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Hello, Cincinnati!

Last weekend T.J. and I were going to buy our tickets to Cincinnati for Christmas break. T.J. has to leave before New Years so he can get back to work and we decided I would stay until the 3rd of January since I don’t get to go home very often. Well, T.J.’s ticket was rounding out to be about $500. That is ridiculous. No student has that type of money to spend. That’s like 2 car payments, or ten phone payments, or 3 months of groceries. Way too much.

We didn’t want to have to buy the ticket right then but we also knew it was quite a risk not to buy T.J.’s ticket because the price could keep increasing or we might not be able to be on the same flights for Christmas (which isn’t a huge deal, but it would be nice). So anyway, we felt really strongly that we should just wait to buy his ticket and pray that by our next paycheck we could afford to buy his ticket and that the price wouldn’t increase too much.

One day later after buying my ticket, we got a message from T.J.’s parents saying that they would like to get T.J.’s ticket with his dad’s sky miles (he racks up a lot each week because of his work). I was amazed. First of all, I am so grateful for in-laws who are willing to do that for us, especially when the tickets mean we won’t be spending the holidays with them. Also, we didn’t have to stress out about the situation at all because our answer to our prayers came SO fast. And three, what a blessing it is that we listened to the prompting to wait to buy T.J.’s ticket.

T.J.’s dad got the ticket for us last night, completely free.


Thanks so much, Kelly and Mark! You have no idea how grateful we are for you all!

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My Mentee (This is a cool story, so you will want to read this one.)

Last year I was a mentor for a sixth grader in Provo. The program director pulled me aside the first day and told me a little bit about her story and how she felt like I should be with her because I had been in the program for a while. Anyway, the girl  came from a really broken home and was constantly getting into trouble. The only thing was, I couldn’t ever believe it because she was the sweetest girl when we spent time together each week. We had fun together and really got to be friends. But then I’d hear from her teachers that she had been in a fist fight or had skipped school. Well, the purpose of the program was just to keep the kid in school and to see what an education can do for you life. So I just tried to be an example for her and show her cool things about being in school.

The semester ended and I couldn’t mentor anymore, so we parted our ways and that was that.

Well, about a month ago I decided to grab some ingredients at Fresh Market late at night because I was having a craving for some italian sausage (weird) and I ran into the girl at the store. She was with two friends and were walking home with lots of groceries at about 11 pm. I said hi and we caught up for a minute. She told me she now does an online-schooling program because she was getting into so much trouble at school. That killed me. I told her to be good and then I left.

When I was in the car I had a really strong prompting to give her a ride home. But I didn’t think it was a good idea because her parents might not be okay with it or something might happen and I could be held accountable. I don’t know, my mind gave me a million reasons not to do it, but I had one reason why I should. I just felt like I needed to.

So I offered her and her friends a ride, they accepted, and when I dropped them off, I gave her my number and told her if she ever needed anything, give me a call.

I hadn’t heard from her. I figured she didn’t keep my number because she’s a middle schooler and probably couldn’t care less about her old mentor.

But last night, I got a call from her. She asked if I could take her to see her mom in the hospital. T.J. and I were watching a scary movie, so it kind of put us in a creepy mood and we weren’t sure if was the best idea, but we said a quick prayer and decided to at least go talk to the girl and hope that the Spirit would let us know somehow.

It seemed like a big inconvenience at the time because we couldn’t find her house. I almost gave up. But we finally found it and got out to talk to her.

Her mom had a stroke the night before and she had just found out. She has no one. Her parents are divorced, I’m not quite sure who she lives with, but her dad wouldn’t take her to see her mom, she’s not a member of the church so she couldn’t just call the Bishop or her Young Women’s leader. For her to call me in this critical time showed me that she literally has no one. She doesn’t have any support at home. She was scared about her mom and wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. It was horrible.

T.J. and I immediately felt that we needed to take her to the hospital because of the seriousness of the situation. I brought her inside the hospital because she looks like a rough kid with lots of piercings and messy clothing (which isn’t that common in Provo). The receptionist told us where it was and so I took her upstairs, through the hospital, and into her mom’s room.

