The final day of our trip, we went to California Adventure. The weather that day was perfect and the crowds were at a minimum… so it was basically a perfect Disney day! We got to ride everything we wanted, Eva was tall enough for bigger rides which was so fun! We got to ride Tower of Terror for its last time and experienced the World of Color for the first time ever, which is complete magic and an amazing way to end the trip! Turkey legs, corn on the cob, Cars Land, it was a great day!

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On Monday of our trip, after we went to the beach for a few hours, we had tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland. I talked a little about this on my Disneyland tips post, we really enjoyed all the decorations, the parade, and villains, but probably wouldn’t do the trick-or-treating again. Once we figured out what was going on and realized the rides didn’t have any waits because everyone was trick-or-treating, then we finally got to relax and enjoy our time! The kids, however, loved getting candy (duh!) and looked so cute in their costumes!

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On Monday, we had tickets to the Halloween Party at Disneyland starting at 3, so we took the early afternoon to go to Huntington Beach for a little bit. The water was cold but not too bad. The waves were huge, but Dustin and I decided to get in for a bit. The last one knocked me down so hard, I got bruised up and thought my legs may get broken so I got out pretty quickly! But we loved watching the waves, playing in the sand, and admiring the beautiful view!

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It was another fabulous trip to Disneyland. I’ve been thinking a lot about it, of course, and wanted to share some tips with you. Now, it’s not like we go to Disneyland all the time. So, for all the tips, ideas, clothing inspiration, seriously anything you need to know on how to do Disneyland, head over to my best friend’s blog here.

  1. Just expect it to be busy. I had these high expectations this time that it wouldn’t be busy so when the Halloween Party was a crazy-hot-mess over at Toon Town, I almost threw a fit. So lower your expectations. It most likely will be busy, so just plan on being surrounded by tons of people. Then, when it’s not, it’s going to be even more incredible! That’s how it was on our final day over at California Adventure and it was so wonderful!
  2. Bring in snacks and drinks! Last time I went I didn’t realize you could bring anything and everything (except glass and alcohol) into the park! This time Danica gave me all her amazing tips and told me to bring a soft cooler in the bottom of my stroller and fill it with drinks! It saved us a bunch of money and was so nice to be able to bring in all of Finn’s bottles.
  3. Bring jackets and light blankets. If you are like us and end up wanting to stay until close each night, it always gets cool (especially this time of year) once the sun goes down. So bring jackets for you and your family and also blankets to put on them in the stroller. The blankets can also be used to save space at the parades/light show.
  4. Maybe skip the Halloween party? I don’t know. TJ and I can’t decide on this one. We LOVED the parade, atmosphere, graphics on the castle and main street, all the other extra festivities at the Halloween party, but there were some parts of it that weren’t exactly worth it. So, I guess if we did it again, we wouldn’t trick or treat much at all, we would go to main street to see more of the villains, and definitely skip the pre-party over at Toon Town. So, okay… the Halloween party is fun, just do it right! And dress up! I was a little grumpy when I realized how many people were there but then as soon as I got my little beast into his costume and literally everyone was commenting on how adorable he was, it cheered me right up! Oh, so while everyone is trick-or-treating, go on the rides because you can pretty much walk onto everything!
  5. Get fast passes for the World of Color show and stand on the bridge! We got there about 45 minutes before it started and had an amazing spot!
  6. Depending on your group size, split up first thing in the morning and get fast passes to the Cars Ride, Tower of Terror, and Soaring. Then when you go in to the ride, go in separately and each get stroller passes! We seriously worked the system at California Adventure and literally didn’t have to wait for anything!
  7. Get fast passes right away for the Frozen show (or whatever show is out). We planned on getting those around 2 but unfortunately they were already taken by that time!
  8. Prep your kids by showing them Disney movies! It was so fun to have Eva know all the characters and be excited to see everyone from Woody to Sully to Tiana to Pluto.
  9. Bring your stroller. After living in the city for a couple years, Eva became a stroller kid since it was our mode of transportation. She still enjoys being in one and I knew, even though she could walk the whole thing, it would be much better for her to have the option of sitting (especially when walking to and from the hotel each night). I was going to bring two strollers, but then my neighbor generously offered to let me borrow her amazing Bob double stroller and it was like gold! It made our trip so amazing! It steered so well through the crowds, was comfortable for the kids (Finn took many naps in it), and had great sun shades for the kids. So, I’d say at least until your kids are five years old, have a stroller for them!
  10. Bring a baby carrier. I brought my ergo, and kept forgetting to use it, but the times I did, was glad I had it! Finn is heavy and gets so hard to carry!
  11. Keep your wallet/phone/essentials in a small purse that you keep on you all the time. The other not-so-important stuff, keep in a backpack in the stroller. It was so nice to just get the kids out of the stroller and not have to worry about getting stuff in and out of the stroller.
  12. Use the Disneyland app. The wait times weren’t always accurate but it did have tons of information about where characters would be or when the parades and shows would start.

