TJ’s parents threw a cousin Halloween party for the kids. They decorated sugar cookies, had a dance-off, watched a few Halloween shows, and did a few little crafts together.

Holly and I dressed up as Mario and Luigi for our class.
The kids were pirates for Halloween. I thought they were pretty cute! 

TJ was a Banky painting. It was all TJ’s idea… but so clever! I dressed up as the mysterious Banksy, so I wore all black and carried around a bottle of spray paint.

Finn is always scowling at someone. But the Halloween party at church was great! They had lots of games for the kids and then a chili cook-off. I won Most Unique Chili (which TJ said was like the sweet spirit award haha!) but hey, I love it. I put cinnamon in the chili… it’s a Cincinnati secret.

Trick or treating with all of the neighbors was the best. We started early because it was going to be a cold night. It was fun running around with everyone and seeing those cute kids run from house to house. Finn was NOT into it, wouldn’t really even wear his costume or get out of the stroller. Maybe next year.

I got to help in Eva’s class for her Halloween party. I’m so grateful that I can help in her class from time to time. What a sweet treat!

We went to the Library Halloween Night. They had all of these Halloween stories out that you read as you walked through the aisles. The lights were off and we used flashlights to read. It was such a fun evening.

We made lots of sugar cookies!

We drove through the Alpine Loop to see the leaves.

We went to many pumpkin patches.

We checked out the scarecrow festival (twice) with friends in the neighborhood.

We carved pumpkins. Which one is mine and which one is TJ’s?

TJ’s mom is from a town called Enterprise which is near St. George and they always have a cute parade and activities for Pioneer Day. So, we decided to head down there last weekend for the rodeo and the parade, as well as to visit with TJ’s extended family. The trip was so relaxing and a perfect little getaway.

One funny thing I don’t want to forget was at the rodeo. Eva made friends with the little girl sitting next to us. She had caught a chicken at the rodeo during one of the events and she brought it back to her seat (which completely freaked me out). As Eva was talking to the little girl and getting to know her a bit, the girl asked Eva if she went down to try and catch a chicken too. Eva replied, “No… we don’t really want a chicken clucking around our house.” Oh my gosh. It was the funniest/cutest thing I had ever heard. I love that girl. She also kept asking if the little calves were okay or if the cowboys had killed them. She was very worried for them!

4th of July is definitely one of the best holidays, right? Ours was super casual this year, but pretty perfect. We all slept in which was great and then spent the afternoon at the pool with these cuties. In the evening, we had a BBQ with TJ’s family over at his sister’s house. The kids entertained themselves so well while we adults got to play Perpetual Commotion, one of our favorite games! Once it was dark, we lit some fireworks and watched the sky light up all night. Oh, summer. You’re the best.

Father’s Day always is around TJ’s birthday so usually it’s just a special celebrate TJ weekend! This year was no different. The Sunday after his birthday was Father’s Day. I made breakfast for him and then we had a BBQ at his parents’ after church. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we love you, TJ! You’re such a great dad and wonderful husband. Thanks for putting up with us.

We had a neighborhood playgroup Easter Egg hunt one morning before Easter and it was a hit! We did some Easter crafts first, then hunter for the eggs, and of course enjoyed the spoils of our hunt (as seen below with devouring all the chocolate from his eggs). We love this neighborhood so much!

Since we were married, TJ’s parents have had a little Easter party with his siblings and then the grandkids. Here’s our first one with the grandkids:

The kids first decorated picture frames with their Christ photo and then did an Easter egg hunt. Finn clearly was thrilled to be a part of the group photo. He did decorate his frame though and put a sticker heart right on Jesus’ chest. So, that was pretty cute. Here’s a video of our day!

We had a really nice Easter at church and then had our neighbors over for dinner. We took some photos before church, just like last year so I did a little side-by-side comparison of how Finn has changed in one year. Kind of crazy! Finn did not want to take photos with me, apparently. So, you’ll see that in the mix. And then you’ll see my table for Easter. Nothing fancy, but the napkins and napkin holders were my Grandmother’s, my sister just gave them to me. It was really special to use them. She loved throwing events/parties/dinners and I like to think I got that from her. Hope you all had a great Easter!

Eva and I decided it would be fun to make homemade valentines for school, so we made a bunch of butterfly tootsie roll pop things. Then, we went to Target one day and she saw Shimmer and Shine valentine heart things and she just had to have them! Ha! Soooo… we used the S&S ones for school and the homemade ones for dance. She loved making valentines though for all of her friends and family.

The day before Valentine’s day, Eva had her party at school, which she was thrilled about. I did cute little heart hair and she insisted on wearing an all-heart outfit.

On the actual day, Eva kept asking what special things were we going to do for Valentine’s day? Uhhh…? That girl just wants to party all day, every day! Haha! So we had two of her buddies over and they decorated sugar cookies together and made more valentines. After they left, I did this homemade heart hopskotch on the ground which I thought was such a cute idea until two minutes later when Finn ripped it all off! We rented Trolls to end the night. We had a babysitter that evening and got to sneak away to see Arrival.

TJ had flowers and chocolate delivered for me… so sweet 🙂 ! I’m grateful for this hunk.

I’m so behind in blogging and my intentions were to go through the photos and spruce them up a bit, but it made me never want to get it done. So here are my phone photos from our trip dumped onto one post!