My Favorite Blogs
I have 100+ blogs/feeds on my Google Reader and it’s honestly one of my favorite parts of my day when I get to read new posts from all of you. Some of the blogs are people I know, a lot are written by strangers. And some of them are friends of friends. Occasionally, I’ll see someone at the mall who’s blog I follow but don’t know personally. I have to refrain from saying “hi.” It feels like we’re besties but they don’t even know I exist. Maybe it’s a little bit creepy, but I think it would be flattering… right?
Here are my top reads right now…
Random/Funny Blogs:
- #whatshouldwecallme – Just see for yourself
- 1000 Awesome Things – Everyday there is something awesome posted
- Terribly Cute – Adorable animals
- Pinterest, You Are Drunk – Ridiculous things on Pinterest
- Literally Unbelievable – Funny responses to The Onion
Personal Blogs
- E Tells Tales – Start from the beginning-she has an unusual story but you’ll end up loving this girl! She is such a great writer, very creative, and so funny!
- Rebecca with an R – I was in the same major as the writer of this blog. Something about her style of writing I just love.
- Wearing it on my Sleeves – This is my friend Sarah. She says the funniest things and makes me want to learn how to sew.
- Strong Enough – This blog is written by my friend Christina and it’s about her battle and journey with melanoma. Very inspiring.
- Ray of Sunshine – This is written by a friend of a friend of a friend. She has the CUTEST twin boys and lives in NYC. Every time she posts about the city, I get so excited that we might be there in a couple of months. And if she can do it with twins, I can do it with Eva!
PLEASE leave a comment below with your blog URL so I can add it to my list.
Okay, since you said you blog stalk people, I should admit that I blog stalk you!! And maybe now I’ll blog stalk the people in this post. 🙂
I love that you love E Tells Tales. I’ve been following her for over a year and love her blog!