Okay, that’s all I can think of for now! Just go with the flow, and if you go with kids, remember you are there for them. Take it at their pace!


I took an insane amount of videos and photos while at Disneyland, not surprisingly, so I’m going to divide our trip up by day. We left on Saturday at 5 am and the kids plus TJ slept pretty much all the way to St. George, which was so fabulous. It made the drive down there so short and easy! We arrived in the afternoon, got some lunch, then headed to Downtown Disney. TJ’s brother didn’t tell his kids that we were going to Disney, so when we got to Downtown Disney (which I accidentally called Downton Disney about thirty times) they surprised them which was so cute! Eva loved being in on the surprise, and kept saying stuff like, “Aren’t you soooo excited that we are here at the BEACH??” Then she’d look at me and smile. Hahaha! That night we explored all the fun stores and then danced together to a band playing. We all went to bed early so we’d be ready for our first day at Disney.

Eva woke up quite early, but who could blame her… I was even excited to wake up! We all got dressed in our Disney gear and headed off to the park with TJ’s parents. As we walked in, we had to take a picture with Minnie in her Halloween costume! Next on the to-do list was take a picture with the princesses! I definitely teared up when Eva met Ariel! It was so adorable! Finn however, was not quite a fan. He even swiped her hand away… thankfully I got it on video because it’s so funny! Eva also loved meeting Cinderella and told her several times how beautiful she looked. Gosh… melts my heart!

We were pretty smart with fast passes and stroller passes so we got to ride pretty much everything without waiting! It was busy, but not too bad. We took a break at 2 and had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe over at Downtown Disney. Getting out of the heat for a couple hours and having a nice meal was perfect. It was so funny though, we were sitting by a big Gorilla that would make noise quite often and Finn was scared to death of it. He wouldn’t stop looking at it and cried whenever it moved. Poor thing! After getting some food (and even a lollipop), he finally stopped worrying about it. Another highlight of the day was the parade, which I knew I wanted to have a good seat for since we did that last time and enjoyed it so much. The parade did not disappoint and Eva waved at all of the characters again! Such a fun time!

The kids fell asleep in the stroller so we stayed until closing, getting to ride a bunch more rides without much waiting. We really couldn’t have asked for a more perfect first day!

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TJ’s old college roommate and buddy from high school who lives in Arizona had an extra ticket to the BYU game and offered it to TJ. Since I have a brother down there too, I decided we would tag along. The drive down there seemed very long, the kids were fine, but it’s just like 11 hours going through St. George and Vegas. But we got there Friday afternoon and had dinner with our friends. It was great catching up and meeting their newest member of their family who was born a couple weeks ago. On Saturday we ate at this amazing taco place. If you know me, you know how much I love Mexican food. Oh man. So great. Afterwards, TJ went to Top Golf with Ryan and I took the kids to my brother’s house for the rest of the weekend where we swam, played at the park, checked out his new dental practice, and got to eat at Shake Shack (our favorite burger place from NYC). It was a really nice, relaxing weekend. And the Cougars won! So… win, win… win. We headed home on Monday and went a different way than we had been before. It was gorgeous through the mountains!

More airport fun… this kid gave me a run for my money on our way home!

More airport fun… this kid gave me a run for my money on our way home!

Got to catch up with my friend, Lelia

Got to catch up with my friend, Lelia

Love these guys!

Love these guys!

We visited the Contemporary Arts Museum, it was such a great time!

We visited the Contemporary Arts Museum, it was such a great time!

Birthday party for Sam

Birthday party for Sam

We took the kids to a play place/bounce house area and Finn was in Heaven playing on the toys.

We took the kids to a play place/bounce house area and Finn was in Heaven playing on the toys.

Reds Game

Reds Game

Loved having TJ come to KY with me!

Loved having TJ come to KY with me!

Surprisingly, the Beast didn't make me want to die! 2 dramamines!

Surprisingly, the Beast didn’t make me want to die! 2 dramamines!

