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Today T.J. recieved a pell grant that paid for his tuition. It was one of the biggest blessings I have experienced because now we have money for all of our payments and bills and Oxford loafers.

Yes, Oxford loafers! I’ve been eyeing them all summer and finally I was allowed to get them! Plus I had a coupon for 20 dollars off!

Great Grant. Great Shoes. Great Day.

It's Not a Trick, Michael–It's an ILLUSION

My nail polish changes in the sun.  From pearl to pink.

Jealous?  You should be.

Outfit Repeater

Yes, I am an outfit repeater today.  But why go through the trouble of finding something new when the outfit your wore previously worked so well?

So if any of you from church see me on campus today, please do not judge me.  I promise I showered and did not sleep in the outfit.

Tiffany Blue

Today I am wearing my key necklace.  It’s a nock off of Tiffany’s.  But one day, one day far, far in the future, maybe I’ll get a real one.


T is the new Billy

This is Jana and Billy.

They are T.J.’s and my idols.  We don’t actually know them, but we think they are the cutest and trendiest couple ever.

When we were engaged, we compared everything we did to them.  We even tried to reserve the art gallery they had their reception at, but unfortunately it closed down.  I wanted her dress, her shoes, her hair.  T.J. wanted his suit, his shoes, his sockless feet.  I know it is tacky to copy others, but if you’re gonna copy someone, it might as well be them.

We didn’t actually end up copying anything that they did, but we still say things like, “Oh that is so Jana.” We probably sound like stalkers, but I promise it’s nothing too weird, we just adore their style.

Anyway, when I met T.J. at his office today, he walked out with his pants rolled up. Seeing that it hadn’t flooded today, I had to ask him why the heck he did that.

“I’m Billy!”

Oh my gosh, T.J. is so precious. He was so excited to show me his fashion statement.  Now, I do not want to say anything negative about my husband. But I will just say, I may or may not have begged him to roll them back down before we went outside.

That is all.

Fashion Favs