This holiday season, T.J. and I have decided we’re going to keep it simple. Well, as simple as I can keep it. Mostly we just don’t want to go overboard with gifts. We think that will really help us to keep the Spirit of Christ in our home and reduce a lot of financial stress. It already feels so good to have less pressure with gift buying!
I’m right on track with my goal of cleaning out the house before setting up the Christmas decorations. Seriously guys, it has been the BEST motivation! I have cleaned out so many closets this month and gotten rid of a LOT of stuff (and killed a lot of spiders). This weekend it should be finished and the Christmas decorations can come OUT!
Hot oatmeal sometimes really hits the spot. Delish.
Eva prefers walking to crawling now. We call her our little zombie.
Talking about zombies, I finished the first two seasons of Walking Dead. Obsessssed!
After the stomach flu last week, I’m finally starting to feel like myself again.
I was going to make a pie for Thanksgiving, but I think I’m going to make candies instead. Including these Nutella truffles.
I’ve been washing my hair only a couple times a week and then have used dry shampoo the other days. It’s awesome and I highly recommend doing it.
We’ve been talking about post-graduation plans for T.J. often because I’m so excited for a change. The more we talk about the possibility of moving to Portland, the more it makes me want to move there! But Salt Lake, Chicago, and NY are all still in the running. And who knows, it could be somewhere we hadn’t even thought about!
A year ago, I was 38 weeks pregnant! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. 14:22:542012-11-19 14:22:54Thoughts of the Week
Erin says:
I laughed/felt guilty about your keeping it simple for Christmas thing, because we just had a conversation over the weekend about Christmas gifts, and were like, YOLO! Let’s go big or go home! We’ll see.
Can we please just pick the same city to live in and move there? Ok cool.
I laughed/felt guilty about your keeping it simple for Christmas thing, because we just had a conversation over the weekend about Christmas gifts, and were like, YOLO! Let’s go big or go home! We’ll see.
Can we please just pick the same city to live in and move there? Ok cool.