
Birthday Boy

I may be late on writing about my husband’s birthday, but we did celebrate early when I was visiting in NY.

Here he is on his birthday, 25 years old and “doing New York Funky”!

Anddddd since we’re not together, I had to look up what we were doing last year for T.J.’s birthday. Pirate Island Pizza, of course!

I love you, T.J. and hope you have a great year being 25. Promise me that next year we will be able to spend your birthday together though, okay?


Father’s Day

I am really behind in my blogging, but I just wanted to write a little blog post to recognize and thank the fathers in my life.

I am blessed to have a kind and loving dad who always takes the time to be with me and talk with me. In addition to my own father–I have a loving father-in-law who treats me just like his own daughter. I have been blessed with caring Bishops who have always taken an interest in me and taken the time to get to know me. I married a caring husband who loves and supports our little Eva, and even from a distance, shows his love. And most of all, I have a Heavenly Father who blesses me abundantly. He is there for me at all times and loves me infinitely.  I am grateful for all the dads in my life and hope I can always show them my gratitude.

The father of our home leads our family
With wisdom’s light in all that’s right;
My father’s good to me.

The father of our ward tends with loving care
Each member’s needs with kindly deeds;
Our bishop’s always there.

And now we’ll sing great praise and rev’rently recall
The Holy One who gave his Son,
The Father of us all.

Fathers are so special with a very special love.
They watch us and protect us.
They guide us and direct us
Back to our home above.

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The Actual Trip

Now about the trip!

Saturday morning, T.J.’s parents, Eva and I headed up to Boise in a nice rented van. I was nervous about how Eva would do in the car, but overall she did really well and slept a lot of the way. This meant extra time for me to watch The Office and listen to New Direction. Bliss.

Once we arrived in Boise, we visited with everyone for a bit (T.J.’s brother and his family came up as well) then we went to the World Market. I went to this store back in DC a couple months back and fell in love, so I was so excited to walk through again.

We ended the night with a little Jack in the Box and tried to convince ourselves we could get all three babies and dog asleep at a reasonable time in their apartment so we adults could hang out and play games.

Well, as I’ve said a hundred times… a baby changes everything. And THREE babies trying to fall asleep at the same time in a small area is, well, what I imagine what one of Dante’s levels of hell is like. One would fall asleep, then another would wake up, waking up another… a continual cycle. We eventually gave up and headed back to the hotel.

Eva slept all night long, which was a blessing. I wasn’t sure how she’d do in a portacrib in the same room as us, but she slept soundly.

Sunday morning we went to church. That’s always an adventure with Eva, but I finally got her to sleep in the nursing room.

Later that afternoon, we went downtown to this beautiful park with lots of ducks and geese. Eva LOVED them! Anytime they’d make noise, she’d laugh. Gosh, she’s a doll! I’m sorry that I’m so obsessed with her!

Monday, we ate at the Cheesecake Factory, I ate my daily allowance of calories by just eating one slice of cheesecake (worth it), and we headed back to Utah with Lacey, Cohen, and Beau the dog in the van with us.

It was a short trip, but so fun! The three babies together were such a blast to watch!


Mother’s Day

T.J. kicked his gift-giving up a notch. I won’t tell you why, it may or may not be because of this past Valentine’s Day. No way of knowing.

Anyway for Mother’s Day, two-dozen roses were dropped off at my doorstep on Saturday and he sent me a shirt from H&M.

Thanks, T.J.! I love you! I’m grateful to have you as my husband!



I am a bit behind on my blog posts, so I’m finally posting about Easter. Dressed in our Easter outfits, we headed church that Sunday and had a nice Sacrament meeting. Afterwards, we went to T.J.’s parents’ home and had a delicious dinner with turkey. We died Easter eggs, played with the kiddos, and had an egg demolition. Enjoy the pics:


Spring is Here when my Birthday is near!

Last weekend was wonderful. Simply wonderful. My Birthday was this past Tuesday and since I was going to be out of town on the actual day, we celebrated early.

