Sunday Best
When T.J. was getting Eva dressed this morning, he put her tights in between the layers of skirt, and so all that was left was the peplum part of the skirt. It looked like we dressed Eva in a mini skirt, keeping it really classy here in Jersey. But guys. Her peplum denim skirt… I got it on clearance back in the fall at Baby Gap and wished I could buy one for me (although I would not look as cute in it as this girl)!
I’m not wearing anything special, but I am a teensy bit obsessed with my necklace. I’ve been scoping out The Limited for a couple of months now and buying out all their clearance necklaces. They’ll be on clearance and every once in a while have an additional 50% off. When they’re that cheap, you have to buy it.
It was a good thing we took these pictures before church because mid-Sacrament meeting, Eva was stripped down to her undershirt and tights. It looked like she was wearing long johns at church. By the time we got home, her hair had come out of the pig tails, her mouth was a mess from all the food we bribed her with to sit in her stroller, she wasn’t wearing her skirt, and instantly wanted to change to her princess dress.
Hope you guys had a great Sunday. The weekend continues tomorrow… woo hoo!
You two are some of my very favorites. cute pics!
Eva looks so much like you! I love it- those pics are so cute. And that necklace!
I love your outfit and that necklace! and your hair!!! sooooo long and pretty! and your nails! i just miss you so much!