That one time we hit a deer…

A dead deer, that is. A week ago we were driving up SR-92 to go to TJ’s grandma’s house for an extended family FHE when we noticed the car in front of us swerve quickly. Before we knew it, we saw a dead dear (but freshly killed because he wasn’t flat at all) on the road and TJ had to run right over it. If he would have swerved he could have hit the car next to us, so it had to be done. But man. It was scary. And loud. The car definitely got some air and all of us screamed. Including Finn because we woke up him from our screaming. TJ pulled over and we got out to check the car. It looked alright, but bloody and furry from that poor guy. We took it to the car wash and it was like a murder scene. Yuck.

We took the car in and it caused $4000 worth of damage. Thankfully the insurance is covering the majority of the work, but it is sure a hassle and pretty annoying that a chunk of our tax return is going to fixing our sad car.

Two fun facts about the situation:

  1. The car rental place only had two trucks available at the time. The one they initially wanted to give us was a HUGE diesel truck, pimped out. Can you imagine me driving that? Ha!
  2. The day after the accident, Eva came in wearing her reindeer Christmas shirt. I asked her why she put it on and she replied, “Because we ran over that deer yesterday.” I laughed for a LONG time after that. She also kept asking if the deer was mad that we hit him. Probably, Eva. Probably.

Valentine’s Day

As I was going through my Valentine’s Day photos, I couldn’t believe I didn’t take one of TJ and me over the weekend! So, I only have pictures of the kids, but don’t let that worry you… TJ is my first Valentine and we got to have a fun date out together out at the movies! He also surprised me with a huge box of delicious chocolates. He never has the car since he walks to work so I was wondering how or if he’d get me a gift but then on Saturday afternoon, a box was delivered and it was the best surprise ever!

Eva had a Valentine’s Day party at her school on Friday. That morning, we turned on Disney music, danced around, and put together her valentines. She wrote her name on each card and was so excited about them. She was a little worried about having to give them away, but I explained to her she would give hers out (get to keep one for herself) and in exchange, she’d get a dozen others from her friends at school. Well, I got her dressed up, did her hair and nails, then dropped her off. Well, when I picked her up from school and went through her school bag to see what she brought home like usual, I noticed ALL of her valentines were still in her bag. I couldn’t believe it. Did she not want to give them away? How did the two parents and one teacher not notice this was going on? There was a 3 to 1 kid to teacher, so I just couldn’t understand what happened. I asked Eva what happened and she said she just didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t as distraught as I was, I think I was annoyed no one noticed little Eva sitting there not passing out her valentines. Anyway, she passed them out the next school day and all is well.

Newport Aquarium

When I was in Kentucky, we visited the Newport Aquarium and had a great time. We’ve been a million times but I think this was the first time we had the place nearly to ourselves.

Kentucky Trip

The Monday after Christmas, Finn, Eva, and I headed to Kentucky to visit my parents. It was the first time I had flown with both kids, I was a little nervous but it went pretty well. I lucked out both flying out there and coming back by my original flights with a connection getting delayed or canceled so they put me on direct flights each way!

The first week I was there, my mom was still on Christmas vacation. We ate a lot of treats (my Aunt from Greece sent Baklava), played hard with the kids, and celebrated on New Years. For New Years Eve, we turned on the ball drop from 2015 on Youtube at 7 pm so Eva could celebrate with us! We had a little dance party and even let Eva drink sparkling cider from fancy glasses. That girl loves a good party. We were party animals and caught up on Good Wife that night together!

On New Years Day, we had a couple people over for sour kraut and ribs to ring in the new year with good luck! And then over the weekend, my mom gave a great lesson in Relief Society about setting goals, so it was fun to be there for that.

While I was in Kentucky, my dad and I took the kids to the Children’s museum and then the next day we all went to the aquarium together. My mom had Friday off of school so we took the day to shop up at Kenwood, which we always enjoy doing together! The kids were perfect that afternoon and Finn was in my wrap, smiling at everyone he passed.

