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We got Annie!

I grew up watching and loving the original Annie musical. I also loved seeing it when local schools or theaters would perform it. Obviously, none of the remakes can compare to the original, but when I saw the preview for the new one I was so excited!

Turns out, my friend also is obsessed with this musical so we saw it on opening night! The theater didn’t have many people, except for more girls who were our age reliving their childhood haha!

My thoughts on the movie? I loved it. I mean, it was cheesy and there were dumb parts for sure. But overall, the music was really enjoyable! And the new Annie was ADORABLE! I love her so much. Probably more than the original because she’s not as obnoxious. Her voice was so sweet and seeing her a modern kid in NYC really tugged at my heart strings. Jamie Foxx was also a huge surprise. I really liked his voice, who would have known? And my favorite part? The end when they’re singing together just about a mile down the road from where I live! That was pretty awesome to see them out at Liberty State Park and on the river path I walk on! So, if you grew up loving the musical… go see it! It’s not better than the original, but it’s still a fun movie that brought me to tears a couple times and made me want to stand up and dance and sing!

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Eva’s Turning 3, Join us under the sea!

Here are the photos from setting up Eva’s little birthday bash! I really wanted to try and make this cake (actually, don’t click on the link because it will REALLY make mine look like a pinterest fail haha!) but I made some fatal flaws. 1-I didn’t carve the outside of my cake to make it even. 2-my buttercream wasn’t thick or cold enough. 3-I had no idea what I was doing, except for watching one 3-minute youtube video. But other than my fatal flaws, I don’t think it came out terribly! Eva is my biggest critic and she liked it, so that’s a win in my book! We also made a batch of my favorite sugar cookies (click here to get the recipe, it’s the third one with sour cream)! Oh my, they are so tasty!

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Pioneer Day Video

I was importing my videos from Disneyland off of my phone and computer when I realized I never uploaded my Pioneer Day trip video on Youtube! It’s terribly edited, just tons of little clips but I still love it. We had a great trip to Utah back in July to visit family… enjoy! Better late than never, right? Oh, and the clips of TJ and Dustin on the trampoline with their little girls kind of melts my heart!

Here is my 4th of July video. It turns out we are big fans of parades and sliding into pools.

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Share the Gift

I heard about Provo setting up the largest live nativity in the world and I immediately thought… of course, Provo would do that! It’s kind of a cheesy world record to break. But also, so awesome and so Provo, Utah. And my next thought was, why didn’t they do this five years ago when I was there at BYU and could have participated?! But then the video of the nativity with The Piano Guys, MoTab, David Archuleta and others came out today and I lost it. I seriously love the video SO much. First of all, Angels from the Realms of Glory / Angels We Have Heard on High has always been one of my most favorite Christmas hymns. Every Christmas Eve growing up, we went to Catholic Mass to hear my Dad play trumpet and they would always sing that hymn. So hearing that song which reminds me of Christmas with my family, mixed with my favorite LDS artists… it was wonderful! Watch the video and share it with others!

Eva in Motion at Disneyland

I haven’t put videos up of Eva from Instagram in a while! So for you all not on IG, enjoy! Here are the ones from Disneyland, I’ll be posting more that I’ve missed later!

A video posted by Katie Derrick (@katiederrick) on

"Eva do a princess laugh." #5hrflightsaretoolong

A video posted by Katie Derrick (@katiederrick) on


25 Days of Christmas

I made a little calendar of events, activities, crafts, and recipes I want to do this month. It’s been fun to celebrate the Christmas season everyday. I made sure to put some religious things in the mix too to make sure we don’t get carried away by all the glam of the season. I love this time of year, though, especially now that we have Eva to share it all with. She’s finally to the age where she knows what’s going on and can get excited!

Here are a couple instagrams from the first couple days! We watched Christmas movies, went to the Newport JC Christmas Tree lighting, saw the window displays on fifth ave, visited the tree at Rockefeller Center, made sugar cookies and Christmas tree pizzas, crafted a paper chain, attended our church Christmas party, acted out the nativity as a family, read the Christmas story from Luke 2, and wrote a card to Santa and delivered it at Macy’s!

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December 2: Jersey City Christmas tree lighting! #25daysofchristmas #jerseycity #jerseylife #nycskyline

A video posted by Katie Derrick (@katiederrick) on

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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Hope you enjoy these wonderful Christmas videos on this Black Friday! Let Christmas Season officially begin (even though I’ve had my decorations up for weeks)!


Thanksgiving Flashback

As usual, around a holiday I always like to think of what I was doing in years past.

2013 • Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade with my sister and her family


2012 •  Thanksgiving dinner with T.J.’s dad’s side of the family. Eva is such a cutie pie!


2011 •  Thanksgiving dinner with T.J.’s aunt and family. I was about to have Eva and was huge so this is the only photo I am going to share.


2010 •  Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple! We went down to Enterprise, Utah, and had Thanksgiving with T.J.’s mom’s side of the family. It was the first time I went into the wild to find a Christmas tree. Can you believe there have been six grand babies born since this photo? Such young newlyweds!


Every Thanksgiving I also think about the little girl I used to mentor back in Provo, Savannah. She wasn’t in my life very long but she taught me so many lessons on service and Thanksgiving.

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Disneyland Memories

Right now we are taking Eva to Disneyland for the first time (don’t worry, I scheduled these posts last week). Words can’t describe how excited we all are! Last time we were in Disneyland was for our Honeymoon! We were such babies! And I was thin! Oh… so much has changed!











This was the last day of our Honeymoon after we had fallen asleep on the beach all day long. T.J. face was SO burned… hahaha poor guy!