Goals for the Week + Followup


The most important part of making goals, I think, is following up on them so you have some kind of accountability. Last week I made five goals and I did okay, but not great.

  1. Put effort into my outfits. I did the worst in this. It was above 95 degrees all week with so much humidity, I just needed to find clothes that wouldn’t suffocate me. This week will be cooler, so I’m going to try and work on this again.
  2. Do my hair twice in the week. I did accomplish this! I did a fishtail braid one day and flat ironed it for church yesterday.
  3. Hold FHE. We did that! We went to Hoboken and then had a little lesson at home.
  4. I didn’t plan out my meals-but we did have more meals together last week than usual.
  5. Venture into the city once. I went into the city twice last week and on the other days I did a lot of fun things in Jersey. It made for a fun week and got rid of my homesickness!

Here are my goals for this week:

  1. Finish The Happiness Project.
  2. Put effort into my outfits everyday.
  3. Make a nice dinner three times this week.
  4. Go to the city at least once.
  5. Pick up each night before bed so we wake up to a clean apartment.


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