Let’s see other highlights…

  • My dad has an office now at the Levee so I got to check that out! It’s a great space and very exciting!
  • We visited with my uncle and aunt, along with my sister Ashley, at Larosa’s
  • Ashley spent a couple days with us and played tons with Eva. She taught her how to play “Family” or “House” where Eva called her “sweet pea.”
  • We got to meet Ashley’s scary cat, which made us all laugh so much afterwards.
  • I met up with my friends Lelia and Kelly. It was nice to catch up with old friends from High School!
  • We made a gingerbread house together.
  • I ate all my KY/Cincinnati foods while I was there… Skyline, Larosa’s, Busken cookies, Graeter’s Ice Cream

We had a fabulous trip and miss them so much!

Christmas Video

Christmas Eve

We started off Christmas Eve with donuts from our favorite bakery in Lehi. You know it’s going to be a great day when it starts off with donuts, am I right? We had lunch later in the day with Tj’s parents and brother’s family at Cubby’s then all went over to Eva’s grandparents’ house for lots of fun! The kids played bingo, decorated sugar cookies for Santa, had a little gift exchange, and then a Christmas Spiritual thought about following the footsteps of Christ. It was so sweet. We turned off the lights and then the kids had flashlights and went on a little scavenger hunt. We then wrapped up the night with the kids singing Christmas carols and opening up new jammies. Christmas is a whole new ball game with kids. It’s so magical and absolutely precious.

A Visit to Santa

We took the kids to see Santa on the 23rd of December. Eva had her list ALL ready to recite, and dang… that girl had some high expectations. She wanted a wedding barbie doll, a new princess dress, and a magic mermaid tail that changed colors in water. I told her I wasn’t sure if Santa made those. But she replied, “Yes, he does, he makes toys and is magic.”

Home Alone at the Orchestra

We were so lucky to get two date nights in ONE weekend in December. We rarely go on dates, and so to have two in a row was nuts. We had kind of had an off day though so it almost didn’t happen, but we already had tickets to see Home Alone at the Utah Symphony (they played the soundtrack while the movie played on a projector, it was awesome!) so we decided to still go.

We got off to a late start and my anxiety level was already at like a 9/10 (see previous postpartum aftermath post ha!) and then we hit TERRIBLE traffic heading up to Salt Lake. We were going so slow and changed lanes, and of course got into an accident. That delayed us another hour, since we had to wait for the police and do a report. Thankfully everyone was fine and the cars weren’t in terrible shape. I told TJ we should just head back but then we just started laughing at how terrible our whole day had been. We kept making up funny scenarios of where the guy who’s car we hit would have just yelled out the window and said, “Don’t worry about it, have a great day!” Or, “Thanks guys, you actually did me a favor.” Or, “Here’s one million dollars, don’t worry about my car!” Sounds really dumb when I write it out now, but it cheered us up (plus I treated myself to a diet coke!) and we ended up making the movie at intermission and caught the second half. Afterwards, we walked around Temple Square a bit and admired the temple and temple grounds where we were married in, all lit up in Christmas lights! It was a bittersweet date, our car still has a dent, but we had fun!

The Christmas Carol

My in-laws took all of us to see The Christmas Carol at the Hale Center Theater. We left the kids with TJ’s cousin and got to have a night out with all the adults. It was such a great production and made me realize how much of a Scrooge I sometimes can be, especially at Christmas. Hopefully I can learn a little bit from Charles Dickens and try to be kind and generous to all those around me… all year round!

The Nutcracker

My friend and I took our girls to see the Nutcracker performed by a dance company in Sandy at a high school. It was very family friendly and really cheap, so it was perfect to bring a four year old to. The girls really enjoyed it although some parts got a little long for them (some of those solos are long!), but overall it was a great afternoon. We then got cupcakes afterward to celebrate Eva’s birthday a little bit. Seeing the Nutcracker with daughters (or sons if they want to come, obviously) is a tradition I’m going to do each year from now on!