We went to Kings Island with my brother and his wife

We went to Kings Island with my brother and his wife



My beautiful Eva

My beautiful Eva

Not staged: the little girls loving on Finn

Not staged: the little girls loving on Finn

The boys were in a trailer on the bike ride and it was so cute!

The boys were in a trailer on the bike ride and it was so cute!

We swam lots and Finn was so content just sitting on my lap

We swam lots and Finn was so content just sitting on my lap

Airplane ride with 2 kids by myself!

Airplane ride with 2 kids by myself!

In January, my siblings and I started talking about getting together this year. Good thing we started months in advance because it took that long to figure out the date we all could make! Somehow though, we were able to find a weekend in July that worked for all of us! I came a couple days before and stayed a couple days after everyone else was there, which I loved so I could also have one-on-one time with my parents. Honestly, I wish I could have stayed an extra week but I had stuff in Utah I needed to get back for. I just wish my parents lived in Utah. And all of my siblings. You all who have your family all close do not know how blessed you are, so don’t take it for granted!

This was the first time all of us with our spouses and families have ever been together and the first time all of us siblings have been together for five years! So, it was a long time coming and was really special! We took family pictures one evening and I teared up thinking about how long it had been and how long it may be until next time. But I’m so grateful for all of their love and friendship. Each of my siblings and sibling-in-laws are all so different but great in their own ways!

We made the trip like a Cincinnati stay-cation. We did SO much! This is all for journaling purposes, so sorry for the snooze fest, but I have to write it all down!

Thursday, we went to the pool with my parents. Finn sat so contently in my lap in the tube the whole time. It was the best. My mom and I went grocery shopping for the week to prepare for all the meals! It was quite the feat and pretty fun to plan it all out! Mary Beth’s family arrived late that night.

On Friday, TJ arrived in the afternoon and Sam and Ashley got in late that night. We had another pool day with all the cousins.

Saturday, we had a delicious goetta breakfast with everyone and then went up to a bike trail in Cincinnati. It was so much fun and I wish we could have gone longer but Finn was not having it by the end. TJ pulled Finn and Spencer in one trailer and I pulled Eva behind me. Amelia was on a bike for two with her dad and the rest of the gang were on bikes. We were like a huge parade and it was awesome. The trail was so gorgeous, right next to the Little Miami River, and covered by huge trees. We had a picnic afterwards all together and the kids played at a nearby park. In the evening, we had a birthday party for my niece Amelia at the pool with dinner, dancing, and even a piñata!

On Sunday, we had church in the morning then had my Uncle and Aunt over for lunch. It was such a hot and humid day, I remember sweating so much outside and thinking, “How are we going to take pictures in this tonight??” But we did! We all got changed and headed over to Devou Park in Covington. It was such a fun evening being there together as a family. We were all a little silly and thinking of dumb poses like jumping together (which turned out terribly, obviously) but we really just had fun together as siblings! After the kids went to bed, Sam, Ashley H, MB, TJ, and I went on a little walk in Fort Thomas which was fun talking about the old days growing up there.

Moving right along to Monday, we had planned on going to Coney Island but there was rain that morning so we went bowling instead at the Levee and was able to meet up with my dad since his office is there! Afterwards, we went to the Contemporary Arts Museum downtown. TJ and I loved it and took funny snapchats together with the artwork. We walked around the square for a bit and had a scoop of Graeter’s. Sam and his wife, TJ, and I decided we wanted to go to Kings Island that night which turned out to be the best night because the park was nearly empty. We walked on all the rides, saw a couple fun shows, and got to watch fireworks at the end of the night. Thank goodness for dramamine because those rides are no joke!

On Tuesday, we took the kids to Coney Island on another ridiculously hot and humid day but they loved it so much! We all rested up a bit afterwards and then went to the Reds Game! It was Eva’s first time at a professional Baseball game and I think first time watching Baseball, ever! But she and the rest of the girls LOVED it! It probably stemmed around the fact that they got to eat peanuts, kettle corn, soda, cotton candy, and ice-cream. Hahaha! We left the boys with a babysitter that night which was really nice to not worry about Finn and just enjoy the game! We parked at the Levee and walked across the river to get there and back, and on the way home, we turned on exercises and did them on the bridge. It was such a funny moment!

That night we finally put Eva in our room to sleep on a blowup mattress since the other nights she had slept in a bed with Amelia and they had been waking each other up at the crack of dawn. Thankfully Eva slept in the next morning because we all had gone to bed so late!

