Don't Judge
Mom, please don’t read the following post. But because I know you will, don’t judge and don’t worry, I take care of myself and eat a balanced diet.
Today my boss brought in donuts from Sugar and Spice, the bakery on campus. I usually am a die hard old fashioned with sprinkles type of girl, but today I was feeling bold. I tried the maple bar topped with bacon.
That’s right. As if the maple bar wasn’t already unhealthy enough, bacon is added to the top to seal the deal. But let me tell you, although you feel like a heart attack is in the near future when you eat this marvelous wonder, it tastes delicious. It’s like when your bacon would mix with your syrup during a nice breakfast. Nothing gets better than that.
I have been having the most intense craving for donuts this week. A maple donut. I think I am dying.
Marriage has made you lose your mind! Please, no more donuts with bacon on top. You don’t want to be on cholestral medication before you’re 25! Love you.