and random youtube videos online make me cry constantly. If it has a mother in it… I will definitely break down in tears. If there are dogs, children, deaths, births, I’ll lose it. I also wake up in the night to go the bathroom every night. First trimester I didn’t have that at all so I thought maybe it wouldn’t happen to me like last time. But turns out I just forgot when it started, I guess. Sometimes I can’t get back to sleep afterwards, which is difficult. But oh well. It’s getting me prepared to wake up in the night again. Eva has been a great sleeper since she was about 5 or 6 months old so I just don’t know how I’m going to handle it again!

That’s enough rambling for one day, I think. I am very excited and can’t wait for baby boy to come!

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Weekday Happenings

We have had a fun couple of weeks recently. I told you, when the weather is nice… life is GREAT here. I stayed inside this past Wednesday all day packing and realized it was the first time I had done that in a long time and it felt so strange not getting out. I’m so glad Winter is behind us and it’s almost summer! I even have a little tan now!

Free cone day at Ben & Jerry’s • Family Date Nights • Birthday Party for Julian • Braided Hair • Brookfield visits… new French market! • Lunch dates with friends at Taco Truck • Carlo’s Bakery

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17 Weeks

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Not much has changed since my last bump update, but my belly definitely is getting bigger and starting to get harder (which I like because then I don’t feel as flabby). I’m mostly still wearing my normal clothes, but occasionally using little elastics to extend my jeans button, and definitely wearing shirts/sweaters that are looser fit to hide the bump.

I got off my nausea medicine and two days later I threw up all day. I think it was also from getting car sick, but it made me get right back on the medicine and I’m feeling back to normal finally! In the evenings I was feeling sick and realized it was probably caused by heartburn, so I’ve been taking some heartburn medicine in the evenings after dinner and I’ve had two days feeling great at night again! I’m so happy I figured that one out.

My energy is pretty much back to normal! I can explore the city, spend the day at the park, go on long walks again, and not feel like I’m going to crash right after. I still can’t stay up as late as I used to, but thats probably a good thing. Since I don’t really go to the gym much (or ever? even though it’s in my building… how pitiful!) I do make myself get out for a long walk every day. I figure if I can keep walking two-three miles everyday, I’ll continue to stay pretty healthy for this pregnancy. I did notice some sciatic pain a month ago when I first started going on walks when it got warmer, but now that I’m walking more and consistently, I haven’t gotten the sciatic pain back thankfully… that is the WORST symptom to me!  I got some new walking shoes (Sketchers… not the cutest but definitely the comfiest) because I need more support walking around, and they have really made a difference!

I still have crazy emotions. I actually cried at the end of The Amazing Race on Friday when the couple I liked got sent home. I tell TJ to be sensitive all the time, poor guy… I know I’m the crazy one, but sometimes these pregnancy emotions get the best of me.

Last week I felt the baby move (and have felt it a couple times sense then). It is such a bizarre feeling to me when they’re that small. Like an alien inside my body (I’ve seen too many x-files, can you tell?). But it is exciting to think there’s a healthy baby boy growing inside of me!

I can’t believe I’m almost halfway finished with this pregnancy! Crazy!

My Feelings on Having a Boy

I posted some exciting news this week revealing that our little baby will be a boy. I was (and still am) in shock. We actually found out a little strangely. I did lots of blood work about two weeks ago and one of the tests would show the gender. Since our 20 week ultrasound isn’t until May (I thought we were having one a week ago at 16 weeks, like my first pregnancy… but I was confused), the doctor said I could call her for the results so we didn’t have to wait until the ultrasound appointment or next doctor visit end of April. So, I had the nurse tell my doctor to call me on Tuesday if the results were back and lo and behold, I got a call!

It was bizarre to just hear over the phone, “The results are back and you are having a boy.” I felt like I needed a drumroll or something! I wasn’t prepared, and it was a little less dramatic than finding out at an ultrasound-definitely not as fun-but oh well. She also let us know the blood work came out great so me and the baby boy are healthy, which I am extremely grateful for.

I have to admit I did cry when I found out it was a boy. I called TJ on the phone in tears to tell him the news. I’m ashamed that I didn’t think of something cute to do to tell him, but I was in such shock and needed to tell him right away! I thought I’d have a little girl to wear all of Eva’s cute hand-me-downs. Like this Easter dress? I NEED ANOTHER GIRL TO WEAR THIS PRECIOUS DRESS! Plus, my mom hand two girls, then a boy, so did my sister. I figured I’d be the same. I know girls, I love the drama (most of the time), we have all the stuff. So, when the doctor said a boy, my world was a little rocked. But after it set in, of course I got excited because a boy is just as good and just as exciting! I’m happy. TJ’s ecstatic, and Eva will get there. Haha!


Conference Weekend + Easter

I really liked having General Conference overlapping with Easter this year. Eva did a lot of Easter crafts and activities while we watched the sessions and on Saturday it was warm enough to go to the park in the afternoon.

On Sunday for Easter, I cooked up a storm and should have taken a photo of all that I made but I forgot! But I made a lot of delicious dishes:

Cinnamon Rolls
Green Bean Casserole
Corn Casserole
Orange Jello Salad
Deviled Eggs (Check out this cool and easy way to peel eggs!)
Cupcakes (Just from a box… nothing fancy)

We brought all the food over to my friends’ theater room and had about a dozen guests join us for Easter dinner and the last session of General Conference! It was a great time and a good way to celebrate our Savior’s Resurrection. Happy Easter!

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Boy or Girl?


On my birthday, Eva and I went into the city for the Macy’s flower show and just to get out a bit. When we got home, I was too exhausted to do anything for the rest of the night, so Eva went to bed early (no nap, bed early is our new motto recently), then TJ and I caught up on some shows and ordered in. It was a low key birthday, but spent with my two favorite people. TJ even made a float for me and put a candle in it!

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