
More Changes

In addition to T.J. leaving me, my sister-in-law and her husband are moving to Boise this week. It came as quite a surprise. Josh got a job up there about two weeks ago and they decided it was right for their family. I am so happy and excited for them to start this new journey but I have got to admit, just writing about it makes me cry. And then cry again. They’re our closest friends and we will miss them (and their darling Cohen) so much.

Favorite memories with the Jones’:

Camping in the windy desert, driving to Albuquerque, playing countless card games, Thanksgiving at Wade’s, when Lacey told us she was expecting, meeting Cohen for the first time, many dinners at JCW’s, when Lacey let me crash at her house and sob about my job, playing Mario Cart and having Josh kill us over and over again, fire pits, croquet, egg demolition, playing Kinect, movie nights, that one time the website hosting guy flirted with us on the phone HA, weekend in St. George, Black Friday shopping, crying together during 17 Miracles, staying up late and talking.

Miss you guys already!!!

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