Gel Pens
Yesterday, I went to target to get a few groceries and things for the house. I needed to get a binder to organize all of our important documents and receipts, so I headed over to the school supplies area.
I couldn’t help to notice all of the parents, specifically dads taking their kids “back to school” shopping.
Instant tears.
Not joking, I was walking down an isle at Target and started crying because of all these lucky kids whose dads were taking them school shopping. I’m turning into my mother.
(Oh, and instant tears now just thinking about it again.)
Anyway, the reason I got so choked up was because my dad used to take my “back to school” shopping each year. My mom tried to take me a few times, but I would come back with generic brand folder and binders, roseart crayons which were good for about a minute until they snapped in half, and plain old pens. I understand now why this happened, seeing how much things really cost and add up, but when I was a kid, I wanted the best! Everybody else was getting the good stuff, so why couldn’t I? My dad saw the problem (because it was always lead to arguing) and so he took over this duty.
At the time, it was about the school supplies. It was about getting those stupid gel pens, the folders with a dog on it, and a brand new backpack. But now, as those years have past, none of that matters. It all went in the trash at some point or another, but the things that I will always remember, are the times we had together going out as a father and daughter.
Dad would turn off his talk radio, we’d sing together in the car or have talks about what was going on in my life. At the store, we’d look at the new electronics and chairs, and then always get a snack at the register (either gummy lifesavers or orange slices).
It’s little memories like those that really make it hard to grow up.
I called my dad once I left the store and tried to tell him what happened without losing it again. No success, but I was able to calm down when he told me how these moments are what really matter in life and what we will remember forever. And one day when I have kids, I’ll be able to create those memories with them.
katie this was so sweet! i know exactly what you’re talking about, i made my dad go with me to staples to get my school supplies before i came back to centre. daddy-daughter time is so precious.
katie this was so sweet! i know exactly what you’re talking about, i made my dad go with me to staples to get my school supplies before i came back to centre. daddy-daughter time is so precious.