What It’s all About: Family
The family is central to everything. That’s why we are here on earth and that’s why it is so important for us to go to the temple as much as possible.
Today I had the experience to witness T.J.’s cousin marry and be sealed in the Mt. Timpanogos temple. In the sealing room, the two families sat across from each other, disconnected. But once the couple entered the room and knelt across the alter from one another, not only did the couple unite, but also the two separate families became a link in an eternal chain.
What a great blessing it is to be a part of that. As I grew up, I always envied the big families with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. It is what made me want to, one day, have a large family of my own so my kids can feel the love and happiness of a large family.
But now, my family and I have eternally been joined into another large family, one that keeps growing as others marry and have children. T.J. has countless cousins, aunts, uncles, and extended family. It is truly amazing to me that I now have all of those cousins, aunts, uncles, and extended family as well.
Before the sealer began, he asked if there were any grandparents witnessing the sealing. Both sets of the groom’s grandparents were in attendance.
Both sets.
This may not seem unusual for a lot of you. But for me, just to have grandparents this late in life, is unbelievable, seeing that mine have all been gone for a while. And then, to have them there with you for the most exquisite day of your life is also remarkable. If they wouldn’t have been sealed years ago, none of this would have happened today.
To finish, I just want to communicate to you all the importance of family. We need to make sure our family relationships are strong because those are the ones that mean the most. It doesn’t matter who they are–parents, siblings, cousins, in-laws. We need to continually build all of those relationships because we will have those for eternity.
Anyway, I know this post was pretty scattered, but I just had to share those thoughts. Do all you can so you can always be worthy to enter the temple. That’s where the family starts.
I like this. Thanks for being awesome. Hope you and T are doing well.
Katie we love you being a part of this large family you are so right it does mean everything