On Wednesday, it was Sam’s birthday so we had a birthday brunch and a delicious lunch made by Ashley. We also put on a talent show where TJ and I did the Mormon Rap (video of that to come haha!). Sam and Ashley left for the airport that afternoon and I’m pretty sure that afternoon we just went to the pool, it’s all blurring together!

My sister and her husband also had a wedding anniversary over the trip so they slipped away for an overnight in Clifty Falls. We took the kids downtown to the Banks where they did the carousel and played in the splash pad. Afterwards, the boys napped and TJ and I took the girls to see Finding Dory! It was nice to have a little rest since we had been in the sun so much, so the downtime was much needed. We loved getting to spend that individual time too with my nieces and just get to hang out with them! When we got back, we went to the pool again (those girls loveeeed swimming together and it was so hot, the pool was a necessity) and then watched Interstellar once the kids went to sleep.

Gosh, what day does that bring me to? Friday? TJ left and so I took him to the airport while everyone swam. We enjoyed Larosa’s pizza together and then my sister, mom, and I snuck out for an hour for a little shopping. We had my favorite mexican restaurant for dinner that night and finished up the movie together.

Saturday, the rest of the gang left which was hard to see them go and was strange to have such a quiet/empty house. My mom, the kids, and I went shopping for a bit and then we met my dad at the park for the Ward Pioneer Day picnic. I had a great talk with the missionaries and it kind of relit a fire in me that was a little dim, so thanks missionaries! We all have a ups and downs in our spiritual journey, so it made me want to stop being lazy!

Woo, this is getting long but we are almost at the end! Sunday we had church and I got to watch my sweet dad teach the primary children music. He’s such a good primary chorister! Afterwards, I met up with my friend Lelia and we just talked each other’s ears off about life, 21 Day Fix, and everything else imaginable! It was so great catching up.

On Monday, the kids and I left and had a looooong journey home. Eva fell asleep at the layover and it was so entertaining to see how she wouldn’t wake up. I’m not kidding. She was in the stroller at the gate and she needed to get out to walk to her seat. But I was like shaking her, tickling her, SHOUTING ,” EVA, YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!!!” Everyone passing by was laughing and I was laughing so hard at the situation. Finally, she got up, I folded the stroller, then she tried to get back ON the folded stroller. She and Finn slept the entire second flight, thank goodness. It was the same ordeal trying to get Eva to wake up when we landed, but when she finally was *awake* and aware in the stroller walking to baggage claim, she said, “Mom, don’t we have another flight?” I told her we already went on the second airplane and she slept through it all. She was so confused. Hilarious!

Obviously, we had a great trip. One that we will remember forever. And just to make sure we don’t forget, here’s a video of it all! Pictures will come in another post. I’m way too tired to do anymore after writing this epic-long post.

I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about my trip to Zion yet! It was one of the best parts of my summer (and year) so far! My best friend from growing up Blair was moving from Colorado to Portland in June, so she drove through Utah with her sister and I met them down there for the weekend. We camped in a little two-person tent which makes me laugh just thinking about. It was so hot at night, so we took the cover over it, which was actually pretty cool because we could see the stars while going to bed. I had the grand old plan to sleep on a blow up pool floatie thing and it squeaked the whole night whenever I moved, so the second night I slept in my car. Ooooh… my car… I had to rent a car and the rental place ran out of economy cars so they upgraded me for free to a really nice Dodge Charger. It was SO fun to drive!

The first night, we relaxed together and ate outside at a nice little pizza joint, then we woke up pretty early and headed into the park. We hiked up to Angel’s Landing, and honestly it was probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Or at least tied with labor with Eva. It really was intense that last half mile, but the rest of the time was so amazing. I felt so proud that I didn’t stop (which I really wanted to a hundred times when it got so steep/crowded/narrow/high). But they kept motivating me and we all made it! The view was unbelievable and so worth the treacherous last half mile! When we hiked back down, we had a quick lunch then went right back up to the park to do the narrows.

By that point we were pretty exhausted from Angel’s Landing but we still went up and back the narrows for a couple of hours. It was just as gorgeous as I had remembered and so refreshing to be in the water after such a hot day! By the time we got back from the shuttle, I think it was about 8 pm and we were so famished and tired so instead of doing a bonfire and making our own dinner as planned, we went with getting lots of Mexican food and it was fabulous. We finished the night with ice-cream, a little night swimming, and then played Heads Up back at the campsite for a while!

On Sunday, we packed up and headed up north, this time with Blair in my car. It was such a blast catching up with her and Anna all weekend and felt like we were back in high school. Such a wonderful weekend, beautiful scenery, a nice break from normal life, and great company!