(Okay, you caught me, I was listening to HSM when writing this post, hence the title…)
Last night, T.J. and I headed up to his parents to visit with his family. After some delicious turkey burgers (which I plan on buying asap because I was so surprised on how delicious and filling they were), we played a round of croquet. I didn’t play my best round, in fact, I was horrible, but we had so much fun. Probably the best moment was when T.J. learned how to hit the ball from behind, said,
“This is awesome!”
And then, hit his ankle. I felt bad for the poor guy, but it was hilair.
My parents are in town! They bought their tickets a while back for Sam’s wedding and booked it for a week and a half so they could make it their summer vacation; but Sam changed his wedding date and location, so I get to have them all to myself for this time. This past weekend, T.J. and I along with my parents headed down to Monument Valley in Navajo nation. It’s right on the border of Utah and Arizona and the drive there was absolutely spectacular. The hotel at the park is incredible and fits in with the scenery and the 17-mile drive around the park was complete with beautiful monuments and real Navajos! They still live out on the reservation in hogans without electricity or water, and sell jewelry at little stands. I can’t wait to show you all the pictures and videos my dad took with his awesome camera to give you the real feel of our vacation!
After spending two nights at Monument Valley, we drove a few hours over to the Grand Canyon and stayed at this lodge with the most adorable cabins looking out over the north rim. Stay tuned to see pictures and hear more about the trip!
I finally uploaded the pictures from my trip home. I didn’t take too many, except of my nieces.
This is my Grandma Mary. She was born in Australia, then met my Grandpa Bob and moved to the States. She passed away in the first year or two of my life, so I don’t remember her but I have heard so much about her. She, of course, had a beautiful australian accent that matched her personality and style. My dad posted these photos of her on Mother’s Day and I just had to share them. Wasn’t she beautiful? Gosh, and look at her sense of fashion! I can’t wait to meet her one day!
Why don’t we get dressed up like this more often? They look great, don’t they?
This one is my favorite:
My dad is the little one with the adorable smile and coat. They were dressed up for Easter.
My brother Sam is marrying Ashley next week!
I can’t wait to go home and be a part of all the events!
Because I took a long break from blogging, I missed a lot of posts. One of which was a tribute to my great Dad on his Birthday. It was April 16th and although it is a few weeks late, I still want to write that post and tell him how much I love and appreciate him.
My dad has the greatest humor. Most people when they first meet him think he is very serious, but he actually has quite a dry sense of humor and so people don’t always catch the sarcasm. He’s always making me laugh, either from a joke or by teasing me.
Because my mom went back to work when I was in Kindergarten, my dad and I had a lot of one-on-one time when I was a kid. I don’t think many people get to say that. His office was at home and so whenever I needed him, he was always there. I was and still am his baby girl because he created so many memories that really bonded us together. When I danced with my dad at my wedding, it was one of the most bittersweet moments I’ve ever had. I could barely look him in the eye because I was so emotional. I know it was hard for him to see his little girl get married, but I think he’s learned that I’m still the same!
One of the greatest things about my dad is how charitable he is to me and to everyone around. As the Bishop, he seeks out the individual and always makes them feel loved and welcomed. As a father, he is always giving to his children. From blessings to just opening up his wallet, my dad always knows when we are in need and helps to fill that need through his love and hard work.
I hope you have a great year, Dad!
Okay, It’s not a secret anymore. I’m officially allowed to share this family news through social media!
T.J.’s brother Dustin and his wife Lindsay are having a baby in November! I am so excited for both of them and know they will be the best parents… Congrats you two!
The summer before last, my family and I went to Fort Myers, Florida for two weeks. We spent the days on Sanibel and Captiva Islands. We saw dolphins, found star fish, swam out to sand bars, rode bikes, walked on trails filled with alligators. It was hot, humid, and a great time with my family. I can just see myself now walking across that burning boardwalk in Miami with my siblings and eating at the Bubble Room in Captiva.
I wish we could go back. Today.
On Saturday, T.J.’s sister Lacey turned 21. Her husband Josh arranged a birthday party at our house. We put up all the decorations and hid when they came through the door. Lacey was very surprised and loved the party theme:
It was a great night with all the family. We played hilarious games like Scribblish and What If. My favorite What If round said: What if T.J. was a dancing gorilla? Then I read my answer, which worked out perfect:
I’d keep him as a pet.
- Similes, Smiles, and Harry PotterAugust 4, 2010 - 5:14 pm
- OxfordsAugust 28, 2010 - 4:34 am
- 12 Weeks: It is what God gave you time for.March 6, 2015 - 12:12 pm
- Ranting about BloggingApril 2, 2014 - 3:13 pm
- Going along with my previous post:September 28, 2010 - 4:13 pm
- Valentine’s and Galentine’s DayJune 26, 2018 - 11:07 am
- Play Dates and Co-OpJune 24, 2018 - 10:56 am
- Funny Finny: Age 2 to 2.5June 23, 2018 - 10:29 am
- Snow DaysJune 23, 2018 - 10:17 am
- Vegas Work TripJune 22, 2018 - 10:10 am
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