TJ’s parents threw a cousin Halloween party for the kids. They decorated sugar cookies, had a dance-off, watched a few Halloween shows, and did a few little crafts together.

Holly and I dressed up as Mario and Luigi for our class.
The kids were pirates for Halloween. I thought they were pretty cute! 

TJ was a Banky painting. It was all TJ’s idea… but so clever! I dressed up as the mysterious Banksy, so I wore all black and carried around a bottle of spray paint.

Finn is always scowling at someone. But the Halloween party at church was great! They had lots of games for the kids and then a chili cook-off. I won Most Unique Chili (which TJ said was like the sweet spirit award haha!) but hey, I love it. I put cinnamon in the chili… it’s a Cincinnati secret.

Trick or treating with all of the neighbors was the best. We started early because it was going to be a cold night. It was fun running around with everyone and seeing those cute kids run from house to house. Finn was NOT into it, wouldn’t really even wear his costume or get out of the stroller. Maybe next year.

I got to help in Eva’s class for her Halloween party. I’m so grateful that I can help in her class from time to time. What a sweet treat!


I got one last hike in this fall one afternoon with my friend Robyn. It was more difficult than I had expected but so worth the climb! The falls were so pretty! I can’t wait to hike it next summer again. Thanks for joining me, Robyn!

Eva did a little photoshoot for a dress-up company and they turned out so cute! I need to find the link to the photographer so I can get the rest of them! Somehow I’ve lost the information!

TJ works as a Graphic Designer for Vivint and the Jazz play at the Vivint Arena in SLC, so because of that, we get a lot of free tickets to games and events. We’ve lucked out even more this year because TJ designed the HomeCourt space ( see some of the photos below) for Vivint in the arena so he has had to go even more than usual to make sure everything is in order. Each time has been such a blast, usually we get free dinner there in the Toyota Club and the seats are great. One time, in fact, we were on the literal first row. The tickets said they were $3K a piece… holy cow! It was incredible/nerve-wracking/amazing. I was so worried I would somehow trip or spill something and ruin the game. So, I did not move the entire game! During half time, everyone left around me and when the Jazz came back to warm up, I was the only one there and I felt like they were putting on a show for me. I even got to throw a ball back to one of the players! My heart was racing, I was so star struck! Haha!

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We went to the Library Halloween Night. They had all of these Halloween stories out that you read as you walked through the aisles. The lights were off and we used flashlights to read. It was such a fun evening.

We made lots of sugar cookies!

We drove through the Alpine Loop to see the leaves.

We went to many pumpkin patches.

We checked out the scarecrow festival (twice) with friends in the neighborhood.

We carved pumpkins. Which one is mine and which one is TJ’s?

My parents got to come to Utah for a few days over my mom’s Fall break. We had a few days of nice weather, then it got pretty cold. But thankfully we got to do a lot of fun things while they were in town still.

Once we picked them up from the airport, we went straight to City Creek and Temple Square to walk around a bit.

On Friday, we went to Ashton Gardens before Eva went to school, then that evening had Indian food in Salt Lake before visiting Gardner Village. They had all their witches out-we always love checking that place out!

On Saturday, we went to Cornbelly’s together. We stayed there for hours and could have stayed longer because it was so much fun. That night, we had a babysitter and went to see a movie together without the kids. It was nice to be able to get out without them and spend some time together as adults.

Sunday was church, but it was before our time change, so church was at 2:30 still. We went on a long drive that morning, unfortunately it was too chilly to get out and go on a walk like we had planned, but it was still fun to show them some places and pretty views.

We loved having them in town and can’t wait to see them next week! Thanks for coming!

Finn loves wearing our shoes. I loved this little number he threw together.

Finn was scared when watching a show one night and kept covering his face like this.

I made a lot of freezer meals in September, it’s been so nice!

HIGH Fitness fun with friends.

Nearly every day, we’d wake up, ride bikes, have lunch outside, go to school, come home from school, then play outside until bedtime. It was the best. I feel like I got nothing done, but it was amazing getting to enjoy the weather outside with friends, see the kids just take off riding their bikes (they got so good!), and not watch any TV in September.

The kids loved/hated this creepy clown vinyl on our neighbor’s window and went to check it out about 20 times a day, every day.

I hosted a clothing swap with a few college friends in September and this is what was LEFT after all of us took tons. I have practically a brand new wardrobe! Thanks, Danica!

Eva wore this outfit tons. She was going to be a witch for Halloween until a few days before Halloween, at which point she changed her mind thirty times.

I took some family friends who were in town to This is the Place park and then Temple Square. I loved learning the history of this beautiful state!

More HIGH classes!

One Thursday evening in September, TJ’s work rented out Lagoon and provided tickets and dinner to their employees. We had a few extra so we even got to bring along our neighbors, Zach and Olivia. Eva loved getting to ride all the kid rides as much as she wanted since there weren’t really any lines and I loved not having to make dinner that night haha! We are so grateful for TJ’s work and all that they do for their employees!

You may or may not know that I worked for my dad’s marketing business. I just work part time from home and have done so since college. It’s a perfect little gig and nice to have my dad as my boss. Last month, one of our clients needed help at the Interbike show in Vegas so I got to meet my dad down there for a few days. I don’t know if I was much help, but it definitely was fun getting away for a couple of days and working alongside my dad. Thanks, for having me, Dad!