Her mom was awake but was pretty out of it because she was on so much medicine. I introduced myself and then told the girl to meet me in a half an hour in the lobby.

When I picked her back up, she told me her mom would be fine and was getting released today. I asked when she would see her mom next, she didn’t know because she didn’t have anyone who would take her to the other side of town. I asked about her siblings. Her oldest brother doesn’t have anything to do with them and another one of her siblings passed away. So it wasn’t like she even had siblings who could help her out.

The situation was unbelievable to me. She cried as she told me a few stories of when her mom had been sick in the past. Once she found her mom unconsious in the bedroom and she had to call 911 for help. She watched as they took her away, unsure of what would happen. This little girl has gone through so much. No wonder she has so many problems.

There are so many things that make all of this interesting to me. 1-I was originally placed with this girl more than a year ago and the director told me she felt like we should be paired up. 2- I went to the grocery store late and ran into her. 3- I felt like I should give her a ride even though I didn’t think it was a good idea, but I still went through with it. 4- I gave her my number. 6-She literally has no one else in her life who is looking out for her right now, so she had to call me.

I am forever grateful for my life. I was born in a wonderful family with structure and order. Christ was the center of our home and family. I always had people to look up to or to talk to–parents, Bishops, teachers, leaders at church. I was blessed with motivation to be a good student and I learned how to work hard. I also am grateful for the church and the organization it provides. If she was a member of the church, her Bishop would have gotten involved, she could have had a blessing to ease her fears about her sick mother, and she would have had Young Women leaders to take her to visit her mom. The church provides so much comfort, not just through personal revelation but also through the service of the congregation.

I do believe if people aren’t born in such great circumstances, that they can overcome their environment. But I know it takes an extreme amount of personal dedication and direction from outside sources. I know that I am one of those outside sources who is giving this girl a little direction, or at least some hope for her life. Even if our story ends after today when I take her to see her mom again, I know that I was a part of a plan to help this girl in extreme need of love and care. Please say a prayer for her.

Sidney Rigdon

I am studying for a Doctrine and Covenants test right now. I keep reading sections that were revelations for Sidney Rigdon.

I remember two years back in my Church History class I studied a lot about Sidney and my heart really went out to him for some reason. I loved hearing stories about him and how he was always right there with Joseph Smith.

Then one evening as I was reading a lesson for my class, I found out that he eventually was excommunicated. I actually cried. I really couldn’t believe it.

How could someone who was so spiritual at one time and so close to the Lord fall away? Sidney witnessed incredible things but still was able to leave the church.

What a witness it is to me that we must always be close to the Spirit and not let pride enter our lives. If Sidney could fall away, so could we. But, if we have great faith in the Lord and have a strong testimony based upon the doctrine and principles of the gospel, we will not falter. We must always turn to our Heavenly Father when we struggle or have doubts. He will lead us in the right direction and strengthen us spiritually.


Conference Flashbacks

Four years ago, I was a Senior in high school and I came out for a college visit. Fortunately it was the weekend of conference.

Three years ago, I went to conference with Sam again and few other friends of ours.

Two years ago, I attended conference with two of my friends in my ward. That was the year Amanda and I made mass amounts of chili for our friends. No one showed up, so we ate chili for weeks.

One year ago, I was dating T.J. and went to conference with the question in mind, “Should I go on a mission or should I marry T.J.” I got an answer.

While I'm at it…

On Facebook, I complained about how many girls are wearing short skirts and shorts on campus. I thought I might as well write a post about it too because it really irritated me.

Okay, here are my feelings. I don’t care how you dress off campus. We all measure our own standards and can decide what is appropriate based off what our Prophet and other leaders have told us. That is for you to figure out and draw your line.

But when you are on campus, it is a complete different story. You sign the honor code each year, you tell your Bishop you abide by the following standards:

“Dress and Grooming Standards

The dress and grooming of both men and women should always be modest, neat, and clean, consistent with the dignity adherent to representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and any of its institutions of higher education.

