Just in case you haven’t heard, I am expecting. A baby. December 1st. It’s unreal to be saying that right now, I mean it was planned (and I’m only telling you that because that is one of the first questions everyone has asked me), but it’s crazy to think that in just a matter of months I will be a mom and T.J. will be a dad.

T.J. and I went to the doctor yesterday for the first time. I’ll tell you what, my wedding in the Salt Lake City temple last year was the best moment of my life. Looking across the alter that day and knowing that we were going to be together forever was a moment I’ll never forget and I didn’t know that anything  would ever top it.

But hearing that little heartbeat, seeing my baby’s arms and legs move all around, and having my husband beside me just as choked up as I was, was almost indescribable. It was right up there with that moment in the temple.

It was a miracle.

You know, you study about the development in school and hear from other people how amazing it was, but everything changes when you are experiencing it first hand. Suddenly, you are responsible for something more than yourself and you realize this is what life is all about.

I’m so happy that I finally get to share this news with all of you. Can you believe that at Christmas, we’ll have a little baby in our home?!

2 replies
  1. Hannah
    Hannah says:

    i am sooooooooooo glad we can all finally talk about it! best news ever! and i wonder what bianca is referring to when she said someone let it slip. we did so good not mentioning it!

  2. Bianca
    Bianca says:

    Katie! I’m so excited for you!! you will be such a cute mom! I can’t wait to see the little person in real life! And to answer Hannahs question I did live with 2 people who knew the secret for a long time… 😉


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