Easter 2013
We couldn’t have had a better Easter weekend. The weather was perfect, our family celebrations were so fun, and our dinner with friends turned out great.
On Thursday, T.J., Eva, and I went up to Great Grandma Derrick’s for an Easter Egg Hunt. Eva was the only little one so she was the center of the show while the bigger kids played outside.
On Saturday, we went up to T.J.’s parents’ home where we had an Easter egg hunt outside and a BBQ with the family. The kids were so cute running around the yard looking for eggs. Most of our pictures of Eva though, she had such a serious face on! Egg hunting is tough stuff, I guess!
On Sunday, we went to church and couldn’t have had a better Sacrament meeting. The talks were so wonderful and the music was touching. I was asked last minute to help in nursery, so that meant Eva got to test-run the nursery. She was such a cutie pie in there and I almost teared up to see how old and independent she is getting.
In the evening, we had a few couples from our ward that we’ve gotten to know well over for dinner and games. I made the ham, asparagus, corn pudding, deviled eggs, and dessert and the other couples brought several other sides. I’m still full.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter with good friends and family and that you were able to reflect upon our Savior and the miraculous sacrifice He made for us so we could return back to our Heavenly Father. Love you all!
I feel like I was there. I love your detailed descriptions, and the pictures.