I would, as Danica Budge would say,

a hot mess.

It’s been a long week or two. Perfection is currently on hold. For now, my motto is to just get through.

Bad attitude? No, I just have so much to do! The worst part is that when I finally get to go to bed, I can’t fall asleep because my mind literally is making to-do lists and thinking about what else I need to be doing.

But good things are on there way, such as:

  1. Payday tomorrow
  2. Getting involved  in a new youth mentor program
  3. Weekend
  4. Spring/Graduation/A visit from the parents
  5. Liam Neeson’s new movie

Here are things that need to change in my life:

  1. I’ve got to stop watching all these prison shows, it’s making me want to work in a prison/visit a prison/go to prison? Scratch that last one. But really, I’m so fascinated with the people in prison and just want to talk to them. (Heidi, I envy you for getting to go to a prison for school.)
  2. If I do not stop reading all of these blogs about my friends/stalkees who are having babies, I will need a baby within the next…month? week? Better solution: babysit. So, can one of my friends who are moms, can I babysit your kid? Even better solution: Can you give me some money for me to buy your baby clothes?
  3. Making lists in my head at night. Wow, D Budge has made it into my post twice today. She recommended Motrin PM. Mom, am I allowed to do that?
  4. I’ve got to start assuming the worst when I apply to a job. Getting my hopes let down 5 times in two weeks is getting really old.
  5. I have GOT to start using my All Sports Pass. What the heck? I spent so much on that thing and have only gotten like 25 bucks out of it so far. Baseball games. Yes, that’s it. I’ll go to ALL of the baseball games. It’ll give me something to do when I’m jobless starting April 23rd.

Alright, I’m sure that’s enough text for you to skim through 🙂

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