Outfit Repeater

Yes, I am an outfit repeater today.  But why go through the trouble of finding something new when the outfit your wore previously worked so well?

So if any of you from church see me on campus today, please do not judge me.  I promise I showered and did not sleep in the outfit.

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Flash Back

So, I finally wrote in my journal yesterday with all the deets of our engagement story.  I know it’s late.  But better late than never right?

Since I didn’t have this blog when we were engaged, I thought I’d share the story with you.

Background: We had talked about marriage, but hadn’t set any dates or planned anything. We also didn’t want that long of an engagement, and T.J. said he didn’t have money for a ring, so I figured he wouldn’t propose for a month or so.  But back in December, we had looked at rings and I just was so eager to get engaged and start the planning! Oh and one last thing, since we had talked about marriage, I wanted to the proposal to be a complete surprise.  I’m not a fan of the cheese.  I just wanted it to be all of a sudden and out of the blue.

It was Friday January 8th, T.J. took me to Red Robin for dinner.  While we were waiting to be seated, we walked through mall (I bought an amazing down coat–another awesome thing from the night) and when we were in Gap, I saw T.J.’s feet dancing in the dressing room and heard him snapping and singing. I asked him,

“T, are you dancing?”

“Uh… yeah… I just had a good day at work.”  (Really he was excited for the rest of the evening.)

Strange, but that’s why I love him.

I was pretty tired after dinner so we just went home for a while and watched The Office. All night he talked about how he wanted to go to Chili’s to get our favorite lava cake dessert.  I was kind of confused why we would go to another restaurant that night, especially after eating a lot of dinner, but he was so persistent.  He just said he was craving it and so I went along.

When we got to Chili’s, we ordered and he left to go the restroom (he actually went and arranged with the waiter what he wanted to happen).  When our cake came out, there was a note addressed to me.  I looked around thinking someone “sent me a note” like a mormon version of “sending over a drink” or something flirtatious like that.  Then I looked at T.J. and asked,

“Wait, is this from you.”

He nodded.  I opened it up and thought he was just being cute like normal.  Sometimes he writes me notes and poems, so I didn’t think anything was up.

There was a poem inside (his Grandpa used it to propose as well), but I couldn’t finish reading because I noticed T.J. reaching in his coat pocket.

“T.J. what are you doing?  WHAT are you doing?!?”

He didn’t say anything back, he just nervously smiled, eyes wide, eyebrows raised.

Kneeling down on one knee, he asked if I would marry him… Or something like that, we don’t really remember the wording.  And I don’t remember if I said yes right away, I just met him on the ground, kissed and hugged him.

We were so excited/anxious/nervous to eat our cake.  I couldn’t get the fork to my mouth without making a mess.

Anyway, it was great.  I was completely surprised and loved how it was out of the blue and random.   Oh and he arranged with his coworker, Abby, so she could take pictures of the whole thing.  I didn’t even realize she was there until after he proposed!

Tiffany Blue

Today I am wearing my key necklace.  It’s a nock off of Tiffany’s.  But one day, one day far, far in the future, maybe I’ll get a real one.

What's on my mind

  1. One of my fingernails is all rugged at the end and it keeps snagging things.  It has been going on for days!  I keep trying to cut it but it keeps breaking and now the nail is too short to cut.  Terrible.
  2. There is an adult ballroom camp going on this week on campus.  I love watching them, they are all so cute.  I hope T.J. and I will be like them when we are older.
  3. A beautiful bouquet of flowers showed up in my office this morning. My eyes got wide and a huge smile came across my face, only to find out that they were for my boss.
  4. We are going to Lagoon tomorrow with the Derrick side of T.J.’s family.  Last year I took dramamine all day so I wouldn’t get sick, which helped.  But at night when I was laying in bed, I felt like I was still riding roller-coasters, leading me to puke all night long.  Needless to say, I’m getting very worried about what this weekend has in store for me.

She said she wasn't hungry.

I took my girl to a fancy ball;

It was a social hop.

We waited till the folks got out,

And the music it did stop.

Then to a restaurant we went,

The best one on the street.

She said she wasn’t hungry

But this is what she ate.

A dozen raw, a plate of slaw,

A chicken and a roast,

Some applesauce and asparagus,

And soft-shell crabs on toast.

A big box stew, and crackers too;

Her appetite was immense!

When she called for pie,

I thought I’d die,

For in my pocket I had but fifty cents.

My mom used to recite this poem called “I Had but Fifty Cents” by Sam Devere whenever we would eat a lot.  It actually became quite a joke.

“She said she wasn’t hungry….”

Today I was reminded of this poem because I ate SO much junk food at work today.  I won’t even tell you what I had, but it all consisted of bucket-loads of sugar.  I proceeded to have a sugar crash at about two o’clock.  And you know the only way to get out of that… more sugar.

Oh gosh.

“She said she wasn’t hungry…”


T is the new Billy

This is Jana and Billy.

They are T.J.’s and my idols.  We don’t actually know them, but we think they are the cutest and trendiest couple ever.

When we were engaged, we compared everything we did to them.  We even tried to reserve the art gallery they had their reception at, but unfortunately it closed down.  I wanted her dress, her shoes, her hair.  T.J. wanted his suit, his shoes, his sockless feet.  I know it is tacky to copy others, but if you’re gonna copy someone, it might as well be them.

We didn’t actually end up copying anything that they did, but we still say things like, “Oh that is so Jana.” We probably sound like stalkers, but I promise it’s nothing too weird, we just adore their style.

Anyway, when I met T.J. at his office today, he walked out with his pants rolled up. Seeing that it hadn’t flooded today, I had to ask him why the heck he did that.

“I’m Billy!”

Oh my gosh, T.J. is so precious. He was so excited to show me his fashion statement.  Now, I do not want to say anything negative about my husband. But I will just say, I may or may not have begged him to roll them back down before we went outside.

That is all.


Summer Series Playlist


Empire State of Mind Jay-Z (feat. Alicia Keys)

Love the Way You Lie Eminem (feat. Rihanna)

Alejandro Lady Gaga

If It’s Love Train

Telephone Lady Gaga

Ridin’ Solo Jason DeRulo

The Only Exception Paramore

Shark in the Water V.V. Brown

Something ‘Bout Love David Archuleta

Breakeven (Falling to Pieces) The Script

Love like Wo The Ready Set

Dream Priscilla Ahn


Gotta beep out what I really wanna shout.

Here is a YouTube music video you MUST watch now.  The video didn’t have an “embed” feature, so here is the link instead.

Here are my thoughts about the video:

1. Did Natasha Bedingfield think this song was good? Or was it all a big joke?

2. Did she think the video was clever?  Or did she know it was creepy?

3. Why would you even write a song with these lyrics?

4. The more you watch it, the funnier it is.

5. The more you watch it, the more you hate Natasha Bedingfield.

6. This song will be in your head all day.

Fashion Favs


Opulence, I has it


Great commercial.  Love the giraffe.

p.s. thanks Hannah for showing this to me!