Our place is about 95% packed up and our plans are about 5% finalized. We are moving tomorrow, the new owners move in on Thursday, and, until we know exactly what we should do and where we should go, we are staying with T.J.’s parents in American Fork.

I feel like the move didn’t hit me until yesterday at church in Relief Society. The lesson was on trials. And did you know lessons on trials really make you think about the trials in your life? Who would have thought. So, during the lesson, I was like, “Hmm… moving out of this ward is sure going to be a trial.” And then it started. A major pity party of me counting my trials, mostly all having to do with leaving behind all my besties in Provo. Then the teacher said how Heavenly Father sends people to help us through our trials. That’s when I thought about my closest friends. They have been such huge blessings in my life and there when I really needed a friend or someone to talk to. I tried to hold back my tears as long as I could at church, but as soon as I got in the car, I lost it and haven’t really gotten it back since.

I thought I was ready for all of this, and I guess I’m going to have to be. But today and probably for a little while, I’m not okay. I’m overly emotional and just about everything is a trigger. So, if you’re in Provo, please be nice to me so I don’t burst into tears. Also, don’t be too amazing either. That will just make me miss you more, and consequently, I’ll burst into tears.

Welp. We have a big week ahead of us. Love you all!

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