
Eva Goes to Preschool!

I cannot believe it! My little baby has grown up into quite a big girl and has started preschool! She goes three times a week for a couple hours each day and on Monday has an extra dance class before school. The first day one of us was crazy emotional and bawled her eyes out after drop off. Eva was all smiles and didn’t even look back at me, so I guess you know who the cryer was.

TJ didn’t quite understand why I was so upset, and it’s not really that fact that she was leaving me a couple hours since I have on occasion left her with a friend or family member. It’s mostly just the milestone. Time just goes so fast, guys. And before you know it, she’ll be in kindergarten, and I think I’ll lose my mind then.

But I did get a pedicure while she was at school the first day and by the end, I thought… alright, this is not that bad of a deal! Haha! Since then though, while she’s in school, I usually get a little work done at home and run some errands. Going into Target in the middle of the day without a kid is a fresh experience and one I’ve already gotten used to in just a week and a half. But in no time, I’ll have another little baby accompanying me… and I’m completely okay with that.

Eva already has figured out how to write her name on her own (granted, she does only have three letters to spell.. but I am still so impressed!), has learned about the letters M & P, has practiced cutting on her own, done lots of fun finger paintings of monsters, penguins, and popcorn, and most of all… Eva just adores her teacher. When we are at the store or are doing a craft at home, she asks if we can get her teacher something or make her something. I think that’s pretty adorable.

Here is Eva on the first day of school:

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And I had to document my big sparkly belly getting a pedicure, which I hadn’t done for more than a year or so:


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