Thursday we went to Sammy’s for dinner because we had a Groupon there. I’m embarrassed to tell you it was my first time. It was good but not very baby friendly because the music was loud, so next time I will not be bringing Eva.

T.J. took pretty much the whole weekend off of studying to hang out with Eva and me, partly because he wanted to be with us since we were going out of town, but mostly (I think) because he’s getting a little tired of doing work this semester. So, after Sammy’s we watched our two new favorite TV shows… Awake and Touch. Perfect night.

Friday T.J. had a really bad allergy attack, as you might be able to tell from the picture above because it started Thursday night. He woke up and wasn’t able to go to work because he felt so sick. Fortunately after a couple of hours it calmed down with some medicine and so we decided to head up to Salt Lake to a French Bakery called Les Madeleines. T.J. is doing a branding school project for them so it was a wonderful excuse to eat delicious French baked goods.

Les Meleines was conveniently a couple blocks away from the brand new City Creek Center that just opened up. I love going to grand openings, the people, the entertainment… just to be a part of it… it’s so exciting! We were there in the late afternoon so it wasn’t too overwhelming and Eva did great in her stroller the whole time. You have to go soon! The H&M and the Forever21 there are incredible and the whole mall is so nice! I can’t wait to go back! Oh and afterwards we walked around Temple Square since it was just across the street. It was so beautiful and got me so excited for Conference!

Saturday I was surprised by my husband with cupcakes from my favorite cupcake place–the Cocoa Bean. So, a day that starts off with cupcakes is bound to be awesome. And it was BECAUSE WE SAW THE HUNGER GAMES! Let me tell you something. When you haven’t been to the movies in more than three months, just GOING to the theater is exciting. I was practically skipping because I was so happy to get out (sad to say it, but true… without Eva) and get to relax for a couple of hours without any interruptions. And of course, I loved the Hunger Games. I think if I wouldn’t have read the books I wouldn’t have liked it as much because the character development was pretty weak and the plot moved so fast. But I supplemented with what I remembered from the book. None the less, it was still awesome.

So there you have it. I have a great husband who made the weekend memorable and great in-laws who helped out with Eva to make it all possible! Miss you guys!

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The Week’s Recap

Monday. President’s Day meant no school or work for T.J. so we Just Danced it up at T.J.’s parents’ home. I got back to Provo just in time for the Bachelor club… can you believe Kacey B. got kicked off? Ben is ridiculous. He’s boring and has low morals, so actually I can believe he got rid of her. Kacey deserves MUCH better and I can’t wait for her to see all the episodes so she realizes her getting kicked off was the best thing that happened to her. I’m hosting the club next week, so if you want to join us, come over to my place on Monday at 7.

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Ring Out Wild Bells

I hadn’t really taken time to think about my new year’s resolutions, but after watching The Office episode today where Pam makes everyone write down one goal for the year, I decided I should write mine down too.

Spiritual Goals

  1. Study (not just read) the scriptures daily
  2. Go to the temple once a month
  3. Hold an FHE every Monday
  4. Do my Visiting Teaching every month
  5. Remember to do family prayer every night
Health Goals
  1. Get down to my wedding weight
  2. Make 3-4 dinners a week
  3. Be able to run a mile without stopping… I know that sounds really easy, but I have never been a runner!
  4. Work out 4 times a week
  5. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Personal Goals
  1. Stick to our budget
  2. Read at least one book a month
  3. Always show my husband that I love him
  4. Be patient
  5. Take more photos and videos of Eva


… And right then, when we were about to ring in the new year with T.J.’s parents and watch the ball drop, their TV turned off and said,

Outside viewing hours. Please enter password.

We missed it and we couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes or so.

Thank goodness for DVR!


Cold December Night

We’ve been in American Fork all weekend with T.J.’s family playing Kinect,

watching movies such as The Help,

reading the Christmas story, and eating way too much food.