Modesty and cleanliness are important values that reflect personal dignity and integrity, through which students, staff, and faculty represent the principles and standards of the Church. Members of the BYU community commit themselves to observe the following standards, which reflect the direction of the Board of Trustees and the Church publication For the Strength of Youth. The Dress and Grooming Standards are as follows:


A clean and well-cared-for appearance should be maintained. Clothing is inappropriate when it is sleeveless, revealing, or form fitting. Shorts must be knee-length or longer. Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles or colors, and trimmed above the collar, leaving the ear uncovered. Sideburns should not extend below the earlobe or onto the cheek. If worn, moustaches should be neatly trimmed and may not extend beyond or below the corners of the mouth. Men are expected to be clean-shaven; beards are not acceptable. Earrings and other body piercing are not acceptable. Shoes should be worn in all public campus areas.


A clean and well-cared-for appearance should be maintained. Clothing is inappropriate when it is sleeveless, strapless, backless, or revealing; has slits above the knee; or is form fitting. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be knee-length or longer. Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extremes in styles or colors. Excessive ear piercing (more than one per ear) and all other body piercing are not acceptable. Shoes should be worn in all public campus areas.”

I came to BYU for a reason. I was sick of being in an environment where values were diminished and standards were corrupted. I also appreciate the fact that BYU looks so clean and professional. When visitors come to campus, that is one of the first things they notice. It makes a huge difference when we are dressed modestly and nicely.

I do not want to see you dressed like that. I especially don’t want my husband to see you dressed like that. You don’t look “cool”. We all just wonder what you’re thinking when you chose your outfit.

Professors and employees need to start talking to the students when they are violating the honor code. But the responsibility doesn’t just rest upon them. If your friends or roommates are about to leave the house like that, tell them what you think! It will make a difference!

And that is the end of my ranting. Sorry.

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Genealogy, I am doing it

Last night I helped serve a dinner for the missionaries and volunteers who work in the Family History section of the library. During the event, a representative from the new Church History Library downtown SLC spoke to all of us and gave us an interesting slideshow of the history of the church. Some of the photographs were seriously incredible. He showed a real photo of the pioneers crossing the plains in 1947. Another photo was of the SLC temple half way built. My favorites were of several Native Americans who had come to SLC to have their picture taken.

One story he shared was from Joseph F. Smith’s personal journal. While reading us what Joseph wrote, a picture of the journal was on the projector. Joseph had a two and a half daughter who was very sick. She couldn’t sleep at all one night and as he consoled her, the little girl said, “It’s okay, I’ll sleep well tonight.” That evening the little girl passed away. Joseph’s heart was broken as he realized his little daughter knew what was before her.

I didn’t tell the story nearly as well as the words in the journal, but we all felt such sadness hearing the thoughts of Joseph. It was incredible how much we could sympathize for him and his family from just a short journal entry. The speaker told us if we can connect so much with someone who isn’t even related to us, imagine how amazing it would be to connect with our family members who have passed on. That is why it is so important for us to keep personal records about our stories, events, and testimony. It truly will be a treasure to our posterity and a great way to connect with them.


Establish a Tutorial

Wow, what a great two weeks it has already been for my religion classes. I am taking the first half of the Doctrine and Covenants with Professor Perkins. I love his teaching style because he really wants us to grow lifetime habits of studying and searching the scriptures through this course.

Here is what we studied last week:

“Through the study of the scriptures, you can establish a tutorial with the Godhead, mediated by the Holy Ghost.” To establish such a tutorial, we must first read our scriptures with the Spirit and then understand and learn through the Spirit. Next, we must pray and seek for revelation. Receive the teachings into your life and apply it to all you do. And lastly, by receiving this personal knowledge, we should use that as a channel for more knowledge and power.

3 Nephi 26:9-10 says that the scriptures are a trial of faith. How are they a trial of faith? Well, first of all it takes great faith to accept them as true scripture. Also, reading it takes faith. Believing and applying are other actions that require a trial of faith. But the greater things will be granted unto us once we accept it. We will receive personal revelation, an eternal perspective, a greater personal relationship with Christ, an understanding of the blessings found in the temple, and a testimony of the Plan of Salvation.

