1. I was watching Home Alone 2 and eating some apples on Sunday when T.J. said to me, “How is it having a built in table?” I didn’t know what he meant at first, but then realized he was referring to me resting the bowl of apples on my belly. My table. Yes, I have now succumbed to using my belly as a table and the saddest thing about it is, I don’t even know when it started.
  2. I got a $10 gift card to Kohl’s in the mail, just a promotional thing. I almost threw it away but realized there were no tricks and it worked on sale items. So, I bought a maternity blouse that was $30, on sale today for $16, and with my card, it was only six bucks! SIX!
  3. I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. Horrible. If you only knew how many hot chocolates, herbal teas, soups, and smoothies I have had since then, you’d be amazed. I’m amazed. But it looks like it paid off because the sore throat is just about gone.
  4. T.J. skipped his first class this morning because he’s been up so late doing homework recently. It was so wonderful. Usually I go to bed without him and wake up without him/right when he’s about to leave. I wish he could skip class everyday.
  5. As you might have seen on my facebook, I’ve had a couple incidents with people commenting on my large belly. Yes, it’s big, and guess what… it is only getting bigger. So, here are a little ground rules that strangers should follow.
    • Just don’t say anything. You don’t even need to ask my due date or say congratulations.
    • If you insist on saying something, think it out first and stick with simple things such as congrats or when’s your due date. When I reply, you can just smile.
    • If you must say something after I tell you my due date, just say something such as congrats, great, oh boy.
    • That’s it. Nothing more to it.
    • Oh and strangers, please do not rub my belly or else I might rub yours back and that would just be awkward, don’t you think?
  6. I drove through the canyon with a friend on Saturday and it was absolutely gorgeous. If you haven’t gone on a fall drive yet, you need to do it soon because the leaves won’t stay like that for long!
  7. I’m going home next month!
  8. I am in love love love with the name Elizabeth for our baby. I can’t get past it, but unfortunately T.J. thinks it’s too formal, too long, and isn’t into it. I like the formality of it, plus it’s a classic name and sounds like it belongs to a beautiful girl. How do I convince T.J.???
  9. Why don’t they sell maternity skinny jeans at regular stores?
  10. Was I the only one mildly disappointed about the Modern Family episodes last week? They weren’t premiere material, I don’t think. But The Office was great… surprisingly great, along with Parks and Rec.
1 reply
  1. Kari
    Kari says:

    The built in table is one of the best things about being pregnant! And I love the name Elizabeth! Are you opposed to nicknames? There are so many ways to shorten it if TJ doesn’t want to call her Elizabeth. But if you don’t want people to shorten it I wouldn’t name her that. When we had Brianna we immediately started calling her Bri because it fit her personality, even as an infant. But with Jonah and Micah, the day someone calls them Joe and Mike I’ll freak out! If I wanted them to be called Joe or Mike I would have named them Joseph and Michael! lol Good luck! You’ll come up with a perfect name! Just be patient!


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