Instagram Update
Eva got into my makeup one day. That’s lipstick all over her cheek.
As I have said before, we go to the mall quite often since it’s next door. We walk through and just explore, play on the kid area, and try out all of the toys.
One day a couple weeks ago, my friend Ashley rented a car and we went to Costco together. It was such a fun time!
T.J.’s dad is a consultant and travels a lot for work. Two weeks ago, he had a client in New Jersey about an hour away. He came and visited two nights that week and it was so fun! Eva loves her Grandpa (and all of her other grandparents!).
I bought this fuzzy bear hat for Eva. She doesn’t love it as much as I do.
Last week, we went to the park just about every day. One day, Ashley and Brooks joined us! Eva loves Baby Brooks and oftentimes at home will ask for him.
We were walking home from the park one day when Eva stood against this wall and said CHEEEEEESE.
I treated myself to the movies last week. It was the first time I went to the movies by myself, and I didn’t mind it one bit!
Cannolis from Grimaldi’s! Thanks to T.J.’s Dad for treating us!
More cute pics of my silly girl. She wears that little skirt almost every day.
Hannah sent me the most perfect Fall package in the mail! Thanks, BFF!
Eva’s little cheese cracks me up!!