Bangs, pt. 2

Back in July I wrote a post about bangs. I have a few more stories about bangs that I would like to write about today.

Let’s see, my friends and I were just starting to drive, so I think we were sophomores when it happened the first time. Everybody was doing this cool swoopy bang thing, and I was so sick of my boring haircut, so I thought, “Hey, why not give myself those swoopy bangs and then I’ll be cool.”

I started chopping. Yes, chop, not snip. Just a good ol’ fashion straight across cutting with scissors meant for paper. I did one side of my part, and then the other side of my part.

Oh, that doesn’t line up…

I did one side of my part, and then the other side of my part.

Wait a second…

I did one side, the other side… you get the picture. That, folks, is the tipping point for tears. I called my best friends, “Uhhh, guys!” They told me to put the scissors down and they’d be there asap to help fix what had been down.

While they were coming over, I convinced myself I knew what I was doing and so I kept chopping. Bad news bears. I’m not a hair dresser and I never will be.

The damage was too much for my friends to fix so we headed on over to Great Clips, except the “G” and the “R” were out on the sign, so that night it was “Eat Clips.” The hairdressers all gathered around and asked, “What the heck were you thinking?” I’ll never forget the humiliation as I tried to tell them what I was trying to do, holding back the tears, bottom lip quivering.

“It all has to go. There’s nothing else we can do.” At first, I thought she meant shave it all off, but I came back to reality, she just meant we’d have to cut some ridiculously short bangs and take about 4 or 5 inches off the rest of my hair so it wouldn’t look hideous.

Moral of the story, don’t cut your own hair unless you know what you’re doing. And when you think you know what you’re doing, believe me, you don’t.


As in: armpits. Gross, I know, but it’s a humorous story.

When I was a freshman in high school, I had a horrible problem. I sweated excessively in my underarm region. T.J. calls it hot dog buns, I call it pitting. Call it whatever you’d like. What it was in reality, was pure agony.

It controlled my life. I’m not exaggerating this time. I couldn’t wear certain types of fabric because some would show it more than others. I would wear lots of layers so you wouldn’t see the sweaty arm pits, but in return, it would make me hotter, which would make me sweat more, and then the problem would continue. I’d stand in front of my closet and cry in the mornings searching for something to wear but know that nothing would stop this awful pitting.

Let me paint you an even bigger picture. I’m sitting on my couch watching TV. (Studies have shown that watching TV takes the least amount of energy, even less than sleeping). So I’m being as lazy as one could possibly be, but my arm pits would literally soak my shirt.


Once in English class it had gone through my cardigan (notice the layers), so I decided to take it off and try to dry out my ol’ T-shirt and cool off a bit. My friend asked me if she could wear my cardigan because she was cold. She put it on and about 30 seconds later, she took it off and asked if I had spilled water on it. I didn’t know what to say,I just beat around the bush searching for some reasonable answer that wouldn’t humiliate my delicate freshman soul.

This went on through my senior year of high school. By this time I knew I had to get help. I had to get medicine. I had to get surgery. I had to do ANYTHING to solve this incessant irritation. Cut out my armpits if you have to, I just couldn’t take it any longer!

So, my mom talked to the pharmacist and she was able to pick up some of this magic deodorant. It’s called Certain Dri, aka Miracle-in-a-Bottle. (Mom’s always know what to do, don’t they?)

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I remember, it doesn’t just deodorize and antipersperate (spelling?), it actually SHRINKS your pores so they don’t sweat as much. Or something like that, I’m not a scientist. All I know is that it worked. I had to use it continually for a few months. And usually after putting it on right after shaving, I’d have to sleep with ice packs under my arm pits because of the burning. But I didn’t care.

It solved my life. It cured my ailment.

Why share this gross story with you? Well, I want to let everyone know that you can get help! Let Certain Dri be the remedy you’ve been seeking for so you can live your life in peace!!!


I utterly hate my blog. I hate the design. I hate the layout. But I don’t know what to do. I tried to redo it today, but I hate it even more.

I’m giving up for the day, so please don’t judge the colors or layout until I’m done.

The Nanny

Why would anyone ever watch The Nanny? They have reruns on TV Land every night. I can’t understand it. Honestly, even if you liked the story line, how in the world can you listen to that AWFUL voice for more than one second? Sometimes I hear it when I pass through the channels and even that is too long for me.

I’d post a video of what I’m talking about but I don’t want to risk listening to her voice.

The Nanny

Why would anyone ever watch The Nanny? They have reruns on TV Land every night. I can’t understand it. Honestly, even if you liked the story line, how in the world can you listen to that AWFUL voice for more than one second? Sometimes I hear it when I pass through the channels and even that is too long for me.

I’d post a video of what I’m talking about but I don’t want to risk listening to her voice.

The Man Who Created the Man Who Your Man Could Smell Like

Today Jason Bagley from W+K Advertising Agency spoke to us advertising majors. Jason created this:


And this:


So needless-to-say, it was an incredible lecture! It was inspiring to listen to Jason’s story, starting as an undergraduate at BYU in our Advertising program. He told us that we need to create honest and transparent advertising. That doesn’t mean it can’t be creative, the ads can even be in the most ridiculous manner. Just do something people will love.

I am so happy I got the opportunity to listen to Jason today. I really love my major, but sometimes I feel like I’m a bit over my head. I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my degree and I’m surrounded by these amazingly talented people who have a direction and a plan. But today, listening to him, it gave me a little more faith in myself, as well as helped push me into this semester with some enthusiasm and excitement.

The Man Who Created the Man Who Your Man Could Smell Like

Today Jason Bagley from W+K Advertising Agency spoke to us advertising majors. Jason created this:


And this:


So needless-to-say, it was an incredible lecture! It was inspiring to listen to Jason’s story, starting as an undergraduate at BYU in our Advertising program. He told us that we need to create honest and transparent advertising. That doesn’t mean it can’t be creative, the ads can even be in the most ridiculous manner. Just do something people will love.

I am so happy I got the opportunity to listen to Jason today. I really love my major, but sometimes I feel like I’m a bit over my head. I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my degree and I’m surrounded by these amazingly talented people who have a direction and a plan. But today, listening to him, it gave me a little more faith in myself, as well as helped push me into this semester with some enthusiasm and excitement.

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Daydream. Daydream. I fell asleep asleep beneath the flowers.

For a couple of hours. On a beautiful day.

Daydream. Daydream. I dream of you amid the flowers.

For a couple of hours. Such a beautiful day.

Gas in the Brimhall

How come the Brimhall always smells like leaking gas? I’m scared I’m going to get carbon monoxide poisoning.

New Awesome Findings

I have seen a few new movies and TV shows this past month and I want you to see them too because they are awesome.

  1. Invictus – This is truly an inspiring film. Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman both did a great job in portraying the unification of South Africa that happened in 1995.
  2. Forever Strong – Okay, this makes me seem like I am a sport movie fanatic. But I’m not, it just happens that these two were both Rugby related. This one was incredible. The acting wasn’t as strong as Invictus, but the story was great and really was a tear jerker in some places. I also love that it was produced by an LDS man and based off of the Highland, UT team.
  3. Pushing Daisies – This TV started in 2007 and only ran for two seasons. It is simply wonderful. You can watch all of the episodes on Netflix Instant Play (or see a few episodes on the WB). It’s about this guy who has the power to bring people back to life by a touch. If he touches them again, they will die forever, but if he doesn’t touch them again in one minute, something or someone else nearby will die. He brings back his childhood sweetheart but can’t ever touch her again or else she will die. The show is a mystery and comedy, kind of like Monk, but with a little fantasy twist. It’s precious and clean. Watch it!
