Once I booked my trip to Kentucky, I knew I wanted to teach a HIGH class while I was in town. I was able to rent studio space at the same dance studio I grew up dancing in! It was so crazy to be back there and to be in the front teaching! Thanks to everyone for coming! I was thrilled with the turnout!

Here’s a glimpse into our classes! They are still pretty small for the most part, but it’s been fun to meet new people and practice so much! I’ve learned that sore is the new normal for me because four classes is A LOT but I love it!

My friend Holly and I now teach four HIGH classes a week at a dance studio here in Lehi and to kick it all off, we had a launch party on June 1. We made the playlist weeks in advance so I would have to time to learn the songs. I practiced my heart out, we advertised like crazy, and had it all scheduled. I felt prepared but then the night before I started feeling sick. I threw up a bunch that night and then didn’t eat much at all the next day. I thought it was food poisoning but I’m pretty sure it was a short 24 hr bug now because TJ and Finn got the same thing a few days later. Anyway, it was pretty disappointing. I almost didn’t even go. I cried so hard that night… all of my hard work! I had friends who were coming just for the support! I couldn’t NOT go. Thankfully, I felt decent enough even though I felt very weak, so the show went on! We had a huge turnout and it was such a great time. I nearly blacked out a few times and had to sit to the side a few times (which was completely embarrassing at the time, but whatever!) but overall, it was great. Thanks to everyone who came out that night. It meant so much to me! Come again to another class 🙂 M/W 9:30 am, Th 8:30 pm, Sat 8:30 am… find us on Instagram at HighFitnessLehi.

They had a big fundraiser at City Creek with the opening of Albion Fit. It was a blast to work out with so many people, especially since I had just gotten certified!