In about one month I will have a baby boy and officially be a mother of two… Crazy. Absolutely crazy.
I blogged only once in July… all-time record low. I don’t know why I’m in a blogging funk but I plan on getting back into it and really want to get out my other camera so it’s not just instagrams on here all the time.
I finished decorating Eva’s and Baby Boy’s rooms for the most part! Next step for our town home is to get a washer and dryer and a bed frame. Can I tell you how hard it is to get in and out of a mattress on the ground over and over again through the night when you’re eight months pregnant? It is terrible.
Eva is obsessed with mermaids… specifically blue mermaids. I need to write a post about her soon because she is so funny right now and she is starting preschool next week! What will I do when she’s in school three times a week?? Probably cry a lot at first, then treat myself to naps and matinee movies. Okay… and get caught up on all of my work, Dad!
I thought we had settled on a baby name. I seriously felt like I just KNEW his name last week. Yeah…. that has passed. I mean I still like the name. But I definitely don’t feel passionate about it anymore. Can someone just convince TJ to like the name Lee, short for Leland? Lee and Leland are family names and I really love the name Lee… but he won’t do it!
We are now primary teachers for 4-5 year olds. I don’t mind the calling but now I feel like I won’t ever get to know anyone in our new ward. I definitely am so happy we moved back to Utah and to where we lived, but I really miss the Jersey City 2nd Ward so much. They were like family. A crazy, diverse, intense, funny, welcoming family.
How is it already almost halfway through August? I swear we were just wearing our Winter coats in NYC complaining the cold would never end and now I find myself aching to wear my Fall clothes and boots… but I think most of that is because I’m ginormous and want this baby out.
Well, that’s about it for now… my daughter is currently wearing her ariel dress and running (well, pretending to swim) all over the house and I need to control the situation before she kills herself/drives me nuts! Here’s a bump picture from 33 weeks… I’ll be 35 weeks Thursday! Final stretch!
What about Leland James and call him LJ?? I have a friend with that name and i love it.