Closet Makeover
Last March I found out I was pregnant and the three months before that I put on a little weight, so this year I put fashion on hold and barely shopped at all. The few maternity clothes I bought were simple and rather bland, so needless to say, I’m a little behind on fashion which I’m embarrassed to say considering I helped to create BYU Style.
This Sunday we are blessing our baby at church and I wanted a new outfit since it’s the first time I’m going “out” since the baby was born. My belly pretty much feels likes pudding right now (TMI? Probably.) and I was nervous about going shopping because if things didn’t fit me right, I knew I’d probably have a meltdown from all these crazy hormones. But fortunately, I tried on two skirts (from Trendy Xchange… who knew that place was so awesome?) and BOTH of them fit perfectly! Don’t you love that? It’s almost as good as when your normal size is too big. Almost.
Then today I was looking for a blouse to go with one of the skirts and went into Forever 21 for the first time in months. The whole time I thought, boy I wish Danica Budge (my fellow BYU Styler) was here to be my fashion advisor! Fashion has changed SO much in just these past couple of months and I feel like I don’t know how to put it all together anymore! So, I just picked out a bunch of random tops hoping something would work and eventually I found a blouse that (surprisingly) worked.
I’ve now decided I’m going to take this as an opportunity to start rebuilding my wardrobe. Obviously it will take a while, but I’m excited to start looking for new fashion trends and trying to branch out of my normal selection. Wish me luck, and if you’d like, tell me what some of your fashion favs are right now via Pinterest!
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