Fleece Mermaid Tail

For months now, I’ve been wanting to make Eva a mermaid tail blanket. Now that I have a sewing machine, one afternoon after school, I took Eva to the Hobby Lobby where she picked out her fabric then I got to work that night once the kids were in bed. I should have used a pattern, but kind of wanted to try my hand at doing it all by myself. I made it a little shorter than I planned, but Eva likes it that way because it fits more like a mermaid. So, win-win!

It was really easy to make and only took me a couple of hours!

  1. I cut out the top leg parts (blue) using an elastic waisted maxi skirt of Eva’s as a guide.
  2. Hemmed the top of both sides so there was room for elastic
  3. Cut out the bottom fin parts
  4. Sewed one pink fin to one top blue part, repeat with second set
  5. Sewed the two pieces together
  6. Hand stitched the sequins ribbons to the top
  7. Looped elastic inside the waist (upon Eva’s request) so it would be tight and stay up around her stomach
  8. Have Eva wear it nonstop for days… I didn’t have to make her do this, she did it by herself, obviously!


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