President Benson said to feast upon the words of Christ – more abundantly – it will give us an increase in power and Spirit.

“When individual members and families immerse themselves in the scriptures regularly and consistently, testimonies will increase, commitment will be strengthened, families will be fortified, and personal revelation will flow” (Benson, April 1985).

What an amazing promise. It pretty much says that if we have any problems, the scriptures will be able to help us directly. Think about it. If you are struggling with your testimony or lack a testimony all together, the scriptures will strengthen your knowledge tremendously and restore your testimony. Or say you struggle with actually committing to what you believe. You have the testimony but you just can’t seem to get yourself to go to church or to give up a bad habit. The scriptures will strengthen your ability to commit. If your family is falling a part, lacks unity or structure. Go to the scriptures. If you have any problem in your life and are wondering what to do, by immersing yourself in the scriptures and studying diligently, the Spirit will guide your life and personal revelation will flow.

Spiritual knowledge doesn’t come just by asking, it takes faith, persistence, exertion, struggle, and will be a continual lifetime search. The Spirit will guide your life and help you through trials, I have a testimony in that. I see it in my life everyday. But we must do our part as well. We must study the scriptures through the Spirit and apply what we learn to our daily lives. Our eyes can be opened but only by, through, and of our Heavenly Father.


FHE: The Blank of Hearts

Last night, we did one of the silly activities in our FHE for Newlyweds book. But however silly these exercises might be, I actually think they are really good for to do. They help build communication, make you set goals, and grow together spiritually. Plus, just getting in this habit of FHE is important.

Last night we filled in the blanks to phrases like:

“You make me happy when…” or, “You make me laugh when…”

My favorite was T.J.’s answer to “You make me proud when…”

“You make me proud when you get out of bed and aren’t ornery.”


FHE: Scrabble Night

This week for FHE, T.J. and I got J-Dawgs to go and brought it to Kiwanis Park. This is where T.J. first told me he loved me, you probably don’t care or might want to vomit out of cheesiness, but the point is, I love this park.

After we ate, we played Scrabble. I have a Scrabble application on my phone, which I love playing, but I am terrible. And turns out, I am even worse when I play the actual board game. T.J. killed me.

But to be fair, T.J. didn’t always play by the rules. Luckily for him though, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what he laid down, so when I realized his words were not legit, it was always too late.

For example, I saw the word: DROW. Drow…?

“What does “drow” mean, T?”

“It’s ‘word’ going up.”

Another time, T.J. said,

“So, do you know what ‘Zogre’ means?”

Be Still, My Soul

Sometimes I feel that my life lacks the peace it greatly needs. I fill it with noise, whether through the TV or with my iPod. And lately, I feel like I am stressing about a lot of things like T.J.’s tuition or school, so I don’t take enough time to listen to the Spirit and feel the peace that the gospel can bring.

A couple nights ago for my scripture study, I decided to learn a little more about this and how I can do better.

I turned to 3 Nephi 11.  If you remember, this is when the people gathered together in Bountiful and discussed the coming of their Lord. They witnessed the prophesied signs and experienced the three days of darkness. Usually Heavenly Father speaks through messengers, such as Christ, the Holy Ghost, Angels, or prophets. But this time, because Christ was about to appear to the people of Nephi, he himself testified of Christ.

But when Heavenly Father spoke to them, they didn’t understand it. It took Him three times to actually get through to them.

There could be a number of reasons why the people did not understand the voice of Heavenly Father right away, but I think one reason is to show us that we must tune out the noises of the world and also, be actively listening for His voice.

Heavenly Father is always there for us. Sometimes I forget this. When my life is hectic and hard, I forget where to turn. But by placing all of our troubles and relying completely on the Lord, we can be blessed and feel the peace that the gospel brings.

I truly testify of this and invite you to seek for peace in your life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You have a Heavenly Father who is there and who is listening.