When I was a kid I would eat pretzels every day after school and pretend I was smoking. Or I would put a marshmallow on the end and pretend it was a lollipop.
I had a boy hair cut for the majority of my up-bringing and was mistaken as a boy several times.
I would throw tantrums when I was little because my socks wouldn’t stay up.
I made up dances all the time. If you’d like to see my dance for the 6th grade talent show, let me know.
When my family and I would leave for vacations, I’d say bye to all of my stuffed animals and dolls and tell them how sorry I was that I couldn’t take all of them with me. But I’d always take one beanie baby, my Monkey baby and my American Girl doll, Kirsten.
Before going to my first middle school dance, I “practiced” in the mirror for a while and made conversation with myself, pretending like I was talking to someone.
I made up my imaginary friend just so I could say I had an imaginary friend. Her name was Rainbow.
I loved monkeys and dolphins.
My first beanie baby was a whale. I got it on Christmas Eve. I tied a string around it and dragged it everywhere I went, like a dog.
I loved making tents and playing outside in the creeks.
I watched Arthur, Dragon Tales, and Zoom almost every day. (We didn’t have cable.)
I read all of the Boxcar Children books over and over again.
The first time my piano teacher told me I needed to keep practicing my assigned song for another week, I ran to the bathroom and cried.
When I was 12, I had to sing “We’ll Bring the World His Truth” with two boys during our primary presentation. I started crying during the song because it’s a touching song, and once again… I ran out of the chapel during the song.
I tried to take my cat on a walk once.
I loved doing crafts, including that tie dye wheel, painting stain glass, and colored sand stuff.
I called a kid “4 eyes” in second grade (I had a crush on him). He told on me, I got in trouble. The next year I had to get glasses.
In first grade, my teacher told me I didn’t know how to use scissors right. She gathered all the kids around me for a lesson on cutting properly. Humiliating.
I wore Adidas sambas and overalls.
I loved playing house, but I could never remember my name. It usually was Melanie, but my friends always had to remind me. Also, if a grownup walked in while we were playing house or barbies, I stopped playing and pretended to be doing something else because I was always embarrassed.
https://katiederrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/logo.png00Katiehttps://katiederrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/logo.pngKatie2010-12-16 20:17:572010-12-16 20:17:57Memories, all alone in the moonlight
I laughed to myself (next to strangers at the airport) at about every single one of these, but even more at the end ones. HILARIOUS. it’s also 7 AM and i’ve been awake for 23 hours. EASY!
HA! love it.
I laughed to myself (next to strangers at the airport) at about every single one of these, but even more at the end ones. HILARIOUS. it’s also 7 AM and i’ve been awake for 23 hours. EASY!