My Top 10 Scary Movies (not in order)
- The Orphanage. I saw it on campus at the International Cinema so they edited out the bad stuff. But this thriller really gets your heart pumping with a well-written plot and twist ending. Just wait until the woman plays the “knock 1 2 3” game. Oh man. (P.S. it’s on Netflix Instant Play).
- The Ring. I will never see this one again. Too satanic. Too scary.
- The Ring 2. I watched this with a bunch of girls a few years ago really late at night. I don’t remember much because I kept falling asleep. But I do remember a bunch of deer attacking them. Horrifying.
- Lady in White. Old movie. You wouldn’t think it would be this scary, but I couldn’t have the blinds open for weeks. There are like three stories throughout the movie, but the ending is by far the scariest part.
- The Others. I love this movie. Nicole Kidman does a great job and I’ll never forget my friend Mikey Tensmeyer quoting the children at the end. When the door slams and the piano starts to play, I always lose it!
- Skeleton Key. I think you know already how I feel about this one.
- The Birds. It didn’t scare me during the movie. It scared me the next time I saw a bunch of birds. And every time since.
- The Invasion. This is more of a thriller. Once again, Nicole Kidman is incredible.
- 1408. When this first came out, Blair and I saw it 3 times in the theater.
- What Lies Beneath. When the neighbor see them through the window all of a sudden, you might have a heart attack.
hahaha mikey.
“why did you kill your chiiiildren?!?!”
i miss that kid.