{Guest Post} A Miracle
Austin Reed McEvoy came into the world on May 27, 2005 in Cincinnati, Ohio. There is something so special and unique about the day your first-born enters the world. After a fairly easy pregnancy and 9 painful hours of labor, my husband and I welcomed little Austin (well, not so little, more like 9 lbs. 5 oz!) into our lives. I will always remember that moment the doctor placed him into my arms. It was such a surreal and out-of-body experience. For us, we felt that this was the most memorable and important day of our lives (other than the day we got married). Here we were–blessed with one of God’s children and not only that, but a child of God that was sent to US, not anybody else– to be taken care of, taught, loved, and raised. You would think that the weight of that responsibility would seem daunting at first. But for some strange reason, at that moment, it wasn’t to us. It just felt RIGHT and we were ready for that responsibility in our lives. I can’t explain in words the emotions and instant LOVE that overwhelmed us as we held our sweet infant in my arms. It was such a powerfully spiritual moment for us and we were suddenly overcome with gratitude and joy for this child of ours.
I wish I could say that this is where the story ended. That we had our “fairytale” moment of relishing in the joy of holding our infant in our arms. But that moment suddenly turned in the wrong direction when the doctor and nurses noticed a LARGE, dark purple, raised growth on his lower right back. This was not expected or detected in utero and neither the doctor or nurses knew what it was. I remember the first night in the hospital being not one of relishing in this beautiful baby, but one of worry, panic, and fear of the unknown. Less than 24 hours after the birth and Austin was transferred to the Cincinnati Childrens Hospital NICU where a speciliast would see him.
Austin was in the NICU there for 10 days. Not exactly the way you had anticipated and expected to start your first week with your baby. It was probably the most sleepless and worrisome week of our lives. Test after test, Austin was picked and prodded to determine what this “THING” was on his back. At 5 days old, a surgeon did a biopsy on the growth on his back, in which he lost so much blood, that he had to have two blood transfusions and resuscitate him after he stopped breathing during surgery. That was not a fun day for us, but fortunately, we were unaware that this was happening until after the surgery was completed and he was finally stable again! When we got the results back from the biopsy a couple of days later, Austin was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive vascular tumor (but benign) that typically can trap platelets from the rest of the body and can cause serious illness, and in some instances, death. The crazy thing was that his doctor is one of a FEW leading physicians and experts in the field of rare vascular tumors in the WORLD. And she just so happened to be at this particular children’s hospital and we just happened to be living in Cincinnati while my husband was in grad school. Coincidence? I think not. I know for a certainty that the Lord had led us there for a reason. If Austin had been born elsewhere, chances were that he would’ve been misdiagnosed at first and not received the proper care. Because we were able to diagnose the issue from the start though, we were able to begin the right treatment. Austin was fortunate enough to respond to the first-line of treatment, which typically only works in about 20% of patients. We were blessed that not only did he respond, but he remained completely healthy and normal the entire time he was on the medicine. By the time Austin turned 1 years old, the tumor or lesion was almost completely gone and all you could see was an indentation of where the tumor used to be and the scars from the biopsy. His doctor was amazed by his success and the results of the medicine. In our hearts though, we knew that it wasn’t all the medicine. It was Heavenly Father’s will and way that Austin would continue to thrive and live. Was it a miracle? We would like to believe that it was. Yes, HE is our miracle. And we are so eternally grateful for our Lord’s hand in that trying time in our lives.
Parenthood is exactly what they say, “It’s the most difficult, yet rewarding experience of your life.” It definitely tries your patience and it doesn’t come without many trials, errors, sweat and tears. BUT it is also the most precious, amazing, wonderful, and gratifying experience that one can go through in this life. It is simply an extension or understanding of our Heavenly Father’s love for us. I honestly believe that there is no other way to even somewhat comprehend the unconditonal love that God has for us until we become a parent. It puts everything in perspective and it changes us for the good. Parenthood teaches us, stretches us, and shapes us to become better human beings, and to become more like God. Simply put, it helps us become more selfless and Christ-like. No longer are we thinking about ourselves first. Suddenly, we would do ANYTHING for our children, even sacrifice our own lives for them. And that is exactly what Jesus Christ did for us when he died on the cross for us and atoned for our sins. It is a beautiful thing and it’s exactly what life is all about.
Oh I miss Christina! How I remember those few days when Austin was in the hospital! I remember going to visit him at Children’s and being so afraid because we didn’t know what was going on! Seeing him now…he is grown up! Wow! Thanks for another fabulous guest post Katie!