
Santa Flashback

Two flashback posts in one day? #sorrynotsorry


Santa at church (Finn is 1 and Eva is 5)


Santa at church with two kids (Finn is a newborn and Eva’s 4)


Santa at the Plaza Hotel (Eva’s 3)


Santa at Macy’s Santaland in NYC (Eva’s 2)


Santa in Cincinnati with cousins (Eva’s 1)


Christmas Flashback

You know how I love a good flashback post! Here are videos and photos from Christmas past!


Living in Lehi. Christmas in Utah. Eva’s 4 and Finn is a newborn.



Living in Jersey. Christmas in Kentucky. Eva’s 3.



Living in Jersey. Christmas in Utah. Eva’s 2.


Living in Provo. Christmas in Kentucky. Eva’s 1.


Living in Provo. Christmas in Utah. Eva’s a newborn.


Living in Provo. Christmas in Kentucky. First married Christmas.


Living in Provo. Christmas in Kentucky. Almost engaged to TJ (he came out to KY for Christmas then proposed in Jan).


Living in Provo. Christmas in Kentucky. About to meet TJ in January.

It’s so fun to see how it’s all changed. Bittersweet.


We have really had such great couple of weeks. They’ve been simple, but filled with fun and our little family. Here is everything else we’ve been up to!

Eva had her dance recital. Look at that cutie!

We had neighbors over and made homemade Christmas pizzas!

We drove around several nights to different neighborhoods to find the best lights!

Lots of trips to the library, Finn’s favorite place. He loves returning our books (and trying to return all the other books at the library) into the dropbox.

One day it was in the high 40s, so we visited the farm again. That place never gets old!

Christmas shopping at the outlets with these cuties!

Church with this boy is a CIRCUS!

Eva’s Christmas Program

Eva had a Christmas party and presentation at school on Monday. Then they decorated cookies, made reindeer food packets, and got to visit with Santa! We love Eva’s school and teacher, it’s been such a great year so far!

On Wednesday, they had a PJ and movie day, look at my little elf!

Candy Cane Hunt

Draper held a Candy Cane Hunt (like an Easter Egg Hunt) last week and it was actually a pretty nice December day, so we and some friends checked it out! Turns out, although it’s a cute idea and the kids just liked being outside, candy canes are not suited for a hunt because if someone steps on them, they break. And if there’s one thing kids don’t like, it’s a broken candy cane. But like I said, the kids still liked it! Then they got to roast marshmallows and see Santa, so not a bad day!


We hosted playgroup at our house last week where we did a bunch of crafts and read a Christmas story together. I kept the craft stuff out for the rest of the week and Eva was a crafting machine!

Forgotten Carols


We went to the Forgotten Carols with TJ’s family last weekend for the second time in a row, and it was great as usual. If you haven’t heard the music or seen the show, you should watch the old YouTube videos here. It’s better in person when you know the story behind it (and the show has been updated quite a bit since these videos). But basically this man shares these forgotten carols with his nurse, and through the process her heart is softened. It’s really quite tender and has a great message!



Christmas with Vivint

TJ had his work party last Friday at the Vivint Hanger and it was such a blast! We got there late because we didn’t figure we’d want to be there the whole time since it was Casino night. Turns out, we could have been there all night long, we had such a good time. We pretty much just played blackjack the whole time, and definitely didn’t do well… good thing it was all fake money! I’m so grateful for TJ’s job… that he loves it so much and that they treat him so well.


Christmas Cookies

Last Tuesday, we baked and baked and baked. I think it turned out to be about 75 cookies. A batch of gingerbread cookies (my first time making) and two batches of sugar. Eva loved helping me, although it would drive me crazy because she wouldn’t conserve the space of the rolled out dough and just put down the cookie cutters wherever haha! We divided them all up and brought them to neighbors and friends. This was by far Eva’s favorite part, and she was so sad when it was over! Quite a fun day.

Here’s the soft and chewy gingerbread recipe I used. I loved them, but next time will cut the ginger in half.

Here’s my favorite sugar cookie recipe.

In the evening, Eva and I went over to our neighbor’s house to build gingerbread houses. We had our fill of sweets that day for sure.

Christmas with the MoTab

My friend Eliesa had two extra Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas Concert a few weeks ago and I was lucky enough to get them! I took my friend Hannah since TJ was too busy with work to come. We were a little late because of the parking situation (lesson learned… just plan on parking in ANY lot other than City Creek during Christmas) which was disappointing because we had to sit farther away, but we still had a great time and loved the concert. The song they end the concert on each year is Angels from the Realms of Glory. They bring out the bells and the whole cast from the night, usually bringing me to tears. It definitely was a great way to spend the evening to get in the Spirit of Christmas!